#include /** * Enunciate-specific C functions. */ #ifndef ENUNCIATE_C_UTILITIES #define ENUNCIATE_C_UTILITIES /*******************xml utilities************************************/ static int xmlTextReaderAdvanceToNextStartOrEndElement(xmlTextReaderPtr reader) { int status = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); while (status && xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) != XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) != XML_READER_TYPE_END_ELEMENT) { status = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); } return status; } static int xmlTextReaderSkipElement(xmlTextReaderPtr reader) { int status = xmlTextReaderNext(reader); while (status && xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) != XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) != XML_READER_TYPE_END_ELEMENT) { status = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); } return status; } static xmlChar *xmlTextReaderReadEntireNodeValue(xmlTextReaderPtr reader) { xmlChar *buffer = calloc(1, sizeof(xmlChar)); const xmlChar *snippet; int status; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE) { return xmlTextReaderValue(reader); } else if (xmlTextReaderIsEmptyElement(reader) == 0) { status = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); while (status && (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_TEXT || xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_CDATA || xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ENTITY_REFERENCE)) { snippet = xmlTextReaderConstValue(reader); buffer = realloc(buffer, (xmlStrlen(buffer) + xmlStrlen(snippet) + 1) * sizeof(xmlChar)); xmlStrcat(buffer, snippet); status = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); } } return buffer; } /*******************base 64 utilities************************************/ /* * Base64 Translation Table as described in RFC1113. * * This code was graciously ripped from http://base64.sourceforge.net */ static const char cb64[]="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; /* * Base64 Translation Table to decode (created by author) * * This code was graciously ripped from http://base64.sourceforge.net */ static const char cd64[]="|$$$}rstuvwxyz{$$$$$$$>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW$$$$$$XYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopq"; /* * encode 3 8-bit binary bytes as 4 '6-bit' characters * * This code was graciously ripped from http://base64.sourceforge.net * * @param in the block to encode * @param out the block to encode to * @param len the length of the 'in' block. */ static void _encode_base64_block(unsigned char in[3], unsigned char out[4], int len) { out[0] = cb64[ in[0] >> 2 ]; out[1] = cb64[ ((in[0] & 0x03) << 4) | ((in[1] & 0xf0) >> 4) ]; out[2] = (unsigned char) (len > 1 ? cb64[ ((in[1] & 0x0f) << 2) | ((in[2] & 0xc0) >> 6) ] : '='); out[3] = (unsigned char) (len > 2 ? cb64[ in[2] & 0x3f ] : '='); } /* * decode 4 '6-bit' characters into 3 8-bit binary bytes * * This code was graciously ripped from http://base64.sourceforge.net */ static void _decode_base64_block( unsigned char in[4], unsigned char out[3] ) { out[ 0 ] = (unsigned char ) (in[0] << 2 | in[1] >> 4); out[ 1 ] = (unsigned char ) (in[1] << 4 | in[2] >> 2); out[ 2 ] = (unsigned char ) (((in[2] << 6) & 0xc0) | in[3]); } /* * base64 encode a stream adding padding and line breaks as per spec. * * This code was graciously ripped from http://base64.sourceforge.net * * @param instream The stream to encode. * @param insize The size of the stream to encode. * @return The encoded string. */ xmlChar *_encode_base64(unsigned char *instream, int insize) { unsigned char in[3]; unsigned char out[4]; xmlChar *encoded; int i, in_index = 0, out_index = 0, blocklen; if (insize == 0) { return BAD_CAST "\0"; } encoded = calloc(((insize / 3) * 4) + 10, sizeof(xmlChar)); while (in_index <= insize) { blocklen = 0; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { in[i] = instream[in_index++]; if (in_index <= insize) { blocklen++; } else { in[i] = 0; } } if (blocklen) { _encode_base64_block(in, out, blocklen); for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { encoded[out_index++] = out[i]; } } } return encoded; } /* * Decode a base64 encoded stream discarding padding, line breaks and noise * * This code was graciously ripped from http://base64.sourceforge.net * * @param invalue The string to decode. * @param outsize Holder for the length of the returned data. * @return The decoded data. */ unsigned char *_decode_base64( const xmlChar *invalue, int *outsize ) { xmlChar in[4]; unsigned char out[3], v; int i, in_index = 0, out_index = 0, blocklen; unsigned char *outstream; if (invalue == NULL) { return NULL; } outstream = calloc(((xmlStrlen(invalue) / 4) * 3) + 1, sizeof(unsigned char)); while (invalue[in_index] != '\0') { for (blocklen = 0, i = 0; i < 4 && invalue[in_index]; i++) { v = 0; while (invalue[in_index] != '\0' && v == 0) { v = (unsigned char) invalue[in_index++]; v = (unsigned char) ((v < 43 || v > 122) ? 0 : cd64[ v - 43 ]); if (v) { v = (unsigned char) ((v == '$') ? 0 : v - 61); } } if (invalue[in_index] != '\0') { blocklen++; if (v) { in[i] = (unsigned char) (v - 1); } } else { in[i] = 0; } } if (blocklen) { _decode_base64_block( in, out ); for( i = 0; i < blocklen - 1; i++ ) { outstream[out_index++] = out[i]; } } } if (outsize != NULL) { *outsize = out_index; } return outstream; } #endif /* ENUNCIATE_C_UTILITIES */ #ifndef ENUNCIATE_OBJC_CLASSES #define ENUNCIATE_OBJC_CLASSES /** * Protocol defining a JAXB (see https://jaxb.dev.java.net/) type. */ @protocol JAXBType /** * Read an XML type from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of the object defining the JAXB type. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader; /** * Initialize the object with an XML reader. * * @param reader The XML reader from which to initialize the values of this type. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader; /** * Write this instance of a JAXB type to a writer. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer; @end /*protocol JAXBType*/ /** * Protocol defining a JAXB (see https://jaxb.dev.java.net/) element. */ @protocol JAXBElement /** * Read the XML element from an XML reader. It is assumed * that the reader is pointing at the start element (be careful * that it's not still pointing to the XML document). * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of the object defining the JAXB element. */ + (id) readXMLElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader; /** * Write this instance of a JAXB element to a writer. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer; /** * Write this instance of a JAXB element to a writer. * * @param writer The writer. * @param writeNs Whether to write the namespaces for this element to the xml writer. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer writeNamespaces: (BOOL) writeNs; @end /*protocol JAXBElement*/ /** * Protocol defining methods for events that occur * when reading/parsing XML. Intended for internal * use only. */ @protocol JAXBReading /** * Method for reading an attribute. * * @param reader The reader pointing to the attribute. * @return Whether the attribute was read. */ - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader; /** * Method for reading the value of an element. * * @param reader The reader pointing to the element containing a value. * @return Whether the value was read. */ - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader; /** * Method for reading a child element. If (and only if) the child * element was handled, the element in the reader should be * "consumed" and the reader will be pointing to the end element. * * @param reader The reader pointing to the child element. * @return Whether the child element was read. */ - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader; /** * Method for reading an unknown attribute. * * @param reader The reader pointing to the unknown attribute. * @return Whether the attribute was read. */ - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader; /** * Method for reading an unknown child element. Implementations * must be responsible for "consuming" the child element. * * @param reader The reader pointing to the unknown child element. * @return The status of the reader after having consumed the unknown child element. */ - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader; @end /*protocol JAXBReading*/ /** * Protocol defining methods for events that occur * when writing XML. Intended for internal * use only. */ @protocol JAXBWriting /** * Method for writing the attributes. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer; /** * Method for writing the element value. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer; /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer; @end /*protocol JAXBWriting*/ /** * Declaration of the JAXB type, element, events for a base object. */ @interface NSObject (JAXB) @end /** * Implementation of the JAXB type, element, events for a base object. */ @implementation NSObject (JAXB) /** * Read the XML type from the reader; an instance of NSXMLElement. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of NSXMLElement */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [JAXBBasicXMLNode readXMLType: reader]; } /** * Read an XML type from an XML reader into an existing instance. * * @param reader The reader. * @param existing The existing instance into which to read values. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { int status, depth; if ((self = [self init])) { if (xmlTextReaderHasAttributes(reader)) { while (xmlTextReaderMoveToNextAttribute(reader)) { if ([self readJAXBAttribute: reader] == NO) { [self readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } } status = xmlTextReaderMoveToElement(reader); if (!status) { //panic: unable to return to the element node. [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error moving back to element position from attributes."]; } } if ([self readJAXBValue: reader] == NO) { //no value handled; attempt to process child elements if (xmlTextReaderIsEmptyElement(reader) == 0) { depth = xmlTextReaderDepth(reader);//track the depth. status = xmlTextReaderAdvanceToNextStartOrEndElement(reader); while (xmlTextReaderDepth(reader) > depth) { if (status < 1) { //panic: XML read error. [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error handling a child element."]; } else if ([self readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { status = xmlTextReaderAdvanceToNextStartOrEndElement(reader); } else { status = [self readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } } } } } return self; } /** * Write the XML type value of this object to the writer. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [self writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; [self writeJAXBValue: writer]; [self writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; } /** * Read the XML element from the reader; an instance of NSXMLElement. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of NSXMLElement */ + (id) readXMLElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return (id) [JAXBBasicXMLNode readXMLType: reader]; } /** * No op; root objects don't have an element name/namespace. Subclasses must override. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { //no-op } /** * No op; root objects don't have an element name/namespace. Subclasses must override. * * @param writer The writer. * @param writeNs Ignored. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer writeNamespaces: (BOOL) writeNs { //no-op } /** * No-op; base objects do not handle any attributes. * * @param reader The reader pointing to the attribute. * @return NO */ - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return NO; } /** * No-op; base objects do not handle any values. * * @param reader The reader pointing to the element containing a value. * @return NO */ - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return NO; } /** * No-op; base objects do not handle any child elements. * * @param reader The reader pointing to the child element. * @return NO */ - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return NO; } /** * No-op; base objects do not handle any attributes. * * @param reader The reader pointing to the unknown attribute. */ - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { } /** * Just skips the unknown element; base objects do not handle any child elements. * * @param reader The reader pointing to the unknown child element. * @return The status of the reader after skipping the unknown child element. */ - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return xmlTextReaderSkipElement(reader); } /** * No-op; base objects have no attributes. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { //no-op. } /** * No-op; base objects have no element value. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { //no-op. } /** * No-op; base objects have no child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { //no-op. } @end /*NSObject (JAXB)*/ /** * Implementation of the JAXB type, element for an xml element. */ @implementation JAXBBasicXMLNode /** * Accessor for the (local) name of the XML node. * * @return The (local) name of the XML node. */ - (NSString *) name { return _name; } /** * Accessor for the (local) name of the XML node. * * @param newName The (local) name of the XML node. */ - (void) setName: (NSString *) newName { [newName retain]; [_name release]; _name = newName; } /** * Accessor for the namespace of the XML node. * * @return The namespace of the XML node. */ - (NSString *) ns { return _ns; } /** * Accessor for the namespace of the XML node. * * @param newNs The namespace of the XML node. */ - (void) setNs: (NSString *) newNs { [newNs retain]; [_ns release]; _ns = newNs; } /** * Accessor for the namespace prefix of the XML node. * * @return The namespace prefix of the XML node. */ - (NSString *) prefix { return _prefix; } /** * Accessor for the namespace prefix of the XML node. * * @param newPrefix The namespace prefix of the XML node. */ - (void) setPrefix: (NSString *) newPrefix { [newPrefix retain]; [_prefix release]; _prefix = newPrefix; } /** * Accessor for the value of the XML node. * * @return The value of the XML node. */ - (NSString *) value { return _value; } /** * Accessor for the value of the XML node. * * @param newValue The value of the XML node. */ - (void) setValue: (NSString *) newValue { [newValue retain]; [_value release]; _value = newValue; } /** * Accessor for the child elements of the XML node. * * @return The child elements of the XML node. */ - (NSArray *) childElements { return _childElements; } /** * Accessor for the child elements of the XML node. * * @param newValue The child elements of the XML node. */ - (void) setChildElements: (NSArray *) newChildElements { [newChildElements retain]; [_childElements release]; _childElements = newChildElements; } /** * Accessor for the attributes of the XML node. * * @return The attributes of the XML node. */ - (NSArray *) attributes { return _attributes; } /** * Accessor for the attributes of the XML node. * * @param newAttributes The attributes of the XML node. */ - (void) setAttributes: (NSArray *) newAttributes { [newAttributes retain]; [_attributes release]; _attributes = newAttributes; } - (void) dealloc { [self setName: nil]; [self setNs: nil]; [self setPrefix: nil]; [self setValue: nil]; [self setChildElements: nil]; [self setAttributes: nil]; [super dealloc]; } @end /*implementation JAXBBasicXMLNode*/ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface JAXBBasicXMLNode (JAXB) @end /*interface JAXBBasicXMLNode (JAXB)*/ @implementation JAXBBasicXMLNode (JAXB) /** * Read the XML type from the reader; an instance of JAXBBasicXMLNode. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of JAXBBasicXMLNode */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { JAXBBasicXMLNode *node = [[JAXBBasicXMLNode alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [node initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { [node dealloc]; node = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [node autorelease]; return node; } /** * Read an XML type from an XML reader into an existing instance of JAXBBasicXMLNode. * * @param reader The reader. * @param existing The existing instance into which to read values. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { int status, depth; JAXBBasicXMLNode *child; xmlChar *value = NULL; const xmlChar *text; NSMutableArray *children; if ((self = [self init])) { depth = xmlTextReaderDepth(reader); [self setName: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: (const char *) xmlTextReaderLocalName(reader)]]; [self setNs: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: (const char *) xmlTextReaderNamespaceUri(reader)]]; [self setPrefix: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: (const char *)xmlTextReaderPrefix(reader)]]; if (xmlTextReaderHasAttributes(reader)) { child = nil; children = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; while (xmlTextReaderMoveToNextAttribute(reader)) { child = [[JAXBBasicXMLNode alloc] init]; [child setName: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: (const char *) xmlTextReaderLocalName(reader)]]; [child setNs: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: (const char *)xmlTextReaderNamespaceUri(reader)]]; [child setPrefix: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: (const char *) xmlTextReaderPrefix(reader)]]; [child setValue: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: (const char *) xmlTextReaderValue(reader)]]; [children addObject: child]; } [self setAttributes: children]; status = xmlTextReaderMoveToElement(reader); if (status < 1) { //panic: unable to return to the element node. [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error moving to element from attributes."]; } } if (xmlTextReaderIsEmptyElement(reader) == 0) { children = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; status = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); while (status == 1 && xmlTextReaderDepth(reader) > depth) { switch (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader)) { case XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT: child = (JAXBBasicXMLNode *) [JAXBBasicXMLNode readXMLType: reader]; [children addObject: child]; break; case XML_READER_TYPE_TEXT: case XML_READER_TYPE_CDATA: text = xmlTextReaderConstValue(reader); value = xmlStrncat(value, text, xmlStrlen(text)); break; default: //skip anything else. break; } status = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); } if (status < 1) { //panic: xml read error [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error reading child elements."]; } if ([children count] > 0) { [self setChildElements: children]; } if (value != NULL) { [self setValue: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: (const char *) value]]; } } } return self; } /** * Read the XML element from the reader; an instance of NSXMLElement. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of NSXMLElement */ + (id) readXMLElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return (id) [JAXBBasicXMLNode readXMLType: reader]; } /** * Write the basic node to an xml writer. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; NSEnumerator *enumerator; JAXBBasicXMLNode *child; xmlChar *childns, *childname, *childprefix, *childvalue; status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, _prefix ? BAD_CAST [_prefix UTF8String] : NULL, _name ? BAD_CAST [_name UTF8String] : NULL, _ns ? BAD_CAST [_ns UTF8String] : NULL); if (status < 0) { childns = BAD_CAST ""; if (_ns) { childns = BAD_CAST [_ns UTF8String]; } childname = BAD_CAST ""; if (_name) { childname = BAD_CAST [_name UTF8String]; } [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start element {%s}%s for JAXBBasicXMLNode.", childns, childname]; } if (_attributes) { enumerator = [_attributes objectEnumerator]; while ( (child = (JAXBBasicXMLNode *)[enumerator nextObject]) ) { childns = NULL; if ([child ns]) { childns = BAD_CAST [[child ns] UTF8String]; } childprefix = NULL; if ([child prefix]) { childprefix = BAD_CAST [[child prefix] UTF8String]; } childname = NULL; if ([child name]) { childname = BAD_CAST [[child name] UTF8String]; } childvalue = NULL; if ([child value]) { childvalue = BAD_CAST [[child value] UTF8String]; } status = xmlTextWriterWriteAttributeNS(writer, childprefix, childname, childns, childvalue); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing attribute {%s}%s for JAXBBasicXMLNode.", childns, childname]; } } } if (_value) { status = xmlTextWriterWriteString(writer, BAD_CAST [_value UTF8String]); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing value of JAXBBasicXMLNode."]; } } if (_childElements) { enumerator = [_childElements objectEnumerator]; while ( (child = [enumerator nextObject]) ) { [child writeXMLType: writer]; } } status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { childns = BAD_CAST ""; if (_ns) { childns = BAD_CAST [_ns UTF8String]; } childname = BAD_CAST ""; if (_name) { childname = BAD_CAST [_name UTF8String]; } [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end element {%s}%s for JAXBBasicXMLNode.", childns, childname]; } } /** * Writes this node to a writer. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [self writeXMLType: writer]; } /** * Writes this node to a writer. * * @param writer The writer. * @param writeNs Whether to write the namespaces for this element to the xml writer. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer writeNamespaces: (BOOL) writeNs { [self writeXMLType: writer]; } @end /* implementation JAXBBasicXMLNode (JAXB) */ /** * Declaration of the JAXB type for a string. */ @interface NSString (JAXBType) @end /** * Implementation of the JAXB type for a string. */ @implementation NSString (JAXBType) /** * Read the XML type from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return The NSString that was read from the reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [NSString stringWithUTF8String: (const char *) xmlTextReaderReadEntireNodeValue(reader)]; } /** * Read an XML type from an XML reader into an existing instance. * * @param reader The reader. * @param existing The existing instance into which to read values. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"An existing string cannot be modified."]; return nil; } /** * Write the NSString to the writer. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { xmlTextWriterWriteString(writer, BAD_CAST [self UTF8String]); } @end /*NSString (JAXBType)*/ /** * Declaration of the JAXB type for a big number. */ @interface NSNumber (JAXBType) @end /** * Implementation of the JAXB type for a big number. */ @implementation NSNumber (JAXBType) /** * Read the XML type from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return The NSNumber that was read from the reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [NSNumber numberWithLongLong: [[NSString stringWithUTF8String: (const char *) xmlTextReaderReadEntireNodeValue(reader)] longLongValue]]; } /** * Read an XML type from an XML reader into an existing instance. * * @param reader The reader. * @param existing The existing instance into which to read values. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"An existing number cannot be modified."]; return nil; } /** * Write the NSNumber to the writer. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { xmlTextWriterWriteString(writer, BAD_CAST [[self description] UTF8String]); } @end /*NSNumber (JAXBType)*/ /** * Declaration of the JAXB type for a big number. */ @interface NSDecimalNumber (JAXBType) @end /** * Implementation of the JAXB type for a big number. */ @implementation NSDecimalNumber (JAXBType) /** * Read the XML type from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return The NSDecimalNumber that was read from the reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: (const char *) xmlTextReaderReadEntireNodeValue(reader)]]; } /** * Read an XML type from an XML reader into an existing instance. * * @param reader The reader. * @param existing The existing instance into which to read values. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"An existing decimal number cannot be modified."]; return nil; } /** * Write the NSDecimalNumber to the writer. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { xmlTextWriterWriteString(writer, BAD_CAST [[self description] UTF8String]); } @end /*NSDecimalNumber (JAXBType)*/ /** * Declaration of the JAXB type for a url. */ @interface NSURL (JAXBType) @end /** * Implementation of the JAXB type for a url. */ @implementation NSURL (JAXBType) /** * Read the XML type from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return The NSURL that was read from the reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [NSURL URLWithString: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: (const char *) xmlTextReaderReadEntireNodeValue(reader)]]; } /** * Read an XML type from an XML reader into an existing instance. * * @param reader The reader. * @param existing The existing instance into which to read values. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"An existing url cannot be modified."]; return nil; } /** * Write the NSURL to the writer. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { xmlTextWriterWriteString(writer, BAD_CAST [[self absoluteString] UTF8String]); } @end /*NSURL (JAXBType)*/ /** * Declaration of the JAXB type for binary data. */ @interface NSData (JAXBType) @end /** * Implementation of the JAXB type for a binary data. */ @implementation NSData (JAXBType) /** * Read the XML type from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return The NSData that was read from the reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { xmlChar *base64data = xmlTextReaderReadEntireNodeValue(reader); int len; unsigned char *data = _decode_base64(base64data, &len); NSData *wrappedData = [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy: data length: len]; free(base64data); return wrappedData; } /** * Read an XML type from an XML reader into an existing instance. * * @param reader The reader. * @param existing The existing instance into which to read values. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"An existing NSData cannot be modified."]; return nil; } /** * Write the NSData to the writer. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { xmlChar *out = _encode_base64((unsigned char *)[self bytes], [self length]); xmlTextWriterWriteString(writer, out); free(out); } @end /*NSData (JAXBType)*/ /** * Declaration of the JAXB type for a big number. */ @interface NSDate (JAXBType) @end /** * Implementation of the JAXB type for a big number. */ @implementation NSDate (JAXBType) /** * Read the XML type from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return The NSDate that was read from the reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { xmlChar *timevalue = xmlTextReaderReadEntireNodeValue(reader); NSInteger year = 0; NSUInteger month = 1, day = 1, hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0; BOOL skip_time = NO; int index = 0, token_index = 0, len = xmlStrlen(timevalue), offset_hour = 0, offset_minute = 0; char token[len]; if (len > (index + 5) && timevalue[index + 4] == '-') { //assume we're at yyyy-MM-dd token_index = 0; while (index < len && timevalue[index] != '-') { token[token_index++] = timevalue[index++]; } token[token_index] = '\0'; if (token_index != 4) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read dateTime %s; invalid year: %s", timevalue, token]; } year = atoi(token); index++; //go to next '-' character. token_index = 0; while (index < len && timevalue[index] != '-') { token[token_index++] = timevalue[index++]; } token[token_index] = '\0'; if (token_index != 2) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read dateTime %s; invalid month: %s", timevalue, token]; } month = atoi(token); index++; //go to 'T', 'Z', '+', or '-' character. token_index = 0; while (index < len && timevalue[index] != 'T' && timevalue[index] != 'Z' && timevalue[index] != '-' && timevalue[index] != '+') { token[token_index++] = timevalue[index++]; } token[token_index] = '\0'; if (token_index != 2) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read dateTime %s; invalid day of month: %s", timevalue, token]; } day = atoi(token); if (timevalue[index] != 'T') { skip_time = YES; } if (timevalue[index] != '-') { index++; } } if (skip_time == NO || (len > (index + 3) && timevalue[index + 2] == ':')) { //assume we're at HH:mm:ss //go to ':' character. token_index = 0; while (index < len && timevalue[index] != ':') { token[token_index++] = timevalue[index++]; } token[token_index] = '\0'; if (token_index != 2) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read dateTime %s; invalid hour: %s", timevalue, token]; } hour = atoi(token); index++; //go to ':' character. token_index = 0; while (index < len && timevalue[index] != ':') { token[token_index++] = timevalue[index++]; } token[token_index] = '\0'; if (token_index != 2) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read dateTime %s; invalid minute: %s", timevalue, token]; } minute = atoi(token); index++; //go to '+' or '-' or 'Z' character. token_index = 0; while (index < len && timevalue[index] != '+' && timevalue[index] != '-' && timevalue[index] != 'Z') { token[token_index++] = timevalue[index++]; } token[token_index] = '\0'; if (token_index == 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read dateTime %s; invalid seconds: %s", timevalue, token]; } second = (NSUInteger) atof(token); if (timevalue[index] != '-') { index++; } } //go to ':' character. token_index = 0; while (index < len && timevalue[index] != ':') { token[token_index++] = timevalue[index++]; } token[token_index] = '\0'; offset_hour += atoi(token); index++; //go to end. token_index = 0; while (index < len) { token[token_index++] = timevalue[index++]; } token[token_index] = '\0'; offset_minute += atoi(token); //YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS -HHHMM free(timevalue); return [NSDate dateWithString: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%04i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i:%02i %+03i%02i", year, month, day, hour, minute, second, offset_hour, offset_minute]]; } /** * Read an XML type from an XML reader into an existing instance. * * @param reader The reader. * @param existing The existing instance into which to read values. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"An existing date cannot be modified."]; return nil; } /** * Write the NSDate to the writer. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] initWithDateFormat: @"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S %z" allowNaturalLanguage: NO]; xmlChar *timevalue = BAD_CAST [[formatter stringForObjectValue: self] UTF8String]; timevalue[19] = timevalue[20]; timevalue[20] = timevalue[21]; timevalue[21] = timevalue[22]; timevalue[22] = ':'; xmlTextWriterWriteString(writer, timevalue); [formatter release]; } @end /*NSDate (JAXBType)*/ #endif /* ENUNCIATE_OBJC_CLASSES */ #ifndef ENUNCIATE_XML_OBJC_PRIMITIVE_FUNCTIONS #define ENUNCIATE_XML_OBJC_PRIMITIVE_FUNCTIONS /*******************boolean************************************/ /** * Read a boolean value from the reader. * * @param reader The reader (pointing at a node with a value). * @return YES if "true" was read. NO otherwise. */ static BOOL *xmlTextReaderReadBooleanType(xmlTextReaderPtr reader) { xmlChar *nodeValue = xmlTextReaderReadEntireNodeValue(reader); BOOL *value = malloc(sizeof(BOOL)); *value = (xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "true", nodeValue) == 0) ? YES : NO; free(nodeValue); return value; } /** * Write a boolean value to the writer. * * @param writer The writer. * @param value The value to be written. * @return the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error. */ static int xmlTextWriterWriteBooleanType(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, BOOL *value) { if (*value) { return xmlTextWriterWriteString(writer, BAD_CAST "false"); } else { return xmlTextWriterWriteString(writer, BAD_CAST "true"); } } /*******************byte************************************/ /** * Read a byte value from the reader. * * @param reader The reader (pointing at a node with a value). * @return the byte. */ static unsigned char *xmlTextReaderReadByteType(xmlTextReaderPtr reader) { xmlChar *nodeValue = xmlTextReaderReadEntireNodeValue(reader); unsigned char *value = malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)); *value = (unsigned char) atoi((char *) nodeValue); free(nodeValue); return value; } /** * Write a byte value to the writer. * * @param writer The writer. * @param value The value to be written. * @return the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error. */ static int xmlTextWriterWriteByteType(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, unsigned char *value) { return xmlTextWriterWriteFormatString(writer, "%i", *value); } /*******************double************************************/ /** * Read a double value from the reader. * * @param reader The reader (pointing at a node with a value). * @return the double. */ static double *xmlTextReaderReadDoubleType(xmlTextReaderPtr reader) { xmlChar *nodeValue = xmlTextReaderReadEntireNodeValue(reader); double *value = malloc(sizeof(double)); *value = atof((char *) nodeValue); free(nodeValue); return value; } /** * Write a double value to the writer. * * @param writer The writer. * @param value The value to be written. * @return the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error. */ static int xmlTextWriterWriteDoubleType(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, double *value) { return xmlTextWriterWriteFormatString(writer, "%f", *value); } /*******************float************************************/ /** * Read a float value from the reader. * * @param reader The reader (pointing at a node with a value). * @return the float. */ static float *xmlTextReaderReadFloatType(xmlTextReaderPtr reader) { xmlChar *nodeValue = xmlTextReaderReadEntireNodeValue(reader); float *value = malloc(sizeof(float)); *value = atof((char *)nodeValue); free(nodeValue); return value; } /** * Write a float value to the writer. * * @param writer The writer. * @param value The value to be written. * @return the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error. */ static int xmlTextWriterWriteFloatType(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, float *value) { return xmlTextWriterWriteFormatString(writer, "%f", *value); } /*******************int************************************/ /** * Read a int value from the reader. * * @param reader The reader (pointing at a node with a value). * @param value The value to be written. * @return the int. */ static int *xmlTextReaderReadIntType(xmlTextReaderPtr reader) { xmlChar *nodeValue = xmlTextReaderReadEntireNodeValue(reader); int *value = malloc(sizeof(int)); *value = atoi((char *)nodeValue); free(nodeValue); return value; } /** * Write a int value to the writer. * * @param writer The writer. * @param value The value to be written. * @return the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error. */ static int xmlTextWriterWriteIntType(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, int *value) { return xmlTextWriterWriteFormatString(writer, "%i", *value); } /*******************long************************************/ /** * Read a long value from the reader. * * @param reader The reader (pointing at a node with a value). * @return the long. */ static long *xmlTextReaderReadLongType(xmlTextReaderPtr reader) { xmlChar *nodeValue = xmlTextReaderReadEntireNodeValue(reader); long *value = malloc(sizeof(long)); *value = atol((char *)nodeValue); free(nodeValue); return value; } /** * Write a long value to the writer. * * @param writer The writer. * @param value The value to be written. * @return the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error. */ static int xmlTextWriterWriteLongType(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, long *value) { return xmlTextWriterWriteFormatString(writer, "%ld", *value); } /*******************short************************************/ /** * Read a short value from the reader. * * @param reader The reader (pointing at a node with a value). * @return the short. */ static short *xmlTextReaderReadShortType(xmlTextReaderPtr reader) { xmlChar *nodeValue = xmlTextReaderReadEntireNodeValue(reader); short *value = malloc(sizeof(short)); *value = atoi((char *)nodeValue); free(nodeValue); return value; } /** * Write a short value to the writer. * * @param writer The writer. * @param value The value to be written. * @return the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error. */ static int xmlTextWriterWriteShortType(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, short *value) { return xmlTextWriterWriteFormatString(writer, "%hi", *value); } /*******************char************************************/ /** * Read a character value from the reader. * * @param reader The reader (pointing at a node with a value). * @return the character. */ static xmlChar *xmlTextReaderReadCharacterType(xmlTextReaderPtr reader) { return xmlTextReaderReadEntireNodeValue(reader); } /** * Write a character value to the writer. * * @param writer The writer. * @param value The value to be written. * @return the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error. */ static int xmlTextWriterWriteCharacterType(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, xmlChar *value) { return xmlTextWriterWriteString(writer, value); } #endif /* ENUNCIATE_XML_OBJC_PRIMITIVE_FUNCTIONS */ #ifndef DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0Department_M #define DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0Department_M /** * (no documentation provided) */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0Department /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) id { return _id; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setId: (NSString *) newId { [newId retain]; [_id release]; _id = newId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) name { return _name; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setName: (NSString *) newName { [newName retain]; [_name release]; _name = newName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) description { return _description; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setDescription: (NSString *) newDescription { [newDescription retain]; [_description release]; _description = newDescription; } - (void) dealloc { [self setId: nil]; [self setName: nil]; [self setDescription: nil]; [super dealloc]; } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0Department */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface LEGATOPPMNS0Department (JAXB) @end /*interface LEGATOPPMNS0Department (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0Department (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of LEGATOPPMNS0Department from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of LEGATOPPMNS0Department defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { LEGATOPPMNS0Department *_lEGATOPPMNS0Department = [[LEGATOPPMNS0Department alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_lEGATOPPMNS0Department initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { [_lEGATOPPMNS0Department dealloc]; _lEGATOPPMNS0Department = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_lEGATOPPMNS0Department autorelease]; return _lEGATOPPMNS0Department; } /** * Initialize this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0Department according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0Department to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "id", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "name", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "description", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setDescription: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self id]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "id", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}id."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}id..."); #endif [[self id] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}id..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}id."]; } } if ([self name]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "name", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}name."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}name..."); #endif [[self name] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}name..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}name."]; } } if ([self description]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "description", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}description."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}description..."); #endif [[self description] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}description..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}description."]; } } } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0Department (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0Department_M */ #ifndef DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0Project_M #define DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0Project_M /** * A project class. */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0Project /** * The id of the project. */ - (NSString *) id { return _id; } /** * The id of the project. */ - (void) setId: (NSString *) newId { [newId retain]; [_id release]; _id = newId; } /** * The department id of the project. */ - (NSString *) department { return _department; } /** * The department id of the project. */ - (void) setDepartment: (NSString *) newDepartment { [newDepartment retain]; [_department release]; _department = newDepartment; } /** * The group id of the project. */ - (NSString *) group { return _group; } /** * The group id of the project. */ - (void) setGroup: (NSString *) newGroup { [newGroup retain]; [_group release]; _group = newGroup; } /** * The type id of the project. */ - (NSString *) type { return _type; } /** * The type id of the project. */ - (void) setType: (NSString *) newType { [newType retain]; [_type release]; _type = newType; } /** * The status id of the project. */ - (NSString *) status { return _status; } /** * The status id of the project. */ - (void) setStatus: (NSString *) newStatus { [newStatus retain]; [_status release]; _status = newStatus; } /** * The last discussion of the project. */ - (NSString *) lastDiscussion { return _lastDiscussion; } /** * The last discussion of the project. */ - (void) setLastDiscussion: (NSString *) newLastDiscussion { [newLastDiscussion retain]; [_lastDiscussion release]; _lastDiscussion = newLastDiscussion; } /** * The requestor id of the project. */ - (NSString *) requestorId { return _requestorId; } /** * The requestor id of the project. */ - (void) setRequestorId: (NSString *) newRequestorId { [newRequestorId retain]; [_requestorId release]; _requestorId = newRequestorId; } /** * The request date of the project. */ - (NSDate *) requestDate { return _requestDate; } /** * The request date of the project. */ - (void) setRequestDate: (NSDate *) newRequestDate { [newRequestDate retain]; [_requestDate release]; _requestDate = newRequestDate; } /** * The planned completion date of the project. */ - (NSDate *) plannedCompletionDate { return _plannedCompletionDate; } /** * The planned completion date of the project. */ - (void) setPlannedCompletionDate: (NSDate *) newPlannedCompletionDate { [newPlannedCompletionDate retain]; [_plannedCompletionDate release]; _plannedCompletionDate = newPlannedCompletionDate; } /** * The start date of the project. */ - (NSDate *) startDate { return _startDate; } /** * The start date of the project. */ - (void) setStartDate: (NSDate *) newStartDate { [newStartDate retain]; [_startDate release]; _startDate = newStartDate; } /** * The planned cost of the project. */ - (NSDecimalNumber *) plannedCost { return _plannedCost; } /** * The planned cost of the project. */ - (void) setPlannedCost: (NSDecimalNumber *) newPlannedCost { [newPlannedCost retain]; [_plannedCost release]; _plannedCost = newPlannedCost; } /** * The spent cost of the project. */ - (NSDecimalNumber *) spentCost { return _spentCost; } /** * The spent cost of the project. */ - (void) setSpentCost: (NSDecimalNumber *) newSpentCost { [newSpentCost retain]; [_spentCost release]; _spentCost = newSpentCost; } /** * The planned man hours of the project. */ - (NSDecimalNumber *) plannedManHours { return _plannedManHours; } /** * The planned man hours of the project. */ - (void) setPlannedManHours: (NSDecimalNumber *) newPlannedManHours { [newPlannedManHours retain]; [_plannedManHours release]; _plannedManHours = newPlannedManHours; } /** * The spent man hours of the project. */ - (NSDecimalNumber *) spentManHours { return _spentManHours; } /** * The spent man hours of the project. */ - (void) setSpentManHours: (NSDecimalNumber *) newSpentManHours { [newSpentManHours retain]; [_spentManHours release]; _spentManHours = newSpentManHours; } /** * The timesheet model of the project. */ - (NSString *) timesheetModel { return _timesheetModel; } /** * The timesheet model of the project. */ - (void) setTimesheetModel: (NSString *) newTimesheetModel { [newTimesheetModel retain]; [_timesheetModel release]; _timesheetModel = newTimesheetModel; } /** * The percentage model of the project. */ - (NSString *) percentageModel { return _percentageModel; } /** * The percentage model of the project. */ - (void) setPercentageModel: (NSString *) newPercentageModel { [newPercentageModel retain]; [_percentageModel release]; _percentageModel = newPercentageModel; } /** * The percentage of the project. */ - (NSDecimalNumber *) percentage { return _percentage; } /** * The percentage of the project. */ - (void) setPercentage: (NSDecimalNumber *) newPercentage { [newPercentage retain]; [_percentage release]; _percentage = newPercentage; } /** * The time stamp of the project. */ - (NSString *) timeStamp { return _timeStamp; } /** * The time stamp of the project. */ - (void) setTimeStamp: (NSString *) newTimeStamp { [newTimeStamp retain]; [_timeStamp release]; _timeStamp = newTimeStamp; } /** * The base line start date of the project. */ - (NSDate *) baseLineStartDate { return _baseLineStartDate; } /** * The base line start date of the project. */ - (void) setBaseLineStartDate: (NSDate *) newBaseLineStartDate { [newBaseLineStartDate retain]; [_baseLineStartDate release]; _baseLineStartDate = newBaseLineStartDate; } /** * The base line planned completion date of the project. */ - (NSDate *) baseLinePlannedCompletionDate { return _baseLinePlannedCompletionDate; } /** * The base line planned completion date of the project. */ - (void) setBaseLinePlannedCompletionDate: (NSDate *) newBaseLinePlannedCompletionDate { [newBaseLinePlannedCompletionDate retain]; [_baseLinePlannedCompletionDate release]; _baseLinePlannedCompletionDate = newBaseLinePlannedCompletionDate; } /** * The base line planned cost of the project. */ - (NSDecimalNumber *) baseLinePlannedCost { return _baseLinePlannedCost; } /** * The base line planned cost of the project. */ - (void) setBaseLinePlannedCost: (NSDecimalNumber *) newBaseLinePlannedCost { [newBaseLinePlannedCost retain]; [_baseLinePlannedCost release]; _baseLinePlannedCost = newBaseLinePlannedCost; } /** * The currency of the project. */ - (NSString *) currencyBLPC { return _currencyBLPC; } /** * The currency of the project. */ - (void) setCurrencyBLPC: (NSString *) newCurrencyBLPC { [newCurrencyBLPC retain]; [_currencyBLPC release]; _currencyBLPC = newCurrencyBLPC; } /** * The base line planned man hours of the project. */ - (NSDecimalNumber *) baseLinePlannedManHours { return _baseLinePlannedManHours; } /** * The base line planned man hours of the project. */ - (void) setBaseLinePlannedManHours: (NSDecimalNumber *) newBaseLinePlannedManHours { [newBaseLinePlannedManHours retain]; [_baseLinePlannedManHours release]; _baseLinePlannedManHours = newBaseLinePlannedManHours; } /** * The forced health of the project. */ - (NSString *) forcedHealth { return _forcedHealth; } /** * The forced health of the project. */ - (void) setForcedHealth: (NSString *) newForcedHealth { [newForcedHealth retain]; [_forcedHealth release]; _forcedHealth = newForcedHealth; } /** * The project completion override of the project. */ - (NSString *) PCOverride { return _PCOverride; } /** * The project completion override of the project. */ - (void) setPCOverride: (NSString *) newPCOverride { [newPCOverride retain]; [_PCOverride release]; _PCOverride = newPCOverride; } /** * The sc override of the project. */ - (NSString *) SCOverride { return _SCOverride; } /** * The sc override of the project. */ - (void) setSCOverride: (NSString *) newSCOverride { [newSCOverride retain]; [_SCOverride release]; _SCOverride = newSCOverride; } /** * The planned man hours override of the project. */ - (NSString *) PMOverride { return _PMOverride; } /** * The planned man hours override of the project. */ - (void) setPMOverride: (NSString *) newPMOverride { [newPMOverride retain]; [_PMOverride release]; _PMOverride = newPMOverride; } /** * The sm override of the project. */ - (NSString *) SMOverride { return _SMOverride; } /** * The sm override of the project. */ - (void) setSMOverride: (NSString *) newSMOverride { [newSMOverride retain]; [_SMOverride release]; _SMOverride = newSMOverride; } /** * The cd override of the project. */ - (NSString *) CDOverride { return _CDOverride; } /** * The cd override of the project. */ - (void) setCDOverride: (NSString *) newCDOverride { [newCDOverride retain]; [_CDOverride release]; _CDOverride = newCDOverride; } /** * The start date override of the project. */ - (NSString *) SDOverride { return _SDOverride; } /** * The start date override of the project. */ - (void) setSDOverride: (NSString *) newSDOverride { [newSDOverride retain]; [_SDOverride release]; _SDOverride = newSDOverride; } /** * The external id of the project. */ - (NSString *) externalId { return _externalId; } /** * The external id of the project. */ - (void) setExternalId: (NSString *) newExternalId { [newExternalId retain]; [_externalId release]; _externalId = newExternalId; } /** * The td calendar of the project. */ - (NSString *) TDCalendar { return _TDCalendar; } /** * The td calendar of the project. */ - (void) setTDCalendar: (NSString *) newTDCalendar { [newTDCalendar retain]; [_TDCalendar release]; _TDCalendar = newTDCalendar; } /** * The ts calendar of the project. */ - (NSString *) TSCalendar { return _TSCalendar; } /** * The ts calendar of the project. */ - (void) setTSCalendar: (NSString *) newTSCalendar { [newTSCalendar retain]; [_TSCalendar release]; _TSCalendar = newTSCalendar; } /** * The currency of the project. */ - (NSString *) currency { return _currency; } /** * The currency of the project. */ - (void) setCurrency: (NSString *) newCurrency { [newCurrency retain]; [_currency release]; _currency = newCurrency; } /** * The list of resource rollup status ids' of the project. */ - (NSArray *) resourceRollupStatuses { return _resourceRollupStatuses; } /** * The list of resource rollup status ids' of the project. */ - (void) setResourceRollupStatuses: (NSArray *) newResourceRollupStatuses { [newResourceRollupStatuses retain]; [_resourceRollupStatuses release]; _resourceRollupStatuses = newResourceRollupStatuses; } /** * The process id of the project. */ - (NSString *) processId { return _processId; } /** * The process id of the project. */ - (void) setProcessId: (NSString *) newProcessId { [newProcessId retain]; [_processId release]; _processId = newProcessId; } /** * The name of the project. */ - (NSString *) name { return _name; } /** * The name of the project. */ - (void) setName: (NSString *) newName { [newName retain]; [_name release]; _name = newName; } /** * The sync data of the project. */ - (NSString *) syncData { return _syncData; } /** * The sync data of the project. */ - (void) setSyncData: (NSString *) newSyncData { [newSyncData retain]; [_syncData release]; _syncData = newSyncData; } /** * The description of the project. */ - (NSString *) description { return _description; } /** * The description of the project. */ - (void) setDescription: (NSString *) newDescription { [newDescription retain]; [_description release]; _description = newDescription; } /** * The team member ids' of the project. */ - (NSArray *) members { return _members; } /** * The team member ids' of the project. */ - (void) setMembers: (NSArray *) newMembers { [newMembers retain]; [_members release]; _members = newMembers; } /** * The manager ids' of the project. */ - (NSArray *) managers { return _managers; } /** * The manager ids' of the project. */ - (void) setManagers: (NSArray *) newManagers { [newManagers retain]; [_managers release]; _managers = newManagers; } /** * The sponsor ids' of the project. */ - (NSArray *) sponsors { return _sponsors; } /** * The sponsor ids' of the project. */ - (void) setSponsors: (NSArray *) newSponsors { [newSponsors retain]; [_sponsors release]; _sponsors = newSponsors; } /** * The owner ids' of the project. */ - (NSArray *) owners { return _owners; } /** * The owner ids' of the project. */ - (void) setOwners: (NSArray *) newOwners { [newOwners retain]; [_owners release]; _owners = newOwners; } /** * The submitted to ids' of the project. */ - (NSArray *) submittedTos { return _submittedTos; } /** * The submitted to ids' of the project. */ - (void) setSubmittedTos: (NSArray *) newSubmittedTos { [newSubmittedTos retain]; [_submittedTos release]; _submittedTos = newSubmittedTos; } /** * The notification recipient user ids' of the project. */ - (NSArray *) notificationRecipients { return _notificationRecipients; } /** * The notification recipient user ids' of the project. */ - (void) setNotificationRecipients: (NSArray *) newNotificationRecipients { [newNotificationRecipients retain]; [_notificationRecipients release]; _notificationRecipients = newNotificationRecipients; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSArray *) categoryValues { return _categoryValues; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setCategoryValues: (NSArray *) newCategoryValues { [newCategoryValues retain]; [_categoryValues release]; _categoryValues = newCategoryValues; } - (void) dealloc { [self setId: nil]; [self setDepartment: nil]; [self setGroup: nil]; [self setType: nil]; [self setStatus: nil]; [self setLastDiscussion: nil]; [self setRequestorId: nil]; [self setRequestDate: nil]; [self setPlannedCompletionDate: nil]; [self setStartDate: nil]; [self setPlannedCost: nil]; [self setSpentCost: nil]; [self setPlannedManHours: nil]; [self setSpentManHours: nil]; [self setTimesheetModel: nil]; [self setPercentageModel: nil]; [self setPercentage: nil]; [self setTimeStamp: nil]; [self setBaseLineStartDate: nil]; [self setBaseLinePlannedCompletionDate: nil]; [self setBaseLinePlannedCost: nil]; [self setCurrencyBLPC: nil]; [self setBaseLinePlannedManHours: nil]; [self setForcedHealth: nil]; [self setPCOverride: nil]; [self setSCOverride: nil]; [self setPMOverride: nil]; [self setSMOverride: nil]; [self setCDOverride: nil]; [self setSDOverride: nil]; [self setExternalId: nil]; [self setTDCalendar: nil]; [self setTSCalendar: nil]; [self setCurrency: nil]; [self setResourceRollupStatuses: nil]; [self setProcessId: nil]; [self setName: nil]; [self setSyncData: nil]; [self setDescription: nil]; [self setMembers: nil]; [self setManagers: nil]; [self setSponsors: nil]; [self setOwners: nil]; [self setSubmittedTos: nil]; [self setNotificationRecipients: nil]; [self setCategoryValues: nil]; [super dealloc]; } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0Project */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface LEGATOPPMNS0Project (JAXB) @end /*interface LEGATOPPMNS0Project (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0Project (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of LEGATOPPMNS0Project from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of LEGATOPPMNS0Project defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { LEGATOPPMNS0Project *_lEGATOPPMNS0Project = [[LEGATOPPMNS0Project alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_lEGATOPPMNS0Project initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { [_lEGATOPPMNS0Project dealloc]; _lEGATOPPMNS0Project = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_lEGATOPPMNS0Project autorelease]; return _lEGATOPPMNS0Project; } /** * Initialize this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0Project according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0Project to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "id", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "department", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}department of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}department of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setDepartment: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "group", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}group of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}group of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setGroup: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "type", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}type of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}type of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setType: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "status", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}status of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}status of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setStatus: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "lastDiscussion", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}lastDiscussion of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}lastDiscussion of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setLastDiscussion: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "requestorId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}requestorId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}requestorId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setRequestorId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "requestDate", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}requestDate of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}dateTime."); #endif __child = [NSDate readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}requestDate of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}dateTime."); #endif [self setRequestDate: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "plannedCompletionDate", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}plannedCompletionDate of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}dateTime."); #endif __child = [NSDate readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}plannedCompletionDate of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}dateTime."); #endif [self setPlannedCompletionDate: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "startDate", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}startDate of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}dateTime."); #endif __child = [NSDate readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}startDate of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}dateTime."); #endif [self setStartDate: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "plannedCost", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}plannedCost of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}decimal."); #endif __child = [NSDecimalNumber readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}plannedCost of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}decimal."); #endif [self setPlannedCost: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "spentCost", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}spentCost of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}decimal."); #endif __child = [NSDecimalNumber readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}spentCost of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}decimal."); #endif [self setSpentCost: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "plannedManHours", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}plannedManHours of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}decimal."); #endif __child = [NSDecimalNumber readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}plannedManHours of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}decimal."); #endif [self setPlannedManHours: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "spentManHours", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}spentManHours of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}decimal."); #endif __child = [NSDecimalNumber readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}spentManHours of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}decimal."); #endif [self setSpentManHours: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "timesheetModel", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}timesheetModel of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}timesheetModel of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setTimesheetModel: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "percentageModel", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}percentageModel of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}percentageModel of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setPercentageModel: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "percentage", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}percentage of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}decimal."); #endif __child = [NSDecimalNumber readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}percentage of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}decimal."); #endif [self setPercentage: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "timeStamp", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}timeStamp of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}timeStamp of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setTimeStamp: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "baseLineStartDate", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}baseLineStartDate of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}dateTime."); #endif __child = [NSDate readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}baseLineStartDate of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}dateTime."); #endif [self setBaseLineStartDate: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "baseLinePlannedCompletionDate", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}baseLinePlannedCompletionDate of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}dateTime."); #endif __child = [NSDate readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}baseLinePlannedCompletionDate of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}dateTime."); #endif [self setBaseLinePlannedCompletionDate: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "baseLinePlannedCost", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}baseLinePlannedCost of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}decimal."); #endif __child = [NSDecimalNumber readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}baseLinePlannedCost of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}decimal."); #endif [self setBaseLinePlannedCost: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "currencyBLPC", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}currencyBLPC of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}currencyBLPC of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setCurrencyBLPC: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "baseLinePlannedManHours", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}baseLinePlannedManHours of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}decimal."); #endif __child = [NSDecimalNumber readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}baseLinePlannedManHours of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}decimal."); #endif [self setBaseLinePlannedManHours: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "forcedHealth", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}forcedHealth of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}forcedHealth of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setForcedHealth: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "PCOverride", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}PCOverride of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}PCOverride of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setPCOverride: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "SCOverride", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}SCOverride of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}SCOverride of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setSCOverride: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "PMOverride", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}PMOverride of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}PMOverride of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setPMOverride: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "SMOverride", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}SMOverride of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}SMOverride of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setSMOverride: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "CDOverride", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}CDOverride of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}CDOverride of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setCDOverride: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "SDOverride", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}SDOverride of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}SDOverride of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setSDOverride: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "externalId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}externalId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}externalId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setExternalId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "TDCalendar", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}TDCalendar of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}TDCalendar of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setTDCalendar: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "TSCalendar", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}TSCalendar of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}TSCalendar of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setTSCalendar: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "currency", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}currency of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}currency of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setCurrency: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "resourceRollupStatuses", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}resourceRollupStatuses of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}resourceRollupStatuses of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif if ([self resourceRollupStatuses]) { [self setResourceRollupStatuses: [[self resourceRollupStatuses] arrayByAddingObject: __child]]; } else { [self setResourceRollupStatuses: [NSArray arrayWithObject: __child]]; } return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "processId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}processId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}processId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setProcessId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "name", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "syncData", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}syncData of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}syncData of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setSyncData: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "description", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setDescription: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "members", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}members of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}members of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif if ([self members]) { [self setMembers: [[self members] arrayByAddingObject: __child]]; } else { [self setMembers: [NSArray arrayWithObject: __child]]; } return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "managers", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}managers of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}managers of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif if ([self managers]) { [self setManagers: [[self managers] arrayByAddingObject: __child]]; } else { [self setManagers: [NSArray arrayWithObject: __child]]; } return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "sponsors", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}sponsors of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}sponsors of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif if ([self sponsors]) { [self setSponsors: [[self sponsors] arrayByAddingObject: __child]]; } else { [self setSponsors: [NSArray arrayWithObject: __child]]; } return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "owners", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}owners of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}owners of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif if ([self owners]) { [self setOwners: [[self owners] arrayByAddingObject: __child]]; } else { [self setOwners: [NSArray arrayWithObject: __child]]; } return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "submittedTos", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}submittedTos of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}submittedTos of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif if ([self submittedTos]) { [self setSubmittedTos: [[self submittedTos] arrayByAddingObject: __child]]; } else { [self setSubmittedTos: [NSArray arrayWithObject: __child]]; } return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "notificationRecipients", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}notificationRecipients of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}notificationRecipients of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif if ([self notificationRecipients]) { [self setNotificationRecipients: [[self notificationRecipients] arrayByAddingObject: __child]]; } else { [self setNotificationRecipients: [NSArray arrayWithObject: __child]]; } return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "categoryValues", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}categoryValues of type {}categoryValue."); #endif __child = [LEGATOPPMNS0CategoryValue readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}categoryValues of type {}categoryValue."); #endif if ([self categoryValues]) { [self setCategoryValues: [[self categoryValues] arrayByAddingObject: __child]]; } else { [self setCategoryValues: [NSArray arrayWithObject: __child]]; } return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self id]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "id", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}id."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}id..."); #endif [[self id] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}id..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}id."]; } } if ([self department]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "department", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}department."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}department..."); #endif [[self department] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}department..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}department."]; } } if ([self group]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "group", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}group."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}group..."); #endif [[self group] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}group..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}group."]; } } if ([self type]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "type", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}type."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}type..."); #endif [[self type] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}type..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}type."]; } } if ([self status]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "status", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}status."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}status..."); #endif [[self status] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}status..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}status."]; } } if ([self lastDiscussion]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "lastDiscussion", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}lastDiscussion."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}lastDiscussion..."); #endif [[self lastDiscussion] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}lastDiscussion..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}lastDiscussion."]; } } if ([self requestorId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "requestorId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}requestorId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}requestorId..."); #endif [[self requestorId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}requestorId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}requestorId."]; } } if ([self requestDate]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "requestDate", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}requestDate."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}requestDate..."); #endif [[self requestDate] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}requestDate..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}requestDate."]; } } if ([self plannedCompletionDate]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "plannedCompletionDate", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}plannedCompletionDate."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}plannedCompletionDate..."); #endif [[self plannedCompletionDate] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}plannedCompletionDate..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}plannedCompletionDate."]; } } if ([self startDate]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "startDate", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}startDate."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}startDate..."); #endif [[self startDate] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}startDate..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}startDate."]; } } if ([self plannedCost]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "plannedCost", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}plannedCost."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}plannedCost..."); #endif [[self plannedCost] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}plannedCost..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}plannedCost."]; } } if ([self spentCost]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "spentCost", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}spentCost."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}spentCost..."); #endif [[self spentCost] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}spentCost..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}spentCost."]; } } if ([self plannedManHours]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "plannedManHours", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}plannedManHours."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}plannedManHours..."); #endif [[self plannedManHours] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}plannedManHours..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}plannedManHours."]; } } if ([self spentManHours]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "spentManHours", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}spentManHours."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}spentManHours..."); #endif [[self spentManHours] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}spentManHours..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}spentManHours."]; } } if ([self timesheetModel]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "timesheetModel", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}timesheetModel."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}timesheetModel..."); #endif [[self timesheetModel] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}timesheetModel..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}timesheetModel."]; } } if ([self percentageModel]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "percentageModel", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}percentageModel."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}percentageModel..."); #endif [[self percentageModel] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}percentageModel..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}percentageModel."]; } } if ([self percentage]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "percentage", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}percentage."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}percentage..."); #endif [[self percentage] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}percentage..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}percentage."]; } } if ([self timeStamp]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "timeStamp", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}timeStamp."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}timeStamp..."); #endif [[self timeStamp] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}timeStamp..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}timeStamp."]; } } if ([self baseLineStartDate]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "baseLineStartDate", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}baseLineStartDate."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}baseLineStartDate..."); #endif [[self baseLineStartDate] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}baseLineStartDate..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}baseLineStartDate."]; } } if ([self baseLinePlannedCompletionDate]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "baseLinePlannedCompletionDate", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}baseLinePlannedCompletionDate."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}baseLinePlannedCompletionDate..."); #endif [[self baseLinePlannedCompletionDate] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}baseLinePlannedCompletionDate..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}baseLinePlannedCompletionDate."]; } } if ([self baseLinePlannedCost]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "baseLinePlannedCost", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}baseLinePlannedCost."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}baseLinePlannedCost..."); #endif [[self baseLinePlannedCost] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}baseLinePlannedCost..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}baseLinePlannedCost."]; } } if ([self currencyBLPC]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "currencyBLPC", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}currencyBLPC."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}currencyBLPC..."); #endif [[self currencyBLPC] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}currencyBLPC..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}currencyBLPC."]; } } if ([self baseLinePlannedManHours]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "baseLinePlannedManHours", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}baseLinePlannedManHours."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}baseLinePlannedManHours..."); #endif [[self baseLinePlannedManHours] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}baseLinePlannedManHours..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}baseLinePlannedManHours."]; } } if ([self forcedHealth]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "forcedHealth", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}forcedHealth."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}forcedHealth..."); #endif [[self forcedHealth] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}forcedHealth..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}forcedHealth."]; } } if ([self PCOverride]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "PCOverride", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}PCOverride."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}PCOverride..."); #endif [[self PCOverride] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}PCOverride..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}PCOverride."]; } } if ([self SCOverride]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "SCOverride", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}SCOverride."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}SCOverride..."); #endif [[self SCOverride] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}SCOverride..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}SCOverride."]; } } if ([self PMOverride]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "PMOverride", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}PMOverride."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}PMOverride..."); #endif [[self PMOverride] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}PMOverride..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}PMOverride."]; } } if ([self SMOverride]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "SMOverride", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}SMOverride."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}SMOverride..."); #endif [[self SMOverride] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}SMOverride..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}SMOverride."]; } } if ([self CDOverride]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "CDOverride", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}CDOverride."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}CDOverride..."); #endif [[self CDOverride] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}CDOverride..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}CDOverride."]; } } if ([self SDOverride]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "SDOverride", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}SDOverride."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}SDOverride..."); #endif [[self SDOverride] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}SDOverride..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}SDOverride."]; } } if ([self externalId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "externalId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}externalId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}externalId..."); #endif [[self externalId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}externalId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}externalId."]; } } if ([self TDCalendar]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "TDCalendar", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}TDCalendar."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}TDCalendar..."); #endif [[self TDCalendar] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}TDCalendar..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}TDCalendar."]; } } if ([self TSCalendar]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "TSCalendar", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}TSCalendar."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}TSCalendar..."); #endif [[self TSCalendar] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}TSCalendar..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}TSCalendar."]; } } if ([self currency]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "currency", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}currency."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}currency..."); #endif [[self currency] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}currency..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}currency."]; } } if ([self resourceRollupStatuses]) { __enumerator = [[self resourceRollupStatuses] objectEnumerator]; while ( (__item = [__enumerator nextObject]) ) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "resourceRollupStatuses", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}resourceRollupStatuses."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}resourceRollupStatuses..."); #endif [__item writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}resourceRollupStatuses..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}resourceRollupStatuses."]; } } //end item iterator. } if ([self processId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "processId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}processId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}processId..."); #endif [[self processId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}processId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}processId."]; } } if ([self name]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "name", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}name."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}name..."); #endif [[self name] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}name..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}name."]; } } if ([self syncData]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "syncData", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}syncData."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}syncData..."); #endif [[self syncData] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}syncData..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}syncData."]; } } if ([self description]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "description", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}description."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}description..."); #endif [[self description] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}description..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}description."]; } } if ([self members]) { __enumerator = [[self members] objectEnumerator]; while ( (__item = [__enumerator nextObject]) ) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "members", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}members."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}members..."); #endif [__item writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}members..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}members."]; } } //end item iterator. } if ([self managers]) { __enumerator = [[self managers] objectEnumerator]; while ( (__item = [__enumerator nextObject]) ) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "managers", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}managers."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}managers..."); #endif [__item writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}managers..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}managers."]; } } //end item iterator. } if ([self sponsors]) { __enumerator = [[self sponsors] objectEnumerator]; while ( (__item = [__enumerator nextObject]) ) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "sponsors", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}sponsors."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}sponsors..."); #endif [__item writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}sponsors..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}sponsors."]; } } //end item iterator. } if ([self owners]) { __enumerator = [[self owners] objectEnumerator]; while ( (__item = [__enumerator nextObject]) ) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "owners", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}owners."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}owners..."); #endif [__item writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}owners..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}owners."]; } } //end item iterator. } if ([self submittedTos]) { __enumerator = [[self submittedTos] objectEnumerator]; while ( (__item = [__enumerator nextObject]) ) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "submittedTos", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}submittedTos."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}submittedTos..."); #endif [__item writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}submittedTos..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}submittedTos."]; } } //end item iterator. } if ([self notificationRecipients]) { __enumerator = [[self notificationRecipients] objectEnumerator]; while ( (__item = [__enumerator nextObject]) ) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "notificationRecipients", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}notificationRecipients."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}notificationRecipients..."); #endif [__item writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}notificationRecipients..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}notificationRecipients."]; } } //end item iterator. } if ([self categoryValues]) { __enumerator = [[self categoryValues] objectEnumerator]; while ( (__item = [__enumerator nextObject]) ) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "categoryValues", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}categoryValues."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}categoryValues..."); #endif [__item writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}categoryValues..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}categoryValues."]; } } //end item iterator. } } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0Project (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0Project_M */ #ifndef DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectStatus_M #define DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectStatus_M /** * (no documentation provided) */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectStatus /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) id { return _id; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setId: (NSString *) newId { [newId retain]; [_id release]; _id = newId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) name { return _name; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setName: (NSString *) newName { [newName retain]; [_name release]; _name = newName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) description { return _description; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setDescription: (NSString *) newDescription { [newDescription retain]; [_description release]; _description = newDescription; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) color { return _color; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setColor: (NSString *) newColor { [newColor retain]; [_color release]; _color = newColor; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) trackingEnforced { return _trackingEnforced; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setTrackingEnforced: (NSString *) newTrackingEnforced { [newTrackingEnforced retain]; [_trackingEnforced release]; _trackingEnforced = newTrackingEnforced; } - (void) dealloc { [self setId: nil]; [self setName: nil]; [self setDescription: nil]; [self setColor: nil]; [self setTrackingEnforced: nil]; [super dealloc]; } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectStatus */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectStatus (JAXB) @end /*interface LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectStatus (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectStatus (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectStatus from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectStatus defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectStatus *_lEGATOPPMNS0ProjectStatus = [[LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectStatus alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_lEGATOPPMNS0ProjectStatus initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { [_lEGATOPPMNS0ProjectStatus dealloc]; _lEGATOPPMNS0ProjectStatus = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_lEGATOPPMNS0ProjectStatus autorelease]; return _lEGATOPPMNS0ProjectStatus; } /** * Initialize this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectStatus according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectStatus to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "id", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "name", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "description", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setDescription: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "color", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}color of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}color of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setColor: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "trackingEnforced", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}trackingEnforced of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}trackingEnforced of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setTrackingEnforced: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self id]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "id", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}id."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}id..."); #endif [[self id] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}id..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}id."]; } } if ([self name]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "name", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}name."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}name..."); #endif [[self name] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}name..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}name."]; } } if ([self description]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "description", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}description."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}description..."); #endif [[self description] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}description..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}description."]; } } if ([self color]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "color", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}color."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}color..."); #endif [[self color] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}color..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}color."]; } } if ([self trackingEnforced]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "trackingEnforced", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}trackingEnforced."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}trackingEnforced..."); #endif [[self trackingEnforced] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}trackingEnforced..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}trackingEnforced."]; } } } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectStatus (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectStatus_M */ #ifndef DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0BudgetClass_M #define DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0BudgetClass_M /** * (no documentation provided) */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0BudgetClass /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) id { return _id; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setId: (NSString *) newId { [newId retain]; [_id release]; _id = newId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) name { return _name; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setName: (NSString *) newName { [newName retain]; [_name release]; _name = newName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) description { return _description; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setDescription: (NSString *) newDescription { [newDescription retain]; [_description release]; _description = newDescription; } - (void) dealloc { [self setId: nil]; [self setName: nil]; [self setDescription: nil]; [super dealloc]; } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0BudgetClass */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface LEGATOPPMNS0BudgetClass (JAXB) @end /*interface LEGATOPPMNS0BudgetClass (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0BudgetClass (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of LEGATOPPMNS0BudgetClass from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of LEGATOPPMNS0BudgetClass defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { LEGATOPPMNS0BudgetClass *_lEGATOPPMNS0BudgetClass = [[LEGATOPPMNS0BudgetClass alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_lEGATOPPMNS0BudgetClass initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { [_lEGATOPPMNS0BudgetClass dealloc]; _lEGATOPPMNS0BudgetClass = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_lEGATOPPMNS0BudgetClass autorelease]; return _lEGATOPPMNS0BudgetClass; } /** * Initialize this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0BudgetClass according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0BudgetClass to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "id", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "name", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "description", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setDescription: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self id]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "id", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}id."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}id..."); #endif [[self id] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}id..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}id."]; } } if ([self name]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "name", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}name."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}name..."); #endif [[self name] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}name..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}name."]; } } if ([self description]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "description", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}description."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}description..."); #endif [[self description] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}description..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}description."]; } } } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0BudgetClass (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0BudgetClass_M */ #ifndef DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0CostResource_M #define DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0CostResource_M /** * (no documentation provided) */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0CostResource /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) id { return _id; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setId: (NSString *) newId { [newId retain]; [_id release]; _id = newId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) name { return _name; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setName: (NSString *) newName { [newName retain]; [_name release]; _name = newName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) comments { return _comments; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setComments: (NSString *) newComments { [newComments retain]; [_comments release]; _comments = newComments; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) costCenterId { return _costCenterId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setCostCenterId: (NSString *) newCostCenterId { [newCostCenterId retain]; [_costCenterId release]; _costCenterId = newCostCenterId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) budgetClassId { return _budgetClassId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setBudgetClassId: (NSString *) newBudgetClassId { [newBudgetClassId retain]; [_budgetClassId release]; _budgetClassId = newBudgetClassId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) plannedCost { return _plannedCost; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setPlannedCost: (NSString *) newPlannedCost { [newPlannedCost retain]; [_plannedCost release]; _plannedCost = newPlannedCost; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) spentCost { return _spentCost; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setSpentCost: (NSString *) newSpentCost { [newSpentCost retain]; [_spentCost release]; _spentCost = newSpentCost; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) remainingCost { return _remainingCost; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setRemainingCost: (NSString *) newRemainingCost { [newRemainingCost retain]; [_remainingCost release]; _remainingCost = newRemainingCost; } - (void) dealloc { [self setId: nil]; [self setName: nil]; [self setComments: nil]; [self setCostCenterId: nil]; [self setBudgetClassId: nil]; [self setPlannedCost: nil]; [self setSpentCost: nil]; [self setRemainingCost: nil]; [super dealloc]; } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0CostResource */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface LEGATOPPMNS0CostResource (JAXB) @end /*interface LEGATOPPMNS0CostResource (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0CostResource (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of LEGATOPPMNS0CostResource from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of LEGATOPPMNS0CostResource defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { LEGATOPPMNS0CostResource *_lEGATOPPMNS0CostResource = [[LEGATOPPMNS0CostResource alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_lEGATOPPMNS0CostResource initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { [_lEGATOPPMNS0CostResource dealloc]; _lEGATOPPMNS0CostResource = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_lEGATOPPMNS0CostResource autorelease]; return _lEGATOPPMNS0CostResource; } /** * Initialize this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0CostResource according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0CostResource to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "id", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "name", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "comments", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}comments of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}comments of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setComments: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "costCenterId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}costCenterId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}costCenterId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setCostCenterId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "budgetClassId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}budgetClassId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}budgetClassId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setBudgetClassId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "plannedCost", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}plannedCost of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}plannedCost of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setPlannedCost: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "spentCost", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}spentCost of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}spentCost of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setSpentCost: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "remainingCost", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}remainingCost of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}remainingCost of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setRemainingCost: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self id]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "id", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}id."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}id..."); #endif [[self id] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}id..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}id."]; } } if ([self name]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "name", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}name."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}name..."); #endif [[self name] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}name..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}name."]; } } if ([self comments]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "comments", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}comments."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}comments..."); #endif [[self comments] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}comments..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}comments."]; } } if ([self costCenterId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "costCenterId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}costCenterId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}costCenterId..."); #endif [[self costCenterId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}costCenterId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}costCenterId."]; } } if ([self budgetClassId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "budgetClassId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}budgetClassId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}budgetClassId..."); #endif [[self budgetClassId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}budgetClassId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}budgetClassId."]; } } if ([self plannedCost]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "plannedCost", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}plannedCost."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}plannedCost..."); #endif [[self plannedCost] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}plannedCost..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}plannedCost."]; } } if ([self spentCost]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "spentCost", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}spentCost."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}spentCost..."); #endif [[self spentCost] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}spentCost..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}spentCost."]; } } if ([self remainingCost]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "remainingCost", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}remainingCost."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}remainingCost..."); #endif [[self remainingCost] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}remainingCost..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}remainingCost."]; } } } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0CostResource (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0CostResource_M */ #ifndef DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0GanttDependency_M #define DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0GanttDependency_M /** * (no documentation provided) */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0GanttDependency /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) fromId { return _fromId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setFromId: (NSString *) newFromId { [newFromId retain]; [_fromId release]; _fromId = newFromId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) toId { return _toId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setToId: (NSString *) newToId { [newToId retain]; [_toId release]; _toId = newToId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (int) type { return _type; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setType: (int) newType { _type = newType; } - (void) dealloc { [self setFromId: nil]; [self setToId: nil]; [super dealloc]; } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0GanttDependency */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface LEGATOPPMNS0GanttDependency (JAXB) @end /*interface LEGATOPPMNS0GanttDependency (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0GanttDependency (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of LEGATOPPMNS0GanttDependency from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of LEGATOPPMNS0GanttDependency defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { LEGATOPPMNS0GanttDependency *_lEGATOPPMNS0GanttDependency = [[LEGATOPPMNS0GanttDependency alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_lEGATOPPMNS0GanttDependency initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { [_lEGATOPPMNS0GanttDependency dealloc]; _lEGATOPPMNS0GanttDependency = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_lEGATOPPMNS0GanttDependency autorelease]; return _lEGATOPPMNS0GanttDependency; } /** * Initialize this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0GanttDependency according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0GanttDependency to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "fromId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}fromId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}fromId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setFromId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "toId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}toId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}toId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setToId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "type", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { _child_accessor = xmlTextReaderReadIntType(reader); if (_child_accessor == NULL) { //panic: unable to return the value for some reason. [self dealloc]; [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error reading element value."]; } [self setType: *((int*) _child_accessor)]; free(_child_accessor); return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self fromId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "fromId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}fromId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}fromId..."); #endif [[self fromId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}fromId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}fromId."]; } } if ([self toId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "toId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}toId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}toId..."); #endif [[self toId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}toId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}toId."]; } } if (YES) { //always write the primitive element... status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "type", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}type."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}type..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterWriteIntType(writer, &_type); #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}type..."); #endif if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing child element {}type."]; } status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}type."]; } } } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0GanttDependency (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0GanttDependency_M */ #ifndef DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0ManHourResource_M #define DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0ManHourResource_M /** * (no documentation provided) */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0ManHourResource /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) id { return _id; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setId: (NSString *) newId { [newId retain]; [_id release]; _id = newId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) name { return _name; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setName: (NSString *) newName { [newName retain]; [_name release]; _name = newName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) comments { return _comments; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setComments: (NSString *) newComments { [newComments retain]; [_comments release]; _comments = newComments; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) costCenterId { return _costCenterId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setCostCenterId: (NSString *) newCostCenterId { [newCostCenterId retain]; [_costCenterId release]; _costCenterId = newCostCenterId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) userId { return _userId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setUserId: (NSString *) newUserId { [newUserId retain]; [_userId release]; _userId = newUserId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) statusId { return _statusId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setStatusId: (NSString *) newStatusId { [newStatusId retain]; [_statusId release]; _statusId = newStatusId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) skillClassId { return _skillClassId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setSkillClassId: (NSString *) newSkillClassId { [newSkillClassId retain]; [_skillClassId release]; _skillClassId = newSkillClassId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) plannedModel { return _plannedModel; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setPlannedModel: (NSString *) newPlannedModel { [newPlannedModel retain]; [_plannedModel release]; _plannedModel = newPlannedModel; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) remainingModel { return _remainingModel; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setRemainingModel: (NSString *) newRemainingModel { [newRemainingModel retain]; [_remainingModel release]; _remainingModel = newRemainingModel; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) spentModel { return _spentModel; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setSpentModel: (NSString *) newSpentModel { [newSpentModel retain]; [_spentModel release]; _spentModel = newSpentModel; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) percentage { return _percentage; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setPercentage: (NSString *) newPercentage { [newPercentage retain]; [_percentage release]; _percentage = newPercentage; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) plannedManualDistribution { return _plannedManualDistribution; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setPlannedManualDistribution: (NSString *) newPlannedManualDistribution { [newPlannedManualDistribution retain]; [_plannedManualDistribution release]; _plannedManualDistribution = newPlannedManualDistribution; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSDecimalNumber *) plannedHours { return _plannedHours; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setPlannedHours: (NSDecimalNumber *) newPlannedHours { [newPlannedHours retain]; [_plannedHours release]; _plannedHours = newPlannedHours; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSDecimalNumber *) spentHours { return _spentHours; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setSpentHours: (NSDecimalNumber *) newSpentHours { [newSpentHours retain]; [_spentHours release]; _spentHours = newSpentHours; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSDecimalNumber *) remainingHours { return _remainingHours; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setRemainingHours: (NSDecimalNumber *) newRemainingHours { [newRemainingHours retain]; [_remainingHours release]; _remainingHours = newRemainingHours; } - (void) dealloc { [self setId: nil]; [self setName: nil]; [self setComments: nil]; [self setCostCenterId: nil]; [self setUserId: nil]; [self setStatusId: nil]; [self setSkillClassId: nil]; [self setPlannedModel: nil]; [self setRemainingModel: nil]; [self setSpentModel: nil]; [self setPercentage: nil]; [self setPlannedManualDistribution: nil]; [self setPlannedHours: nil]; [self setSpentHours: nil]; [self setRemainingHours: nil]; [super dealloc]; } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0ManHourResource */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface LEGATOPPMNS0ManHourResource (JAXB) @end /*interface LEGATOPPMNS0ManHourResource (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0ManHourResource (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of LEGATOPPMNS0ManHourResource from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of LEGATOPPMNS0ManHourResource defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { LEGATOPPMNS0ManHourResource *_lEGATOPPMNS0ManHourResource = [[LEGATOPPMNS0ManHourResource alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_lEGATOPPMNS0ManHourResource initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { [_lEGATOPPMNS0ManHourResource dealloc]; _lEGATOPPMNS0ManHourResource = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_lEGATOPPMNS0ManHourResource autorelease]; return _lEGATOPPMNS0ManHourResource; } /** * Initialize this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0ManHourResource according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0ManHourResource to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "id", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "name", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "comments", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}comments of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}comments of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setComments: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "costCenterId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}costCenterId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}costCenterId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setCostCenterId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "userId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}userId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}userId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setUserId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "statusId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}statusId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}statusId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setStatusId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "skillClassId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}skillClassId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}skillClassId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setSkillClassId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "plannedModel", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}plannedModel of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}plannedModel of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setPlannedModel: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "remainingModel", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}remainingModel of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}remainingModel of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setRemainingModel: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "spentModel", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}spentModel of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}spentModel of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setSpentModel: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "percentage", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}percentage of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}percentage of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setPercentage: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "plannedManualDistribution", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}plannedManualDistribution of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}plannedManualDistribution of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setPlannedManualDistribution: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "plannedHours", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}plannedHours of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}decimal."); #endif __child = [NSDecimalNumber readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}plannedHours of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}decimal."); #endif [self setPlannedHours: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "spentHours", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}spentHours of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}decimal."); #endif __child = [NSDecimalNumber readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}spentHours of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}decimal."); #endif [self setSpentHours: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "remainingHours", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}remainingHours of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}decimal."); #endif __child = [NSDecimalNumber readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}remainingHours of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}decimal."); #endif [self setRemainingHours: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self id]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "id", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}id."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}id..."); #endif [[self id] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}id..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}id."]; } } if ([self name]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "name", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}name."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}name..."); #endif [[self name] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}name..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}name."]; } } if ([self comments]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "comments", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}comments."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}comments..."); #endif [[self comments] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}comments..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}comments."]; } } if ([self costCenterId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "costCenterId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}costCenterId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}costCenterId..."); #endif [[self costCenterId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}costCenterId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}costCenterId."]; } } if ([self userId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "userId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}userId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}userId..."); #endif [[self userId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}userId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}userId."]; } } if ([self statusId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "statusId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}statusId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}statusId..."); #endif [[self statusId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}statusId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}statusId."]; } } if ([self skillClassId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "skillClassId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}skillClassId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}skillClassId..."); #endif [[self skillClassId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}skillClassId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}skillClassId."]; } } if ([self plannedModel]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "plannedModel", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}plannedModel."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}plannedModel..."); #endif [[self plannedModel] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}plannedModel..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}plannedModel."]; } } if ([self remainingModel]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "remainingModel", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}remainingModel."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}remainingModel..."); #endif [[self remainingModel] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}remainingModel..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}remainingModel."]; } } if ([self spentModel]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "spentModel", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}spentModel."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}spentModel..."); #endif [[self spentModel] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}spentModel..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}spentModel."]; } } if ([self percentage]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "percentage", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}percentage."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}percentage..."); #endif [[self percentage] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}percentage..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}percentage."]; } } if ([self plannedManualDistribution]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "plannedManualDistribution", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}plannedManualDistribution."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}plannedManualDistribution..."); #endif [[self plannedManualDistribution] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}plannedManualDistribution..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}plannedManualDistribution."]; } } if ([self plannedHours]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "plannedHours", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}plannedHours."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}plannedHours..."); #endif [[self plannedHours] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}plannedHours..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}plannedHours."]; } } if ([self spentHours]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "spentHours", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}spentHours."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}spentHours..."); #endif [[self spentHours] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}spentHours..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}spentHours."]; } } if ([self remainingHours]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "remainingHours", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}remainingHours."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}remainingHours..."); #endif [[self remainingHours] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}remainingHours..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}remainingHours."]; } } } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0ManHourResource (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0ManHourResource_M */ #ifndef DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0Task_M #define DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0Task_M /** * (no documentation provided) */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0Task /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) id { return _id; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setId: (NSString *) newId { [newId retain]; [_id release]; _id = newId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) name { return _name; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setName: (NSString *) newName { [newName retain]; [_name release]; _name = newName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) description { return _description; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setDescription: (NSString *) newDescription { [newDescription retain]; [_description release]; _description = newDescription; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) notes { return _notes; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setNotes: (NSString *) newNotes { [newNotes retain]; [_notes release]; _notes = newNotes; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSDate *) startDate { return _startDate; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setStartDate: (NSDate *) newStartDate { [newStartDate retain]; [_startDate release]; _startDate = newStartDate; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) startDateDependency { return _startDateDependency; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setStartDateDependency: (NSString *) newStartDateDependency { [newStartDateDependency retain]; [_startDateDependency release]; _startDateDependency = newStartDateDependency; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (int *) startDateDependencyAdjustment { return _startDateDependencyAdjustment; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setStartDateDependencyAdjustment: (int *) newStartDateDependencyAdjustment { if (_startDateDependencyAdjustment != NULL) { free(_startDateDependencyAdjustment); } _startDateDependencyAdjustment = newStartDateDependencyAdjustment; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSDate *) targetDate { return _targetDate; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setTargetDate: (NSDate *) newTargetDate { [newTargetDate retain]; [_targetDate release]; _targetDate = newTargetDate; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) targetDateDependency { return _targetDateDependency; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setTargetDateDependency: (NSString *) newTargetDateDependency { [newTargetDateDependency retain]; [_targetDateDependency release]; _targetDateDependency = newTargetDateDependency; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (int *) targetDateDependencyAdjustment { return _targetDateDependencyAdjustment; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setTargetDateDependencyAdjustment: (int *) newTargetDateDependencyAdjustment { if (_targetDateDependencyAdjustment != NULL) { free(_targetDateDependencyAdjustment); } _targetDateDependencyAdjustment = newTargetDateDependencyAdjustment; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) advancedRule { return _advancedRule; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setAdvancedRule: (NSString *) newAdvancedRule { [newAdvancedRule retain]; [_advancedRule release]; _advancedRule = newAdvancedRule; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) advancedIds { return _advancedIds; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setAdvancedIds: (NSString *) newAdvancedIds { [newAdvancedIds retain]; [_advancedIds release]; _advancedIds = newAdvancedIds; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) statusId { return _statusId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setStatusId: (NSString *) newStatusId { [newStatusId retain]; [_statusId release]; _statusId = newStatusId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) ownerId { return _ownerId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setOwnerId: (NSString *) newOwnerId { [newOwnerId retain]; [_ownerId release]; _ownerId = newOwnerId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) priorityId { return _priorityId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setPriorityId: (NSString *) newPriorityId { [newPriorityId retain]; [_priorityId release]; _priorityId = newPriorityId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) typeId { return _typeId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setTypeId: (NSString *) newTypeId { [newTypeId retain]; [_typeId release]; _typeId = newTypeId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSDecimalNumber *) percentage { return _percentage; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setPercentage: (NSDecimalNumber *) newPercentage { [newPercentage retain]; [_percentage release]; _percentage = newPercentage; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) percentageModel { return _percentageModel; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setPercentageModel: (NSString *) newPercentageModel { [newPercentageModel retain]; [_percentageModel release]; _percentageModel = newPercentageModel; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) lastUpdated { return _lastUpdated; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setLastUpdated: (NSString *) newLastUpdated { [newLastUpdated retain]; [_lastUpdated release]; _lastUpdated = newLastUpdated; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) durationModel { return _durationModel; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setDurationModel: (NSString *) newDurationModel { [newDurationModel retain]; [_durationModel release]; _durationModel = newDurationModel; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) workloadDistModel { return _workloadDistModel; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setWorkloadDistModel: (NSString *) newWorkloadDistModel { [newWorkloadDistModel retain]; [_workloadDistModel release]; _workloadDistModel = newWorkloadDistModel; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) externalId { return _externalId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setExternalId: (NSString *) newExternalId { [newExternalId retain]; [_externalId release]; _externalId = newExternalId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSArray *) manHourResources { return _manHourResources; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setManHourResources: (NSArray *) newManHourResources { [newManHourResources retain]; [_manHourResources release]; _manHourResources = newManHourResources; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSArray *) costResources { return _costResources; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setCostResources: (NSArray *) newCostResources { [newCostResources retain]; [_costResources release]; _costResources = newCostResources; } - (void) dealloc { [self setId: nil]; [self setName: nil]; [self setDescription: nil]; [self setNotes: nil]; [self setStartDate: nil]; [self setStartDateDependency: nil]; [self setStartDateDependencyAdjustment: NULL]; [self setTargetDate: nil]; [self setTargetDateDependency: nil]; [self setTargetDateDependencyAdjustment: NULL]; [self setAdvancedRule: nil]; [self setAdvancedIds: nil]; [self setStatusId: nil]; [self setOwnerId: nil]; [self setPriorityId: nil]; [self setTypeId: nil]; [self setPercentage: nil]; [self setPercentageModel: nil]; [self setLastUpdated: nil]; [self setDurationModel: nil]; [self setWorkloadDistModel: nil]; [self setExternalId: nil]; [self setManHourResources: nil]; [self setCostResources: nil]; [super dealloc]; } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0Task */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface LEGATOPPMNS0Task (JAXB) @end /*interface LEGATOPPMNS0Task (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0Task (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of LEGATOPPMNS0Task from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of LEGATOPPMNS0Task defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { LEGATOPPMNS0Task *_lEGATOPPMNS0Task = [[LEGATOPPMNS0Task alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_lEGATOPPMNS0Task initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { [_lEGATOPPMNS0Task dealloc]; _lEGATOPPMNS0Task = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_lEGATOPPMNS0Task autorelease]; return _lEGATOPPMNS0Task; } /** * Initialize this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0Task according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0Task to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "id", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "name", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "description", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setDescription: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "notes", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}notes of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}notes of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setNotes: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "startDate", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}startDate of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}dateTime."); #endif __child = [NSDate readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}startDate of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}dateTime."); #endif [self setStartDate: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "startDateDependency", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}startDateDependency of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}startDateDependency of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setStartDateDependency: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "startDateDependencyAdjustment", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { _child_accessor = xmlTextReaderReadIntType(reader); if (_child_accessor == NULL) { //panic: unable to return the value for some reason. [self dealloc]; [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error reading element value."]; } [self setStartDateDependencyAdjustment: ((int*) _child_accessor)]; return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "targetDate", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}targetDate of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}dateTime."); #endif __child = [NSDate readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}targetDate of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}dateTime."); #endif [self setTargetDate: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "targetDateDependency", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}targetDateDependency of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}targetDateDependency of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setTargetDateDependency: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "targetDateDependencyAdjustment", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { _child_accessor = xmlTextReaderReadIntType(reader); if (_child_accessor == NULL) { //panic: unable to return the value for some reason. [self dealloc]; [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error reading element value."]; } [self setTargetDateDependencyAdjustment: ((int*) _child_accessor)]; return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "advancedRule", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}advancedRule of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}advancedRule of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setAdvancedRule: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "advancedIds", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}advancedIds of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}advancedIds of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setAdvancedIds: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "statusId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}statusId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}statusId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setStatusId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "ownerId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}ownerId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}ownerId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setOwnerId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "priorityId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}priorityId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}priorityId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setPriorityId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "typeId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}typeId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}typeId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setTypeId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "percentage", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}percentage of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}decimal."); #endif __child = [NSDecimalNumber readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}percentage of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}decimal."); #endif [self setPercentage: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "percentageModel", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}percentageModel of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}percentageModel of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setPercentageModel: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "lastUpdated", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}lastUpdated of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}lastUpdated of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setLastUpdated: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "durationModel", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}durationModel of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}durationModel of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setDurationModel: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "workloadDistModel", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}workloadDistModel of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}workloadDistModel of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setWorkloadDistModel: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "externalId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}externalId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}externalId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setExternalId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "manHourResources", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}manHourResources of type {}manHourResource."); #endif __child = [LEGATOPPMNS0ManHourResource readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}manHourResources of type {}manHourResource."); #endif if ([self manHourResources]) { [self setManHourResources: [[self manHourResources] arrayByAddingObject: __child]]; } else { [self setManHourResources: [NSArray arrayWithObject: __child]]; } return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "costResources", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}costResources of type {}costResource."); #endif __child = [LEGATOPPMNS0CostResource readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}costResources of type {}costResource."); #endif if ([self costResources]) { [self setCostResources: [[self costResources] arrayByAddingObject: __child]]; } else { [self setCostResources: [NSArray arrayWithObject: __child]]; } return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self id]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "id", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}id."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}id..."); #endif [[self id] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}id..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}id."]; } } if ([self name]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "name", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}name."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}name..."); #endif [[self name] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}name..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}name."]; } } if ([self description]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "description", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}description."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}description..."); #endif [[self description] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}description..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}description."]; } } if ([self notes]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "notes", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}notes."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}notes..."); #endif [[self notes] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}notes..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}notes."]; } } if ([self startDate]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "startDate", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}startDate."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}startDate..."); #endif [[self startDate] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}startDate..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}startDate."]; } } if ([self startDateDependency]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "startDateDependency", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}startDateDependency."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}startDateDependency..."); #endif [[self startDateDependency] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}startDateDependency..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}startDateDependency."]; } } if ([self startDateDependencyAdjustment] != NULL) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "startDateDependencyAdjustment", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}startDateDependencyAdjustment."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}startDateDependencyAdjustment..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterWriteIntType(writer, [self startDateDependencyAdjustment]); #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}startDateDependencyAdjustment..."); #endif if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing child element {}startDateDependencyAdjustment."]; } status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}startDateDependencyAdjustment."]; } } if ([self targetDate]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "targetDate", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}targetDate."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}targetDate..."); #endif [[self targetDate] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}targetDate..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}targetDate."]; } } if ([self targetDateDependency]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "targetDateDependency", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}targetDateDependency."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}targetDateDependency..."); #endif [[self targetDateDependency] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}targetDateDependency..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}targetDateDependency."]; } } if ([self targetDateDependencyAdjustment] != NULL) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "targetDateDependencyAdjustment", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}targetDateDependencyAdjustment."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}targetDateDependencyAdjustment..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterWriteIntType(writer, [self targetDateDependencyAdjustment]); #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}targetDateDependencyAdjustment..."); #endif if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing child element {}targetDateDependencyAdjustment."]; } status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}targetDateDependencyAdjustment."]; } } if ([self advancedRule]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "advancedRule", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}advancedRule."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}advancedRule..."); #endif [[self advancedRule] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}advancedRule..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}advancedRule."]; } } if ([self advancedIds]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "advancedIds", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}advancedIds."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}advancedIds..."); #endif [[self advancedIds] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}advancedIds..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}advancedIds."]; } } if ([self statusId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "statusId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}statusId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}statusId..."); #endif [[self statusId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}statusId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}statusId."]; } } if ([self ownerId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "ownerId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}ownerId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}ownerId..."); #endif [[self ownerId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}ownerId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}ownerId."]; } } if ([self priorityId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "priorityId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}priorityId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}priorityId..."); #endif [[self priorityId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}priorityId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}priorityId."]; } } if ([self typeId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "typeId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}typeId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}typeId..."); #endif [[self typeId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}typeId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}typeId."]; } } if ([self percentage]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "percentage", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}percentage."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}percentage..."); #endif [[self percentage] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}percentage..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}percentage."]; } } if ([self percentageModel]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "percentageModel", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}percentageModel."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}percentageModel..."); #endif [[self percentageModel] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}percentageModel..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}percentageModel."]; } } if ([self lastUpdated]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "lastUpdated", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}lastUpdated."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}lastUpdated..."); #endif [[self lastUpdated] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}lastUpdated..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}lastUpdated."]; } } if ([self durationModel]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "durationModel", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}durationModel."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}durationModel..."); #endif [[self durationModel] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}durationModel..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}durationModel."]; } } if ([self workloadDistModel]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "workloadDistModel", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}workloadDistModel."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}workloadDistModel..."); #endif [[self workloadDistModel] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}workloadDistModel..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}workloadDistModel."]; } } if ([self externalId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "externalId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}externalId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}externalId..."); #endif [[self externalId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}externalId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}externalId."]; } } if ([self manHourResources]) { __enumerator = [[self manHourResources] objectEnumerator]; while ( (__item = [__enumerator nextObject]) ) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "manHourResources", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}manHourResources."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}manHourResources..."); #endif [__item writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}manHourResources..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}manHourResources."]; } } //end item iterator. } if ([self costResources]) { __enumerator = [[self costResources] objectEnumerator]; while ( (__item = [__enumerator nextObject]) ) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "costResources", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}costResources."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}costResources..."); #endif [__item writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}costResources..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}costResources."]; } } //end item iterator. } } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0Task (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0Task_M */ #ifndef DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0TaskStatus_M #define DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0TaskStatus_M /** * (no documentation provided) */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0TaskStatus /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) id { return _id; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setId: (NSString *) newId { [newId retain]; [_id release]; _id = newId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) name { return _name; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setName: (NSString *) newName { [newName retain]; [_name release]; _name = newName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) description { return _description; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setDescription: (NSString *) newDescription { [newDescription retain]; [_description release]; _description = newDescription; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) equivalentStatusId { return _equivalentStatusId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setEquivalentStatusId: (NSString *) newEquivalentStatusId { [newEquivalentStatusId retain]; [_equivalentStatusId release]; _equivalentStatusId = newEquivalentStatusId; } - (void) dealloc { [self setId: nil]; [self setName: nil]; [self setDescription: nil]; [self setEquivalentStatusId: nil]; [super dealloc]; } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0TaskStatus */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface LEGATOPPMNS0TaskStatus (JAXB) @end /*interface LEGATOPPMNS0TaskStatus (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0TaskStatus (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of LEGATOPPMNS0TaskStatus from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of LEGATOPPMNS0TaskStatus defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { LEGATOPPMNS0TaskStatus *_lEGATOPPMNS0TaskStatus = [[LEGATOPPMNS0TaskStatus alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_lEGATOPPMNS0TaskStatus initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { [_lEGATOPPMNS0TaskStatus dealloc]; _lEGATOPPMNS0TaskStatus = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_lEGATOPPMNS0TaskStatus autorelease]; return _lEGATOPPMNS0TaskStatus; } /** * Initialize this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0TaskStatus according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0TaskStatus to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "id", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "name", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "description", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setDescription: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "equivalentStatusId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}equivalentStatusId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}equivalentStatusId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setEquivalentStatusId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self id]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "id", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}id."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}id..."); #endif [[self id] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}id..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}id."]; } } if ([self name]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "name", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}name."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}name..."); #endif [[self name] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}name..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}name."]; } } if ([self description]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "description", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}description."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}description..."); #endif [[self description] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}description..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}description."]; } } if ([self equivalentStatusId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "equivalentStatusId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}equivalentStatusId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}equivalentStatusId..."); #endif [[self equivalentStatusId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}equivalentStatusId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}equivalentStatusId."]; } } } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0TaskStatus (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0TaskStatus_M */ #ifndef DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0Capacity_M #define DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0Capacity_M /** * (no documentation provided) */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0Capacity /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) id { return _id; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setId: (NSString *) newId { [newId retain]; [_id release]; _id = newId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) name { return _name; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setName: (NSString *) newName { [newName retain]; [_name release]; _name = newName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSDate *) startDate { return _startDate; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setStartDate: (NSDate *) newStartDate { [newStartDate retain]; [_startDate release]; _startDate = newStartDate; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSDate *) endDate { return _endDate; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setEndDate: (NSDate *) newEndDate { [newEndDate retain]; [_endDate release]; _endDate = newEndDate; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (double *) dailyCapacity { return _dailyCapacity; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setDailyCapacity: (double *) newDailyCapacity { if (_dailyCapacity != NULL) { free(_dailyCapacity); } _dailyCapacity = newDailyCapacity; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (double *) dailyRate { return _dailyRate; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setDailyRate: (double *) newDailyRate { if (_dailyRate != NULL) { free(_dailyRate); } _dailyRate = newDailyRate; } - (void) dealloc { [self setId: nil]; [self setName: nil]; [self setStartDate: nil]; [self setEndDate: nil]; [self setDailyCapacity: NULL]; [self setDailyRate: NULL]; [super dealloc]; } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0Capacity */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface LEGATOPPMNS0Capacity (JAXB) @end /*interface LEGATOPPMNS0Capacity (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0Capacity (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of LEGATOPPMNS0Capacity from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of LEGATOPPMNS0Capacity defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { LEGATOPPMNS0Capacity *_lEGATOPPMNS0Capacity = [[LEGATOPPMNS0Capacity alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_lEGATOPPMNS0Capacity initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { [_lEGATOPPMNS0Capacity dealloc]; _lEGATOPPMNS0Capacity = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_lEGATOPPMNS0Capacity autorelease]; return _lEGATOPPMNS0Capacity; } /** * Initialize this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0Capacity according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0Capacity to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "id", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "name", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "startDate", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}startDate of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}dateTime."); #endif __child = [NSDate readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}startDate of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}dateTime."); #endif [self setStartDate: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "endDate", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}endDate of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}dateTime."); #endif __child = [NSDate readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}endDate of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}dateTime."); #endif [self setEndDate: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "dailyCapacity", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { _child_accessor = xmlTextReaderReadDoubleType(reader); if (_child_accessor == NULL) { //panic: unable to return the value for some reason. [self dealloc]; [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error reading element value."]; } [self setDailyCapacity: ((double*) _child_accessor)]; return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "dailyRate", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { _child_accessor = xmlTextReaderReadDoubleType(reader); if (_child_accessor == NULL) { //panic: unable to return the value for some reason. [self dealloc]; [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error reading element value."]; } [self setDailyRate: ((double*) _child_accessor)]; return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self id]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "id", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}id."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}id..."); #endif [[self id] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}id..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}id."]; } } if ([self name]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "name", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}name."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}name..."); #endif [[self name] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}name..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}name."]; } } if ([self startDate]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "startDate", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}startDate."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}startDate..."); #endif [[self startDate] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}startDate..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}startDate."]; } } if ([self endDate]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "endDate", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}endDate."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}endDate..."); #endif [[self endDate] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}endDate..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}endDate."]; } } if ([self dailyCapacity] != NULL) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "dailyCapacity", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}dailyCapacity."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}dailyCapacity..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterWriteDoubleType(writer, [self dailyCapacity]); #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}dailyCapacity..."); #endif if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing child element {}dailyCapacity."]; } status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}dailyCapacity."]; } } if ([self dailyRate] != NULL) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "dailyRate", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}dailyRate."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}dailyRate..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterWriteDoubleType(writer, [self dailyRate]); #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}dailyRate..."); #endif if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing child element {}dailyRate."]; } status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}dailyRate."]; } } } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0Capacity (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0Capacity_M */ #ifndef DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0UserProfile_M #define DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0UserProfile_M /** * User Profile */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0UserProfile /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) userId { return _userId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setUserId: (NSString *) newUserId { [newUserId retain]; [_userId release]; _userId = newUserId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) userName { return _userName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setUserName: (NSString *) newUserName { [newUserName retain]; [_userName release]; _userName = newUserName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) passWord { return _passWord; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setPassWord: (NSString *) newPassWord { [newPassWord retain]; [_passWord release]; _passWord = newPassWord; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) firstName { return _firstName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setFirstName: (NSString *) newFirstName { [newFirstName retain]; [_firstName release]; _firstName = newFirstName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) lastName { return _lastName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setLastName: (NSString *) newLastName { [newLastName retain]; [_lastName release]; _lastName = newLastName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) middleInitial { return _middleInitial; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setMiddleInitial: (NSString *) newMiddleInitial { [newMiddleInitial retain]; [_middleInitial release]; _middleInitial = newMiddleInitial; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) title { return _title; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setTitle: (NSString *) newTitle { [newTitle retain]; [_title release]; _title = newTitle; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) departmentName { return _departmentName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setDepartmentName: (NSString *) newDepartmentName { [newDepartmentName retain]; [_departmentName release]; _departmentName = newDepartmentName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) departmentId { return _departmentId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setDepartmentId: (NSString *) newDepartmentId { [newDepartmentId retain]; [_departmentId release]; _departmentId = newDepartmentId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) departmentCode { return _departmentCode; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setDepartmentCode: (NSString *) newDepartmentCode { [newDepartmentCode retain]; [_departmentCode release]; _departmentCode = newDepartmentCode; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) field1 { return _field1; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setField1: (NSString *) newField1 { [newField1 retain]; [_field1 release]; _field1 = newField1; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) field2 { return _field2; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setField2: (NSString *) newField2 { [newField2 retain]; [_field2 release]; _field2 = newField2; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) field3 { return _field3; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setField3: (NSString *) newField3 { [newField3 retain]; [_field3 release]; _field3 = newField3; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) field4 { return _field4; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setField4: (NSString *) newField4 { [newField4 retain]; [_field4 release]; _field4 = newField4; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) field5 { return _field5; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setField5: (NSString *) newField5 { [newField5 retain]; [_field5 release]; _field5 = newField5; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) field6 { return _field6; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setField6: (NSString *) newField6 { [newField6 retain]; [_field6 release]; _field6 = newField6; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) emailAddress { return _emailAddress; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setEmailAddress: (NSString *) newEmailAddress { [newEmailAddress retain]; [_emailAddress release]; _emailAddress = newEmailAddress; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) skillClassId { return _skillClassId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setSkillClassId: (NSString *) newSkillClassId { [newSkillClassId retain]; [_skillClassId release]; _skillClassId = newSkillClassId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) costCenterId { return _costCenterId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setCostCenterId: (NSString *) newCostCenterId { [newCostCenterId retain]; [_costCenterId release]; _costCenterId = newCostCenterId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) hoursPerWeek { return _hoursPerWeek; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setHoursPerWeek: (NSString *) newHoursPerWeek { [newHoursPerWeek retain]; [_hoursPerWeek release]; _hoursPerWeek = newHoursPerWeek; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) calendarId { return _calendarId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setCalendarId: (NSString *) newCalendarId { [newCalendarId retain]; [_calendarId release]; _calendarId = newCalendarId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) managerId { return _managerId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setManagerId: (NSString *) newManagerId { [newManagerId retain]; [_managerId release]; _managerId = newManagerId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) laborRate { return _laborRate; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setLaborRate: (NSString *) newLaborRate { [newLaborRate retain]; [_laborRate release]; _laborRate = newLaborRate; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) currencyLR { return _currencyLR; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setCurrencyLR: (NSString *) newCurrencyLR { [newCurrencyLR retain]; [_currencyLR release]; _currencyLR = newCurrencyLR; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) externalId { return _externalId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setExternalId: (NSString *) newExternalId { [newExternalId retain]; [_externalId release]; _externalId = newExternalId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) locale { return _locale; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setLocale: (NSString *) newLocale { [newLocale retain]; [_locale release]; _locale = newLocale; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) currencyMode { return _currencyMode; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setCurrencyMode: (NSString *) newCurrencyMode { [newCurrencyMode retain]; [_currencyMode release]; _currencyMode = newCurrencyMode; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) currencyCode { return _currencyCode; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setCurrencyCode: (NSString *) newCurrencyCode { [newCurrencyCode retain]; [_currencyCode release]; _currencyCode = newCurrencyCode; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSArray *) roleIds { return _roleIds; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setRoleIds: (NSArray *) newRoleIds { [newRoleIds retain]; [_roleIds release]; _roleIds = newRoleIds; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSArray *) skillClasses { return _skillClasses; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setSkillClasses: (NSArray *) newSkillClasses { [newSkillClasses retain]; [_skillClasses release]; _skillClasses = newSkillClasses; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSArray *) capacities { return _capacities; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setCapacities: (NSArray *) newCapacities { [newCapacities retain]; [_capacities release]; _capacities = newCapacities; } - (void) dealloc { [self setUserId: nil]; [self setUserName: nil]; [self setPassWord: nil]; [self setFirstName: nil]; [self setLastName: nil]; [self setMiddleInitial: nil]; [self setTitle: nil]; [self setDepartmentName: nil]; [self setDepartmentId: nil]; [self setDepartmentCode: nil]; [self setField1: nil]; [self setField2: nil]; [self setField3: nil]; [self setField4: nil]; [self setField5: nil]; [self setField6: nil]; [self setEmailAddress: nil]; [self setSkillClassId: nil]; [self setCostCenterId: nil]; [self setHoursPerWeek: nil]; [self setCalendarId: nil]; [self setManagerId: nil]; [self setLaborRate: nil]; [self setCurrencyLR: nil]; [self setExternalId: nil]; [self setLocale: nil]; [self setCurrencyMode: nil]; [self setCurrencyCode: nil]; [self setRoleIds: nil]; [self setSkillClasses: nil]; [self setCapacities: nil]; [super dealloc]; } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0UserProfile */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface LEGATOPPMNS0UserProfile (JAXB) @end /*interface LEGATOPPMNS0UserProfile (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0UserProfile (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of LEGATOPPMNS0UserProfile from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of LEGATOPPMNS0UserProfile defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { LEGATOPPMNS0UserProfile *_lEGATOPPMNS0UserProfile = [[LEGATOPPMNS0UserProfile alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_lEGATOPPMNS0UserProfile initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { [_lEGATOPPMNS0UserProfile dealloc]; _lEGATOPPMNS0UserProfile = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_lEGATOPPMNS0UserProfile autorelease]; return _lEGATOPPMNS0UserProfile; } /** * Initialize this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0UserProfile according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0UserProfile to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "userId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}userId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}userId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setUserId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "userName", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}userName of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}userName of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setUserName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "passWord", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}passWord of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}passWord of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setPassWord: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "firstName", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}firstName of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}firstName of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setFirstName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "lastName", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}lastName of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}lastName of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setLastName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "middleInitial", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}middleInitial of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}middleInitial of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setMiddleInitial: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "title", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}title of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}title of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setTitle: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "departmentName", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}departmentName of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}departmentName of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setDepartmentName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "departmentId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}departmentId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}departmentId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setDepartmentId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "departmentCode", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}departmentCode of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}departmentCode of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setDepartmentCode: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "field1", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}field1 of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}field1 of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setField1: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "field2", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}field2 of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}field2 of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setField2: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "field3", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}field3 of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}field3 of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setField3: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "field4", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}field4 of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}field4 of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setField4: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "field5", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}field5 of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}field5 of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setField5: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "field6", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}field6 of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}field6 of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setField6: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "emailAddress", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}emailAddress of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}emailAddress of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setEmailAddress: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "skillClassId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}skillClassId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}skillClassId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setSkillClassId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "costCenterId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}costCenterId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}costCenterId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setCostCenterId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "hoursPerWeek", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}hoursPerWeek of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}hoursPerWeek of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setHoursPerWeek: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "calendarId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}calendarId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}calendarId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setCalendarId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "managerId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}managerId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}managerId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setManagerId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "laborRate", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}laborRate of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}laborRate of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setLaborRate: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "currencyLR", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}currencyLR of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}currencyLR of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setCurrencyLR: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "externalId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}externalId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}externalId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setExternalId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "locale", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}locale of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}locale of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setLocale: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "currencyMode", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}currencyMode of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}currencyMode of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setCurrencyMode: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "currencyCode", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}currencyCode of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}currencyCode of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setCurrencyCode: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "roleIds", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}roleIds of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}roleIds of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif if ([self roleIds]) { [self setRoleIds: [[self roleIds] arrayByAddingObject: __child]]; } else { [self setRoleIds: [NSArray arrayWithObject: __child]]; } return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "skillClasses", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}skillClasses of type {}userSkillClass."); #endif __child = [LEGATOPPMNS0UserSkillClass readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}skillClasses of type {}userSkillClass."); #endif if ([self skillClasses]) { [self setSkillClasses: [[self skillClasses] arrayByAddingObject: __child]]; } else { [self setSkillClasses: [NSArray arrayWithObject: __child]]; } return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "capacities", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}capacities of type {}capacity."); #endif __child = [LEGATOPPMNS0Capacity readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}capacities of type {}capacity."); #endif if ([self capacities]) { [self setCapacities: [[self capacities] arrayByAddingObject: __child]]; } else { [self setCapacities: [NSArray arrayWithObject: __child]]; } return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self userId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "userId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}userId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}userId..."); #endif [[self userId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}userId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}userId."]; } } if ([self userName]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "userName", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}userName."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}userName..."); #endif [[self userName] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}userName..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}userName."]; } } if ([self passWord]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "passWord", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}passWord."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}passWord..."); #endif [[self passWord] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}passWord..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}passWord."]; } } if ([self firstName]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "firstName", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}firstName."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}firstName..."); #endif [[self firstName] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}firstName..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}firstName."]; } } if ([self lastName]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "lastName", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}lastName."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}lastName..."); #endif [[self lastName] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}lastName..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}lastName."]; } } if ([self middleInitial]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "middleInitial", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}middleInitial."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}middleInitial..."); #endif [[self middleInitial] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}middleInitial..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}middleInitial."]; } } if ([self title]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "title", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}title."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}title..."); #endif [[self title] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}title..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}title."]; } } if ([self departmentName]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "departmentName", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}departmentName."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}departmentName..."); #endif [[self departmentName] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}departmentName..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}departmentName."]; } } if ([self departmentId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "departmentId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}departmentId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}departmentId..."); #endif [[self departmentId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}departmentId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}departmentId."]; } } if ([self departmentCode]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "departmentCode", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}departmentCode."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}departmentCode..."); #endif [[self departmentCode] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}departmentCode..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}departmentCode."]; } } if ([self field1]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "field1", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}field1."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}field1..."); #endif [[self field1] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}field1..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}field1."]; } } if ([self field2]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "field2", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}field2."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}field2..."); #endif [[self field2] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}field2..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}field2."]; } } if ([self field3]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "field3", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}field3."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}field3..."); #endif [[self field3] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}field3..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}field3."]; } } if ([self field4]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "field4", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}field4."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}field4..."); #endif [[self field4] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}field4..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}field4."]; } } if ([self field5]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "field5", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}field5."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}field5..."); #endif [[self field5] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}field5..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}field5."]; } } if ([self field6]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "field6", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}field6."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}field6..."); #endif [[self field6] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}field6..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}field6."]; } } if ([self emailAddress]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "emailAddress", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}emailAddress."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}emailAddress..."); #endif [[self emailAddress] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}emailAddress..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}emailAddress."]; } } if ([self skillClassId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "skillClassId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}skillClassId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}skillClassId..."); #endif [[self skillClassId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}skillClassId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}skillClassId."]; } } if ([self costCenterId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "costCenterId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}costCenterId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}costCenterId..."); #endif [[self costCenterId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}costCenterId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}costCenterId."]; } } if ([self hoursPerWeek]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "hoursPerWeek", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}hoursPerWeek."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}hoursPerWeek..."); #endif [[self hoursPerWeek] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}hoursPerWeek..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}hoursPerWeek."]; } } if ([self calendarId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "calendarId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}calendarId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}calendarId..."); #endif [[self calendarId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}calendarId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}calendarId."]; } } if ([self managerId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "managerId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}managerId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}managerId..."); #endif [[self managerId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}managerId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}managerId."]; } } if ([self laborRate]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "laborRate", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}laborRate."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}laborRate..."); #endif [[self laborRate] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}laborRate..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}laborRate."]; } } if ([self currencyLR]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "currencyLR", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}currencyLR."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}currencyLR..."); #endif [[self currencyLR] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}currencyLR..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}currencyLR."]; } } if ([self externalId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "externalId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}externalId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}externalId..."); #endif [[self externalId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}externalId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}externalId."]; } } if ([self locale]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "locale", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}locale."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}locale..."); #endif [[self locale] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}locale..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}locale."]; } } if ([self currencyMode]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "currencyMode", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}currencyMode."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}currencyMode..."); #endif [[self currencyMode] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}currencyMode..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}currencyMode."]; } } if ([self currencyCode]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "currencyCode", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}currencyCode."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}currencyCode..."); #endif [[self currencyCode] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}currencyCode..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}currencyCode."]; } } if ([self roleIds]) { __enumerator = [[self roleIds] objectEnumerator]; while ( (__item = [__enumerator nextObject]) ) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "roleIds", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}roleIds."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}roleIds..."); #endif [__item writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}roleIds..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}roleIds."]; } } //end item iterator. } if ([self skillClasses]) { __enumerator = [[self skillClasses] objectEnumerator]; while ( (__item = [__enumerator nextObject]) ) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "skillClasses", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}skillClasses."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}skillClasses..."); #endif [__item writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}skillClasses..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}skillClasses."]; } } //end item iterator. } if ([self capacities]) { __enumerator = [[self capacities] objectEnumerator]; while ( (__item = [__enumerator nextObject]) ) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "capacities", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}capacities."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}capacities..."); #endif [__item writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}capacities..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}capacities."]; } } //end item iterator. } } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0UserProfile (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0UserProfile_M */ #ifndef DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0UserView_M #define DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0UserView_M /** * User View */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0UserView /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) userId { return _userId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setUserId: (NSString *) newUserId { [newUserId retain]; [_userId release]; _userId = newUserId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) userName { return _userName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setUserName: (NSString *) newUserName { [newUserName retain]; [_userName release]; _userName = newUserName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) departmentId { return _departmentId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setDepartmentId: (NSString *) newDepartmentId { [newDepartmentId retain]; [_departmentId release]; _departmentId = newDepartmentId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) departmentName { return _departmentName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setDepartmentName: (NSString *) newDepartmentName { [newDepartmentName retain]; [_departmentName release]; _departmentName = newDepartmentName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) costCenterId { return _costCenterId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setCostCenterId: (NSString *) newCostCenterId { [newCostCenterId retain]; [_costCenterId release]; _costCenterId = newCostCenterId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) costCenterName { return _costCenterName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setCostCenterName: (NSString *) newCostCenterName { [newCostCenterName retain]; [_costCenterName release]; _costCenterName = newCostCenterName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) skillClassId { return _skillClassId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setSkillClassId: (NSString *) newSkillClassId { [newSkillClassId retain]; [_skillClassId release]; _skillClassId = newSkillClassId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) skillClassName { return _skillClassName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setSkillClassName: (NSString *) newSkillClassName { [newSkillClassName retain]; [_skillClassName release]; _skillClassName = newSkillClassName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) hoursPerDay { return _hoursPerDay; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setHoursPerDay: (NSString *) newHoursPerDay { [newHoursPerDay retain]; [_hoursPerDay release]; _hoursPerDay = newHoursPerDay; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) calendarName { return _calendarName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setCalendarName: (NSString *) newCalendarName { [newCalendarName retain]; [_calendarName release]; _calendarName = newCalendarName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) passWord { return _passWord; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setPassWord: (NSString *) newPassWord { [newPassWord retain]; [_passWord release]; _passWord = newPassWord; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) fullName { return _fullName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setFullName: (NSString *) newFullName { [newFullName retain]; [_fullName release]; _fullName = newFullName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) fullNameDepartment { return _fullNameDepartment; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setFullNameDepartment: (NSString *) newFullNameDepartment { [newFullNameDepartment retain]; [_fullNameDepartment release]; _fullNameDepartment = newFullNameDepartment; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) loggedOn { return _loggedOn; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setLoggedOn: (NSString *) newLoggedOn { [newLoggedOn retain]; [_loggedOn release]; _loggedOn = newLoggedOn; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) roleName { return _roleName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setRoleName: (NSString *) newRoleName { [newRoleName retain]; [_roleName release]; _roleName = newRoleName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) roleTypeId { return _roleTypeId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setRoleTypeId: (NSString *) newRoleTypeId { [newRoleTypeId retain]; [_roleTypeId release]; _roleTypeId = newRoleTypeId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) roleTypeName { return _roleTypeName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setRoleTypeName: (NSString *) newRoleTypeName { [newRoleTypeName retain]; [_roleTypeName release]; _roleTypeName = newRoleTypeName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) managerId { return _managerId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setManagerId: (NSString *) newManagerId { [newManagerId retain]; [_managerId release]; _managerId = newManagerId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) managerName { return _managerName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setManagerName: (NSString *) newManagerName { [newManagerName retain]; [_managerName release]; _managerName = newManagerName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (BOOL *) disabled { return _disabled; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setDisabled: (BOOL *) newDisabled { if (_disabled != NULL) { free(_disabled); } _disabled = newDisabled; } - (void) dealloc { [self setUserId: nil]; [self setUserName: nil]; [self setDepartmentId: nil]; [self setDepartmentName: nil]; [self setCostCenterId: nil]; [self setCostCenterName: nil]; [self setSkillClassId: nil]; [self setSkillClassName: nil]; [self setHoursPerDay: nil]; [self setCalendarName: nil]; [self setPassWord: nil]; [self setFullName: nil]; [self setFullNameDepartment: nil]; [self setLoggedOn: nil]; [self setRoleName: nil]; [self setRoleTypeId: nil]; [self setRoleTypeName: nil]; [self setManagerId: nil]; [self setManagerName: nil]; [self setDisabled: NULL]; [super dealloc]; } //documentation inherited. + (id) readFromXML: (NSData *) xml { LEGATOPPMNS0UserView *_lEGATOPPMNS0UserView; xmlTextReaderPtr reader = xmlReaderForMemory([xml bytes], [xml length], NULL, NULL, 0); if (reader == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error instantiating an XML reader."]; return nil; } _lEGATOPPMNS0UserView = (LEGATOPPMNS0UserView *) [LEGATOPPMNS0UserView readXMLElement: reader]; xmlFreeTextReader(reader); //free the reader return _lEGATOPPMNS0UserView; } //documentation inherited. - (NSData *) writeToXML { xmlBufferPtr buf; xmlTextWriterPtr writer; int rc; NSData *data; buf = xmlBufferCreate(); if (buf == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML buffer."]; return nil; } writer = xmlNewTextWriterMemory(buf, 0); if (writer == NULL) { xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML writer."]; return nil; } rc = xmlTextWriterStartDocument(writer, NULL, "utf-8", NULL); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML start document."]; return nil; } NS_DURING { [self writeXMLElement: writer]; } NS_HANDLER { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER rc = xmlTextWriterEndDocument(writer); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML end document."]; return nil; } xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); data = [NSData dataWithBytes: buf->content length: buf->use]; xmlBufferFree(buf); return data; } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0UserView */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface LEGATOPPMNS0UserView (JAXB) @end /*interface LEGATOPPMNS0UserView (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0UserView (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of LEGATOPPMNS0UserView from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of LEGATOPPMNS0UserView defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { LEGATOPPMNS0UserView *_lEGATOPPMNS0UserView = [[LEGATOPPMNS0UserView alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_lEGATOPPMNS0UserView initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { [_lEGATOPPMNS0UserView dealloc]; _lEGATOPPMNS0UserView = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_lEGATOPPMNS0UserView autorelease]; return _lEGATOPPMNS0UserView; } /** * Initialize this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0UserView according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0UserView to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } /** * Reads a LEGATOPPMNS0UserView from an XML reader. The element to be read is * "userView". * * @param reader The XML reader. * @return The LEGATOPPMNS0UserView. */ + (id) readXMLElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { int status; LEGATOPPMNS0UserView *_userView = nil; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) != XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT) { status = xmlTextReaderAdvanceToNextStartOrEndElement(reader); if (status < 1) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error advancing the reader to start element userView."]; } } if (xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "userView", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read root element {}userView."); #endif _userView = (LEGATOPPMNS0UserView *)[LEGATOPPMNS0UserView readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Successfully read root element {}userView."); #endif } else { if (xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read LEGATOPPMNS0UserView. Expected element userView. Current element: {}%s", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } else { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read LEGATOPPMNS0UserView. Expected element userView. Current element: {%s}%s\n", xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader), xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } } return _userView; } /** * Writes this LEGATOPPMNS0UserView to XML under element name "userView". * The namespace declarations for the element will be written. * * @param writer The XML writer. * @param _userView The UserView to write. * @return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [self writeXMLElement: writer writeNamespaces: YES]; } /** * Writes this LEGATOPPMNS0UserView to an XML writer. * * @param writer The writer. * @param writeNs Whether to write the namespaces for this element to the xml writer. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer writeNamespaces: (BOOL) writeNs { int rc = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "userView", NULL); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start element {}userView. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing type {}userView for root element {}userView..."); #endif [self writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote type {}userView for root element {}userView..."); #endif rc = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end element {}userView. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "userId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}userId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}userId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setUserId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "userName", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}userName of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}userName of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setUserName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "departmentId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}departmentId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}departmentId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setDepartmentId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "departmentName", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}departmentName of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}departmentName of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setDepartmentName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "costCenterId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}costCenterId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}costCenterId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setCostCenterId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "costCenterName", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}costCenterName of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}costCenterName of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setCostCenterName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "skillClassId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}skillClassId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}skillClassId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setSkillClassId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "skillClassName", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}skillClassName of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}skillClassName of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setSkillClassName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "hoursPerDay", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}hoursPerDay of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}hoursPerDay of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setHoursPerDay: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "calendarName", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}calendarName of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}calendarName of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setCalendarName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "passWord", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}passWord of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}passWord of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setPassWord: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "fullName", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}fullName of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}fullName of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setFullName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "fullNameDepartment", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}fullNameDepartment of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}fullNameDepartment of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setFullNameDepartment: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "loggedOn", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}loggedOn of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}loggedOn of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setLoggedOn: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "roleName", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}roleName of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}roleName of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setRoleName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "roleTypeId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}roleTypeId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}roleTypeId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setRoleTypeId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "roleTypeName", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}roleTypeName of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}roleTypeName of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setRoleTypeName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "managerId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}managerId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}managerId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setManagerId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "managerName", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}managerName of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}managerName of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setManagerName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "disabled", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { _child_accessor = xmlTextReaderReadBooleanType(reader); if (_child_accessor == NULL) { //panic: unable to return the value for some reason. [self dealloc]; [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error reading element value."]; } [self setDisabled: ((BOOL*) _child_accessor)]; return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self userId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "userId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}userId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}userId..."); #endif [[self userId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}userId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}userId."]; } } if ([self userName]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "userName", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}userName."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}userName..."); #endif [[self userName] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}userName..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}userName."]; } } if ([self departmentId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "departmentId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}departmentId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}departmentId..."); #endif [[self departmentId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}departmentId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}departmentId."]; } } if ([self departmentName]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "departmentName", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}departmentName."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}departmentName..."); #endif [[self departmentName] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}departmentName..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}departmentName."]; } } if ([self costCenterId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "costCenterId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}costCenterId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}costCenterId..."); #endif [[self costCenterId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}costCenterId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}costCenterId."]; } } if ([self costCenterName]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "costCenterName", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}costCenterName."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}costCenterName..."); #endif [[self costCenterName] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}costCenterName..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}costCenterName."]; } } if ([self skillClassId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "skillClassId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}skillClassId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}skillClassId..."); #endif [[self skillClassId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}skillClassId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}skillClassId."]; } } if ([self skillClassName]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "skillClassName", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}skillClassName."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}skillClassName..."); #endif [[self skillClassName] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}skillClassName..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}skillClassName."]; } } if ([self hoursPerDay]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "hoursPerDay", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}hoursPerDay."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}hoursPerDay..."); #endif [[self hoursPerDay] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}hoursPerDay..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}hoursPerDay."]; } } if ([self calendarName]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "calendarName", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}calendarName."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}calendarName..."); #endif [[self calendarName] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}calendarName..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}calendarName."]; } } if ([self passWord]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "passWord", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}passWord."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}passWord..."); #endif [[self passWord] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}passWord..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}passWord."]; } } if ([self fullName]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "fullName", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}fullName."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}fullName..."); #endif [[self fullName] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}fullName..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}fullName."]; } } if ([self fullNameDepartment]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "fullNameDepartment", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}fullNameDepartment."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}fullNameDepartment..."); #endif [[self fullNameDepartment] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}fullNameDepartment..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}fullNameDepartment."]; } } if ([self loggedOn]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "loggedOn", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}loggedOn."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}loggedOn..."); #endif [[self loggedOn] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}loggedOn..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}loggedOn."]; } } if ([self roleName]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "roleName", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}roleName."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}roleName..."); #endif [[self roleName] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}roleName..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}roleName."]; } } if ([self roleTypeId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "roleTypeId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}roleTypeId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}roleTypeId..."); #endif [[self roleTypeId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}roleTypeId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}roleTypeId."]; } } if ([self roleTypeName]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "roleTypeName", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}roleTypeName."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}roleTypeName..."); #endif [[self roleTypeName] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}roleTypeName..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}roleTypeName."]; } } if ([self managerId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "managerId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}managerId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}managerId..."); #endif [[self managerId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}managerId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}managerId."]; } } if ([self managerName]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "managerName", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}managerName."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}managerName..."); #endif [[self managerName] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}managerName..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}managerName."]; } } if ([self disabled] != NULL) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "disabled", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}disabled."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}disabled..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterWriteBooleanType(writer, [self disabled]); #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}disabled..."); #endif if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing child element {}disabled."]; } status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}disabled."]; } } } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0UserView (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0UserView_M */ #ifndef DEF_LEGATOPPMSESSIONSession_M #define DEF_LEGATOPPMSESSIONSession_M /** * Session */ @implementation LEGATOPPMSESSIONSession /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) sessionId { return _sessionId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setSessionId: (NSString *) newSessionId { [newSessionId retain]; [_sessionId release]; _sessionId = newSessionId; } - (void) dealloc { [self setSessionId: nil]; [super dealloc]; } //documentation inherited. + (id) readFromXML: (NSData *) xml { LEGATOPPMSESSIONSession *_lEGATOPPMSESSIONSession; xmlTextReaderPtr reader = xmlReaderForMemory([xml bytes], [xml length], NULL, NULL, 0); if (reader == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error instantiating an XML reader."]; return nil; } _lEGATOPPMSESSIONSession = (LEGATOPPMSESSIONSession *) [LEGATOPPMSESSIONSession readXMLElement: reader]; xmlFreeTextReader(reader); //free the reader return _lEGATOPPMSESSIONSession; } //documentation inherited. - (NSData *) writeToXML { xmlBufferPtr buf; xmlTextWriterPtr writer; int rc; NSData *data; buf = xmlBufferCreate(); if (buf == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML buffer."]; return nil; } writer = xmlNewTextWriterMemory(buf, 0); if (writer == NULL) { xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML writer."]; return nil; } rc = xmlTextWriterStartDocument(writer, NULL, "utf-8", NULL); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML start document."]; return nil; } NS_DURING { [self writeXMLElement: writer]; } NS_HANDLER { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER rc = xmlTextWriterEndDocument(writer); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML end document."]; return nil; } xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); data = [NSData dataWithBytes: buf->content length: buf->use]; xmlBufferFree(buf); return data; } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMSESSIONSession */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface LEGATOPPMSESSIONSession (JAXB) @end /*interface LEGATOPPMSESSIONSession (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation LEGATOPPMSESSIONSession (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of LEGATOPPMSESSIONSession from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of LEGATOPPMSESSIONSession defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { LEGATOPPMSESSIONSession *_lEGATOPPMSESSIONSession = [[LEGATOPPMSESSIONSession alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_lEGATOPPMSESSIONSession initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { [_lEGATOPPMSESSIONSession dealloc]; _lEGATOPPMSESSIONSession = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_lEGATOPPMSESSIONSession autorelease]; return _lEGATOPPMSESSIONSession; } /** * Initialize this instance of LEGATOPPMSESSIONSession according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of LEGATOPPMSESSIONSession to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } /** * Reads a LEGATOPPMSESSIONSession from an XML reader. The element to be read is * "{http://api.legatoppm.com/session}session". * * @param reader The XML reader. * @return The LEGATOPPMSESSIONSession. */ + (id) readXMLElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { int status; LEGATOPPMSESSIONSession *_session = nil; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) != XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT) { status = xmlTextReaderAdvanceToNextStartOrEndElement(reader); if (status < 1) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error advancing the reader to start element {http://api.legatoppm.com/session}session."]; } } if (xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "session", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "http://api.legatoppm.com/session", xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader)) == 0) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read root element {http://api.legatoppm.com/session}session."); #endif _session = (LEGATOPPMSESSIONSession *)[LEGATOPPMSESSIONSession readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Successfully read root element {http://api.legatoppm.com/session}session."); #endif } else { if (xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read LEGATOPPMSESSIONSession. Expected element {http://api.legatoppm.com/session}session. Current element: {}%s", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } else { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read LEGATOPPMSESSIONSession. Expected element {http://api.legatoppm.com/session}session. Current element: {%s}%s\n", xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader), xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } } return _session; } /** * Writes this LEGATOPPMSESSIONSession to XML under element name "{http://api.legatoppm.com/session}session". * The namespace declarations for the element will be written. * * @param writer The XML writer. * @param _session The Session to write. * @return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [self writeXMLElement: writer writeNamespaces: YES]; } /** * Writes this LEGATOPPMSESSIONSession to an XML writer. * * @param writer The writer. * @param writeNs Whether to write the namespaces for this element to the xml writer. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer writeNamespaces: (BOOL) writeNs { int rc = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, BAD_CAST "session", BAD_CAST "session", NULL); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start element {http://api.legatoppm.com/session}session. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } if (writeNs) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing namespaces for start element {http://api.legatoppm.com/session}session..."); #endif rc = xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(writer, BAD_CAST "xmlns:session", BAD_CAST "http://api.legatoppm.com/session"); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing attribute 'xmlns:session' on '{http://api.legatoppm.com/session}session'. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote namespaces for start element {http://api.legatoppm.com/session}session..."); #endif } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing type {http://api.legatoppm.com/session}session for root element {http://api.legatoppm.com/session}session..."); #endif [self writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote type {http://api.legatoppm.com/session}session for root element {http://api.legatoppm.com/session}session..."); #endif rc = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end element {http://api.legatoppm.com/session}session. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "sessionId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}sessionId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}sessionId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setSessionId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self sessionId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "sessionId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}sessionId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}sessionId..."); #endif [[self sessionId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}sessionId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}sessionId."]; } } } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMSESSIONSession (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_LEGATOPPMSESSIONSession_M */ #ifndef DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0UserSkillClass_M #define DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0UserSkillClass_M /** * (no documentation provided) */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0UserSkillClass /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) id { return _id; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setId: (NSString *) newId { [newId retain]; [_id release]; _id = newId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (int *) percentage { return _percentage; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setPercentage: (int *) newPercentage { if (_percentage != NULL) { free(_percentage); } _percentage = newPercentage; } - (void) dealloc { [self setId: nil]; [self setPercentage: NULL]; [super dealloc]; } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0UserSkillClass */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface LEGATOPPMNS0UserSkillClass (JAXB) @end /*interface LEGATOPPMNS0UserSkillClass (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0UserSkillClass (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of LEGATOPPMNS0UserSkillClass from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of LEGATOPPMNS0UserSkillClass defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { LEGATOPPMNS0UserSkillClass *_lEGATOPPMNS0UserSkillClass = [[LEGATOPPMNS0UserSkillClass alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_lEGATOPPMNS0UserSkillClass initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { [_lEGATOPPMNS0UserSkillClass dealloc]; _lEGATOPPMNS0UserSkillClass = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_lEGATOPPMNS0UserSkillClass autorelease]; return _lEGATOPPMNS0UserSkillClass; } /** * Initialize this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0UserSkillClass according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0UserSkillClass to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "id", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "percentage", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { _child_accessor = xmlTextReaderReadIntType(reader); if (_child_accessor == NULL) { //panic: unable to return the value for some reason. [self dealloc]; [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error reading element value."]; } [self setPercentage: ((int*) _child_accessor)]; return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self id]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "id", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}id."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}id..."); #endif [[self id] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}id..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}id."]; } } if ([self percentage] != NULL) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "percentage", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}percentage."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}percentage..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterWriteIntType(writer, [self percentage]); #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}percentage..."); #endif if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing child element {}percentage."]; } status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}percentage."]; } } } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0UserSkillClass (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0UserSkillClass_M */ #ifndef DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0Role_M #define DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0Role_M /** * (no documentation provided) */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0Role /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) id { return _id; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setId: (NSString *) newId { [newId retain]; [_id release]; _id = newId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) name { return _name; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setName: (NSString *) newName { [newName retain]; [_name release]; _name = newName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) description { return _description; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setDescription: (NSString *) newDescription { [newDescription retain]; [_description release]; _description = newDescription; } - (void) dealloc { [self setId: nil]; [self setName: nil]; [self setDescription: nil]; [super dealloc]; } //documentation inherited. + (id) readFromXML: (NSData *) xml { LEGATOPPMNS0Role *_lEGATOPPMNS0Role; xmlTextReaderPtr reader = xmlReaderForMemory([xml bytes], [xml length], NULL, NULL, 0); if (reader == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error instantiating an XML reader."]; return nil; } _lEGATOPPMNS0Role = (LEGATOPPMNS0Role *) [LEGATOPPMNS0Role readXMLElement: reader]; xmlFreeTextReader(reader); //free the reader return _lEGATOPPMNS0Role; } //documentation inherited. - (NSData *) writeToXML { xmlBufferPtr buf; xmlTextWriterPtr writer; int rc; NSData *data; buf = xmlBufferCreate(); if (buf == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML buffer."]; return nil; } writer = xmlNewTextWriterMemory(buf, 0); if (writer == NULL) { xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error creating an XML writer."]; return nil; } rc = xmlTextWriterStartDocument(writer, NULL, "utf-8", NULL); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML start document."]; return nil; } NS_DURING { [self writeXMLElement: writer]; } NS_HANDLER { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER rc = xmlTextWriterEndDocument(writer); if (rc < 0) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlBufferFree(buf); [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing XML end document."]; return nil; } xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); data = [NSData dataWithBytes: buf->content length: buf->use]; xmlBufferFree(buf); return data; } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0Role */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface LEGATOPPMNS0Role (JAXB) @end /*interface LEGATOPPMNS0Role (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0Role (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of LEGATOPPMNS0Role from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of LEGATOPPMNS0Role defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { LEGATOPPMNS0Role *_lEGATOPPMNS0Role = [[LEGATOPPMNS0Role alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_lEGATOPPMNS0Role initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { [_lEGATOPPMNS0Role dealloc]; _lEGATOPPMNS0Role = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_lEGATOPPMNS0Role autorelease]; return _lEGATOPPMNS0Role; } /** * Initialize this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0Role according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0Role to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } /** * Reads a LEGATOPPMNS0Role from an XML reader. The element to be read is * "role". * * @param reader The XML reader. * @return The LEGATOPPMNS0Role. */ + (id) readXMLElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { int status; LEGATOPPMNS0Role *_role = nil; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) != XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT) { status = xmlTextReaderAdvanceToNextStartOrEndElement(reader); if (status < 1) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error advancing the reader to start element role."]; } } if (xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "role", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read root element {}role."); #endif _role = (LEGATOPPMNS0Role *)[LEGATOPPMNS0Role readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Successfully read root element {}role."); #endif } else { if (xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read LEGATOPPMNS0Role. Expected element role. Current element: {}%s", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } else { [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Unable to read LEGATOPPMNS0Role. Expected element role. Current element: {%s}%s\n", xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader), xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)]; } } return _role; } /** * Writes this LEGATOPPMNS0Role to XML under element name "role". * The namespace declarations for the element will be written. * * @param writer The XML writer. * @param _role The Role to write. * @return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [self writeXMLElement: writer writeNamespaces: YES]; } /** * Writes this LEGATOPPMNS0Role to an XML writer. * * @param writer The writer. * @param writeNs Whether to write the namespaces for this element to the xml writer. */ - (void) writeXMLElement: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer writeNamespaces: (BOOL) writeNs { int rc = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "role", NULL); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start element {}role. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing type {}role for root element {}role..."); #endif [self writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote type {}role for root element {}role..."); #endif rc = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (rc < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end element {}role. XML writer status: %i\n", rc]; } } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "id", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "name", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "description", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setDescription: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self id]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "id", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}id."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}id..."); #endif [[self id] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}id..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}id."]; } } if ([self name]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "name", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}name."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}name..."); #endif [[self name] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}name..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}name."]; } } if ([self description]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "description", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}description."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}description..."); #endif [[self description] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}description..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}description."]; } } } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0Role (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0Role_M */ #ifndef DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0TaskType_M #define DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0TaskType_M /** * (no documentation provided) */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0TaskType /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) id { return _id; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setId: (NSString *) newId { [newId retain]; [_id release]; _id = newId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) name { return _name; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setName: (NSString *) newName { [newName retain]; [_name release]; _name = newName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) description { return _description; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setDescription: (NSString *) newDescription { [newDescription retain]; [_description release]; _description = newDescription; } - (void) dealloc { [self setId: nil]; [self setName: nil]; [self setDescription: nil]; [super dealloc]; } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0TaskType */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface LEGATOPPMNS0TaskType (JAXB) @end /*interface LEGATOPPMNS0TaskType (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0TaskType (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of LEGATOPPMNS0TaskType from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of LEGATOPPMNS0TaskType defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { LEGATOPPMNS0TaskType *_lEGATOPPMNS0TaskType = [[LEGATOPPMNS0TaskType alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_lEGATOPPMNS0TaskType initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { [_lEGATOPPMNS0TaskType dealloc]; _lEGATOPPMNS0TaskType = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_lEGATOPPMNS0TaskType autorelease]; return _lEGATOPPMNS0TaskType; } /** * Initialize this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0TaskType according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0TaskType to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "id", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "name", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "description", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setDescription: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self id]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "id", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}id."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}id..."); #endif [[self id] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}id..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}id."]; } } if ([self name]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "name", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}name."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}name..."); #endif [[self name] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}name..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}name."]; } } if ([self description]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "description", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}description."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}description..."); #endif [[self description] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}description..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}description."]; } } } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0TaskType (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0TaskType_M */ #ifndef DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0TaskNode_M #define DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0TaskNode_M /** * (no documentation provided) */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0TaskNode /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (LEGATOPPMNS0Task *) task { return _task; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setTask: (LEGATOPPMNS0Task *) newTask { [newTask retain]; [_task release]; _task = newTask; } - (void) dealloc { [self setTask: nil]; [super dealloc]; } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0TaskNode */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface LEGATOPPMNS0TaskNode (JAXB) @end /*interface LEGATOPPMNS0TaskNode (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0TaskNode (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of LEGATOPPMNS0TaskNode from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of LEGATOPPMNS0TaskNode defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { LEGATOPPMNS0TaskNode *_lEGATOPPMNS0TaskNode = [[LEGATOPPMNS0TaskNode alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_lEGATOPPMNS0TaskNode initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { [_lEGATOPPMNS0TaskNode dealloc]; _lEGATOPPMNS0TaskNode = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_lEGATOPPMNS0TaskNode autorelease]; return _lEGATOPPMNS0TaskNode; } /** * Initialize this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0TaskNode according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0TaskNode to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "task", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}task of type {}task."); #endif __child = [LEGATOPPMNS0Task readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}task of type {}task."); #endif [self setTask: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self task]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "task", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}task."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}task..."); #endif [[self task] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}task..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}task."]; } } } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0TaskNode (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0TaskNode_M */ #ifndef DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0SkillClass_M #define DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0SkillClass_M /** * (no documentation provided) */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0SkillClass /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) id { return _id; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setId: (NSString *) newId { [newId retain]; [_id release]; _id = newId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) name { return _name; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setName: (NSString *) newName { [newName retain]; [_name release]; _name = newName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) description { return _description; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setDescription: (NSString *) newDescription { [newDescription retain]; [_description release]; _description = newDescription; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) rate { return _rate; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setRate: (NSString *) newRate { [newRate retain]; [_rate release]; _rate = newRate; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) currency { return _currency; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setCurrency: (NSString *) newCurrency { [newCurrency retain]; [_currency release]; _currency = newCurrency; } - (void) dealloc { [self setId: nil]; [self setName: nil]; [self setDescription: nil]; [self setRate: nil]; [self setCurrency: nil]; [super dealloc]; } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0SkillClass */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface LEGATOPPMNS0SkillClass (JAXB) @end /*interface LEGATOPPMNS0SkillClass (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0SkillClass (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of LEGATOPPMNS0SkillClass from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of LEGATOPPMNS0SkillClass defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { LEGATOPPMNS0SkillClass *_lEGATOPPMNS0SkillClass = [[LEGATOPPMNS0SkillClass alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_lEGATOPPMNS0SkillClass initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { [_lEGATOPPMNS0SkillClass dealloc]; _lEGATOPPMNS0SkillClass = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_lEGATOPPMNS0SkillClass autorelease]; return _lEGATOPPMNS0SkillClass; } /** * Initialize this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0SkillClass according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0SkillClass to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "id", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "name", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "description", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setDescription: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "rate", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}rate of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}rate of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setRate: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "currency", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}currency of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}currency of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setCurrency: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self id]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "id", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}id."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}id..."); #endif [[self id] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}id..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}id."]; } } if ([self name]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "name", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}name."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}name..."); #endif [[self name] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}name..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}name."]; } } if ([self description]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "description", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}description."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}description..."); #endif [[self description] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}description..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}description."]; } } if ([self rate]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "rate", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}rate."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}rate..."); #endif [[self rate] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}rate..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}rate."]; } } if ([self currency]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "currency", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}currency."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}currency..."); #endif [[self currency] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}currency..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}currency."]; } } } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0SkillClass (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0SkillClass_M */ #ifndef DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0GanttTask_M #define DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0GanttTask_M /** * (no documentation provided) */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0GanttTask /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) id { return _id; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setId: (NSString *) newId { [newId retain]; [_id release]; _id = newId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (BOOL) leaf { return _leaf; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setLeaf: (BOOL) newLeaf { _leaf = newLeaf; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) name { return _name; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setName: (NSString *) newName { [newName retain]; [_name release]; _name = newName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSDecimalNumber *) percentage { return _percentage; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setPercentage: (NSDecimalNumber *) newPercentage { [newPercentage retain]; [_percentage release]; _percentage = newPercentage; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) priority { return _priority; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setPriority: (NSString *) newPriority { [newPriority retain]; [_priority release]; _priority = newPriority; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) responsible { return _responsible; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setResponsible: (NSString *) newResponsible { [newResponsible retain]; [_responsible release]; _responsible = newResponsible; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) startDate { return _startDate; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setStartDate: (NSString *) newStartDate { [newStartDate retain]; [_startDate release]; _startDate = newStartDate; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) endDate { return _endDate; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setEndDate: (NSString *) newEndDate { [newEndDate retain]; [_endDate release]; _endDate = newEndDate; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) parentId { return _parentId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setParentId: (NSString *) newParentId { [newParentId retain]; [_parentId release]; _parentId = newParentId; } - (void) dealloc { [self setId: nil]; [self setName: nil]; [self setPercentage: nil]; [self setPriority: nil]; [self setResponsible: nil]; [self setStartDate: nil]; [self setEndDate: nil]; [self setParentId: nil]; [super dealloc]; } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0GanttTask */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface LEGATOPPMNS0GanttTask (JAXB) @end /*interface LEGATOPPMNS0GanttTask (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0GanttTask (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of LEGATOPPMNS0GanttTask from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of LEGATOPPMNS0GanttTask defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { LEGATOPPMNS0GanttTask *_lEGATOPPMNS0GanttTask = [[LEGATOPPMNS0GanttTask alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_lEGATOPPMNS0GanttTask initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { [_lEGATOPPMNS0GanttTask dealloc]; _lEGATOPPMNS0GanttTask = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_lEGATOPPMNS0GanttTask autorelease]; return _lEGATOPPMNS0GanttTask; } /** * Initialize this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0GanttTask according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0GanttTask to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "id", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "leaf", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { _child_accessor = xmlTextReaderReadBooleanType(reader); if (_child_accessor == NULL) { //panic: unable to return the value for some reason. [self dealloc]; [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error reading element value."]; } [self setLeaf: *((BOOL*) _child_accessor)]; free(_child_accessor); return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "name", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "percentage", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}percentage of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}decimal."); #endif __child = [NSDecimalNumber readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}percentage of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}decimal."); #endif [self setPercentage: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "priority", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}priority of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}priority of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setPriority: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "responsible", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}responsible of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}responsible of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setResponsible: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "startDate", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}startDate of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}startDate of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setStartDate: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "endDate", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}endDate of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}endDate of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setEndDate: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "parentId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}parentId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}parentId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setParentId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self id]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "id", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}id."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}id..."); #endif [[self id] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}id..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}id."]; } } if (YES) { //always write the primitive element... status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "leaf", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}leaf."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}leaf..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterWriteBooleanType(writer, &_leaf); #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}leaf..."); #endif if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing child element {}leaf."]; } status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}leaf."]; } } if ([self name]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "name", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}name."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}name..."); #endif [[self name] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}name..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}name."]; } } if ([self percentage]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "percentage", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}percentage."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}percentage..."); #endif [[self percentage] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}percentage..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}percentage."]; } } if ([self priority]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "priority", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}priority."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}priority..."); #endif [[self priority] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}priority..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}priority."]; } } if ([self responsible]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "responsible", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}responsible."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}responsible..."); #endif [[self responsible] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}responsible..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}responsible."]; } } if ([self startDate]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "startDate", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}startDate."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}startDate..."); #endif [[self startDate] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}startDate..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}startDate."]; } } if ([self endDate]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "endDate", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}endDate."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}endDate..."); #endif [[self endDate] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}endDate..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}endDate."]; } } if ([self parentId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "parentId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}parentId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}parentId..."); #endif [[self parentId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}parentId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}parentId."]; } } } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0GanttTask (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0GanttTask_M */ #ifndef DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0ExtTask_M #define DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0ExtTask_M /** * (no documentation provided) */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0ExtTask /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) task { return _task; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setTask: (NSString *) newTask { [newTask retain]; [_task release]; _task = newTask; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) duration { return _duration; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setDuration: (NSString *) newDuration { [newDuration retain]; [_duration release]; _duration = newDuration; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) user { return _user; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setUser: (NSString *) newUser { [newUser retain]; [_user release]; _user = newUser; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (BOOL) leaf { return _leaf; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setLeaf: (BOOL) newLeaf { _leaf = newLeaf; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) cls { return _cls; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setCls: (NSString *) newCls { [newCls retain]; [_cls release]; _cls = newCls; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) iconCls { return _iconCls; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setIconCls: (NSString *) newIconCls { [newIconCls retain]; [_iconCls release]; _iconCls = newIconCls; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) uiProvider { return _uiProvider; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setUiProvider: (NSString *) newUiProvider { [newUiProvider retain]; [_uiProvider release]; _uiProvider = newUiProvider; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) cost { return _cost; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setCost: (NSString *) newCost { [newCost retain]; [_cost release]; _cost = newCost; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSArray *) children { return _children; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setChildren: (NSArray *) newChildren { [newChildren retain]; [_children release]; _children = newChildren; } - (void) dealloc { [self setTask: nil]; [self setDuration: nil]; [self setUser: nil]; [self setCls: nil]; [self setIconCls: nil]; [self setUiProvider: nil]; [self setCost: nil]; [self setChildren: nil]; [super dealloc]; } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0ExtTask */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface LEGATOPPMNS0ExtTask (JAXB) @end /*interface LEGATOPPMNS0ExtTask (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0ExtTask (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of LEGATOPPMNS0ExtTask from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of LEGATOPPMNS0ExtTask defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { LEGATOPPMNS0ExtTask *_lEGATOPPMNS0ExtTask = [[LEGATOPPMNS0ExtTask alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_lEGATOPPMNS0ExtTask initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { [_lEGATOPPMNS0ExtTask dealloc]; _lEGATOPPMNS0ExtTask = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_lEGATOPPMNS0ExtTask autorelease]; return _lEGATOPPMNS0ExtTask; } /** * Initialize this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0ExtTask according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0ExtTask to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "task", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}task of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}task of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setTask: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "duration", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}duration of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}duration of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setDuration: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "user", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}user of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}user of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setUser: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "leaf", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { _child_accessor = xmlTextReaderReadBooleanType(reader); if (_child_accessor == NULL) { //panic: unable to return the value for some reason. [self dealloc]; [NSException raise: @"XMLReadError" format: @"Error reading element value."]; } [self setLeaf: *((BOOL*) _child_accessor)]; free(_child_accessor); return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "cls", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}cls of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}cls of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setCls: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "iconCls", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}iconCls of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}iconCls of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setIconCls: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "uiProvider", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}uiProvider of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}uiProvider of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setUiProvider: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "cost", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}cost of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}cost of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setCost: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "children", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}children of type {}extTask."); #endif __child = [LEGATOPPMNS0ExtTask readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}children of type {}extTask."); #endif if ([self children]) { [self setChildren: [[self children] arrayByAddingObject: __child]]; } else { [self setChildren: [NSArray arrayWithObject: __child]]; } return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self task]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "task", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}task."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}task..."); #endif [[self task] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}task..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}task."]; } } if ([self duration]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "duration", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}duration."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}duration..."); #endif [[self duration] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}duration..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}duration."]; } } if ([self user]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "user", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}user."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}user..."); #endif [[self user] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}user..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}user."]; } } if (YES) { //always write the primitive element... status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "leaf", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}leaf."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}leaf..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterWriteBooleanType(writer, &_leaf); #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}leaf..."); #endif if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing child element {}leaf."]; } status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}leaf."]; } } if ([self cls]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "cls", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}cls."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}cls..."); #endif [[self cls] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}cls..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}cls."]; } } if ([self iconCls]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "iconCls", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}iconCls."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}iconCls..."); #endif [[self iconCls] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}iconCls..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}iconCls."]; } } if ([self uiProvider]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "uiProvider", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}uiProvider."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}uiProvider..."); #endif [[self uiProvider] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}uiProvider..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}uiProvider."]; } } if ([self cost]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "cost", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}cost."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}cost..."); #endif [[self cost] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}cost..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}cost."]; } } if ([self children]) { __enumerator = [[self children] objectEnumerator]; while ( (__item = [__enumerator nextObject]) ) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "children", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}children."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}children..."); #endif [__item writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}children..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}children."]; } } //end item iterator. } } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0ExtTask (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0ExtTask_M */ #ifndef DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0CostCenter_M #define DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0CostCenter_M /** * (no documentation provided) */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0CostCenter /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) id { return _id; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setId: (NSString *) newId { [newId retain]; [_id release]; _id = newId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) name { return _name; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setName: (NSString *) newName { [newName retain]; [_name release]; _name = newName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) description { return _description; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setDescription: (NSString *) newDescription { [newDescription retain]; [_description release]; _description = newDescription; } - (void) dealloc { [self setId: nil]; [self setName: nil]; [self setDescription: nil]; [super dealloc]; } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0CostCenter */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface LEGATOPPMNS0CostCenter (JAXB) @end /*interface LEGATOPPMNS0CostCenter (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0CostCenter (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of LEGATOPPMNS0CostCenter from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of LEGATOPPMNS0CostCenter defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { LEGATOPPMNS0CostCenter *_lEGATOPPMNS0CostCenter = [[LEGATOPPMNS0CostCenter alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_lEGATOPPMNS0CostCenter initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { [_lEGATOPPMNS0CostCenter dealloc]; _lEGATOPPMNS0CostCenter = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_lEGATOPPMNS0CostCenter autorelease]; return _lEGATOPPMNS0CostCenter; } /** * Initialize this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0CostCenter according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0CostCenter to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "id", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "name", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "description", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setDescription: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self id]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "id", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}id."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}id..."); #endif [[self id] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}id..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}id."]; } } if ([self name]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "name", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}name."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}name..."); #endif [[self name] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}name..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}name."]; } } if ([self description]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "description", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}description."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}description..."); #endif [[self description] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}description..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}description."]; } } } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0CostCenter (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0CostCenter_M */ #ifndef DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectType_M #define DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectType_M /** * (no documentation provided) */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectType /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) id { return _id; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setId: (NSString *) newId { [newId retain]; [_id release]; _id = newId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) name { return _name; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setName: (NSString *) newName { [newName retain]; [_name release]; _name = newName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) description { return _description; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setDescription: (NSString *) newDescription { [newDescription retain]; [_description release]; _description = newDescription; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) templateList { return _templateList; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setTemplateList: (NSString *) newTemplateList { [newTemplateList retain]; [_templateList release]; _templateList = newTemplateList; } - (void) dealloc { [self setId: nil]; [self setName: nil]; [self setDescription: nil]; [self setTemplateList: nil]; [super dealloc]; } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectType */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectType (JAXB) @end /*interface LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectType (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectType (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectType from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectType defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectType *_lEGATOPPMNS0ProjectType = [[LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectType alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_lEGATOPPMNS0ProjectType initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { [_lEGATOPPMNS0ProjectType dealloc]; _lEGATOPPMNS0ProjectType = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_lEGATOPPMNS0ProjectType autorelease]; return _lEGATOPPMNS0ProjectType; } /** * Initialize this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectType according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectType to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "id", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "name", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "description", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setDescription: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "templateList", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}templateList of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}templateList of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setTemplateList: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self id]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "id", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}id."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}id..."); #endif [[self id] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}id..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}id."]; } } if ([self name]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "name", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}name."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}name..."); #endif [[self name] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}name..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}name."]; } } if ([self description]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "description", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}description."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}description..."); #endif [[self description] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}description..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}description."]; } } if ([self templateList]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "templateList", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}templateList."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}templateList..."); #endif [[self templateList] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}templateList..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}templateList."]; } } } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectType (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectType_M */ #ifndef DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0CategoryValue_M #define DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0CategoryValue_M /** * (no documentation provided) */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0CategoryValue /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) id { return _id; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setId: (NSString *) newId { [newId retain]; [_id release]; _id = newId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) valueId { return _valueId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setValueId: (NSString *) newValueId { [newValueId retain]; [_valueId release]; _valueId = newValueId; } - (void) dealloc { [self setId: nil]; [self setValueId: nil]; [super dealloc]; } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0CategoryValue */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface LEGATOPPMNS0CategoryValue (JAXB) @end /*interface LEGATOPPMNS0CategoryValue (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0CategoryValue (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of LEGATOPPMNS0CategoryValue from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of LEGATOPPMNS0CategoryValue defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { LEGATOPPMNS0CategoryValue *_lEGATOPPMNS0CategoryValue = [[LEGATOPPMNS0CategoryValue alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_lEGATOPPMNS0CategoryValue initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { [_lEGATOPPMNS0CategoryValue dealloc]; _lEGATOPPMNS0CategoryValue = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_lEGATOPPMNS0CategoryValue autorelease]; return _lEGATOPPMNS0CategoryValue; } /** * Initialize this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0CategoryValue according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0CategoryValue to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "id", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "valueId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}valueId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}valueId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setValueId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self id]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "id", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}id."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}id..."); #endif [[self id] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}id..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}id."]; } } if ([self valueId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "valueId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}valueId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}valueId..."); #endif [[self valueId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}valueId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}valueId."]; } } } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0CategoryValue (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0CategoryValue_M */ #ifndef DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategoryValue_M #define DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategoryValue_M /** * (no documentation provided) */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategoryValue /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) id { return _id; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setId: (NSString *) newId { [newId retain]; [_id release]; _id = newId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) parentId { return _parentId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setParentId: (NSString *) newParentId { [newParentId retain]; [_parentId release]; _parentId = newParentId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) name { return _name; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setName: (NSString *) newName { [newName retain]; [_name release]; _name = newName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) description { return _description; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setDescription: (NSString *) newDescription { [newDescription retain]; [_description release]; _description = newDescription; } - (void) dealloc { [self setId: nil]; [self setParentId: nil]; [self setName: nil]; [self setDescription: nil]; [super dealloc]; } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategoryValue */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategoryValue (JAXB) @end /*interface LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategoryValue (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategoryValue (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategoryValue from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategoryValue defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategoryValue *_lEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategoryValue = [[LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategoryValue alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_lEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategoryValue initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { [_lEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategoryValue dealloc]; _lEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategoryValue = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_lEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategoryValue autorelease]; return _lEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategoryValue; } /** * Initialize this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategoryValue according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategoryValue to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "id", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "parentId", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}parentId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}parentId of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setParentId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "name", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "description", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setDescription: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self id]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "id", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}id."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}id..."); #endif [[self id] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}id..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}id."]; } } if ([self parentId]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "parentId", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}parentId."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}parentId..."); #endif [[self parentId] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}parentId..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}parentId."]; } } if ([self name]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "name", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}name."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}name..."); #endif [[self name] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}name..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}name."]; } } if ([self description]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "description", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}description."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}description..."); #endif [[self description] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}description..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}description."]; } } } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategoryValue (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategoryValue_M */ #ifndef DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategory_M #define DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategory_M /** * (no documentation provided) */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategory /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) id { return _id; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setId: (NSString *) newId { [newId retain]; [_id release]; _id = newId; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) currency { return _currency; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setCurrency: (NSString *) newCurrency { [newCurrency retain]; [_currency release]; _currency = newCurrency; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) properties { return _properties; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setProperties: (NSString *) newProperties { [newProperties retain]; [_properties release]; _properties = newProperties; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) applicableIds { return _applicableIds; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setApplicableIds: (NSString *) newApplicableIds { [newApplicableIds retain]; [_applicableIds release]; _applicableIds = newApplicableIds; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) access { return _access; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setAccess: (NSString *) newAccess { [newAccess retain]; [_access release]; _access = newAccess; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) name { return _name; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setName: (NSString *) newName { [newName retain]; [_name release]; _name = newName; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) description { return _description; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setDescription: (NSString *) newDescription { [newDescription retain]; [_description release]; _description = newDescription; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (NSString *) displayList { return _displayList; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setDisplayList: (NSString *) newDisplayList { [newDisplayList retain]; [_displayList release]; _displayList = newDisplayList; } - (void) dealloc { [self setId: nil]; [self setCurrency: nil]; [self setProperties: nil]; [self setApplicableIds: nil]; [self setAccess: nil]; [self setName: nil]; [self setDescription: nil]; [self setDisplayList: nil]; [super dealloc]; } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategory */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategory (JAXB) @end /*interface LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategory (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategory (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategory from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategory defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategory *_lEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategory = [[LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategory alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_lEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategory initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { [_lEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategory dealloc]; _lEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategory = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_lEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategory autorelease]; return _lEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategory; } /** * Initialize this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategory according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategory to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "id", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}id of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setId: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "currency", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}currency of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}currency of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setCurrency: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "properties", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}properties of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}properties of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setProperties: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "applicableIds", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}applicableIds of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}applicableIds of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setApplicableIds: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "access", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}access of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}access of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setAccess: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "name", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}name of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setName: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "description", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}description of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setDescription: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "displayList", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}displayList of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif __child = [NSString readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}displayList of type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string."); #endif [self setDisplayList: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self id]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "id", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}id."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}id..."); #endif [[self id] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}id..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}id."]; } } if ([self currency]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "currency", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}currency."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}currency..."); #endif [[self currency] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}currency..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}currency."]; } } if ([self properties]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "properties", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}properties."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}properties..."); #endif [[self properties] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}properties..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}properties."]; } } if ([self applicableIds]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "applicableIds", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}applicableIds."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}applicableIds..."); #endif [[self applicableIds] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}applicableIds..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}applicableIds."]; } } if ([self access]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "access", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}access."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}access..."); #endif [[self access] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}access..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}access."]; } } if ([self name]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "name", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}name."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}name..."); #endif [[self name] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}name..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}name."]; } } if ([self description]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "description", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}description."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}description..."); #endif [[self description] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}description..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}description."]; } } if ([self displayList]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "displayList", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}displayList."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}displayList..."); #endif [[self displayList] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}displayList..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}displayList."]; } } } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategory (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0CustomCategory_M */ #ifndef DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectNode_M #define DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectNode_M /** * (no documentation provided) */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectNode /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (LEGATOPPMNS0Project *) project { return _project; } /** * (no documentation provided) */ - (void) setProject: (LEGATOPPMNS0Project *) newProject { [newProject retain]; [_project release]; _project = newProject; } - (void) dealloc { [self setProject: nil]; [super dealloc]; } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectNode */ /** * Internal, private interface for JAXB reading and writing. */ @interface LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectNode (JAXB) @end /*interface LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectNode (JAXB)*/ /** * Internal, private implementation for JAXB reading and writing. */ @implementation LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectNode (JAXB) /** * Read an instance of LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectNode from an XML reader. * * @param reader The reader. * @return An instance of LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectNode defined by the XML reader. */ + (id) readXMLType: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectNode *_lEGATOPPMNS0ProjectNode = [[LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectNode alloc] init]; NS_DURING { [_lEGATOPPMNS0ProjectNode initWithReader: reader]; } NS_HANDLER { [_lEGATOPPMNS0ProjectNode dealloc]; _lEGATOPPMNS0ProjectNode = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER [_lEGATOPPMNS0ProjectNode autorelease]; return _lEGATOPPMNS0ProjectNode; } /** * Initialize this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectNode according to * the XML being read from the reader. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (id) initWithReader: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super initWithReader: reader]; } /** * Write the XML for this instance of LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectNode to the writer. * Note that since we're only writing the XML type, * No start/end element will be written. * * @param reader The reader. */ - (void) writeXMLType: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeXMLType:writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { void *_child_accessor; if ([super readJAXBAttribute: reader]) { return YES; } return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBValue: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readJAXBValue: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (BOOL) readJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { id __child; void *_child_accessor; int status, depth; if ([super readJAXBChildElement: reader]) { return YES; } if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT && xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "project", xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader)) == 0 && xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(reader) == NULL) { #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"Attempting to read choice {}project of type {}project."); #endif __child = [LEGATOPPMNS0Project readXMLType: reader]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully read choice {}project of type {}project."); #endif [self setProject: __child]; return YES; } //end "if choice" return NO; } //documentation inherited. - (int) readUnknownJAXBChildElement: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { return [super readUnknownJAXBChildElement: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) readUnknownJAXBAttribute: (xmlTextReaderPtr) reader { [super readUnknownJAXBAttribute: reader]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBAttributes: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; [super writeJAXBAttributes: writer]; } //documentation inherited. - (void) writeJAXBValue: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { [super writeJAXBValue: writer]; } /** * Method for writing the child elements. * * @param writer The writer. */ - (void) writeJAXBChildElements: (xmlTextWriterPtr) writer { int status; id __item; NSEnumerator *__enumerator; [super writeJAXBChildElements: writer]; if ([self project]) { status = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, BAD_CAST "project", NULL); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing start child element {}project."]; } #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"writing element {}project..."); #endif [[self project] writeXMLType: writer]; #if DEBUG_ENUNCIATE > 1 NSLog(@"successfully wrote element {}project..."); #endif status = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (status < 0) { [NSException raise: @"XMLWriteError" format: @"Error writing end child element {}project."]; } } } @end /* implementation LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectNode (JAXB) */ #endif /* DEF_LEGATOPPMNS0ProjectNode_M */