LegatoPPM Release Notes
December, 2008
This file contains important information that may not appear in online help.
Read this file in its entirety.
Scalability and Performance Limitation
There is a known issue with TeamFocus 2008 R2 that impacts the scalability and performance of tasks in the WBS pages, Gantt charts, and Agile views. Borland recommends that the following customers deploy TeamFocus 2008 and delay deployment of TeamFocus 2008 R2:
- Customers that extensively use the WBS pages and Gantt charts. This includes new customers and existing Tempo 2007 R2 customers who plan to migrate to TeamFocus.
- Agile customers with more than 20 Agile teams.
International Limitation
There are known issues with TeamFocus 2008 R2 that impact the German and French locales. For best results, customers should avoid using the German and French locales.
Status Definitions
The following defines the status of the Known Issues and Limitations.
- New - The CR was entered and is awaiting triage.
- Open - The CR has been reviewed in the triage and is now ready to be
- Evaluation - The CR is an enhancement request and needs to be evaluated by
the product owner.
- Limitation - The CR is acknowledged by Borland
as a defect that cannot be fixed. CRs marked as limitation are generally
published so customers can avoid problems.
- Working as Designed - The CR is working as designed in LegatoPPM and is not a defect.
- Out of Scope - The CR is an enhancement request but will not be fixed.
- Cancel - The CR is not really a defect or enhancement.
- In Progress - The CR is currently in the development process.
- Fixed - The CR has been fixed and now functions as requested.
- Cannot Reproduce - The entered CR cannot be reproduced.
- Is Duplicate - The CR has previously been reported.
- Verified Fixed - QA has verified that the fixed CR now functions as
- Verified Duplicate - QA has verified the duplicate CR.
- Verified Cannot Reproduce - QA has verified that the issue cannot be
- Closed - The CR has undergone the discharge process.
Fixed Defects
The following is a list of defects that are now fixed in LegatoPPM:
CR #: 1,672 Updated Core Data Fields Not Displaying in Associated Forms
CR #: 2,082 The option Company Priority should not be available from the Comprehensive Reports Option page for an item
CR #: 2,116 Incorrect policy stated in the General Information help topic for Project Management
CR #: 2,141 Project Manager Association field contains a velocity servlet error
CR #: 2,199 Performance needs to improve when importing Microsoft Project files
CR #: 2,753 Squares appear on the Resources tab in some fields for labor cost planned and labor cost remaining
CR #: 2,784 Team Members don't migrate from 2007 SP1 to 2007 R2 RTM and above
CR #: 2,838 The new Add All in Team/Base Team (Cost Center) button is adding disabled users
CR #: 2,839 The documentation to explain portfolio and column settings must be available to all users in order to display in system reports
CR #: 2,846 The system is not updating the average score for responses when the summary calculation is assigned to Average of all responses.
CR #: 2,850 The Set Parameters dialog box from the Resources tab on the ALM Project Management view resets that data once you select the Categorize By option
CR #: 2,852 Disabled users appear in some views
CR #: 2,865 Decimal values in user rate and capacity schedule
CR #: 2,881Manual Spent Hours all show as 0 after the upgrade
CR #: 2,907 The policy conditions do not apply to the "Can Be Submitted" policy and it only works as an unconditional policy
CR #: 2,926 When linking WBS tasks from another project, previously deleted projects appear in the list box
CR #: 3,032 Owner list box in Inline Editor dialog box does not include a scroll bar and is not easily navigatable
CR #: 2,442 Email Tab on the Policy Manager
CR #: 2,658 Bubble Charts page contains HTML tag
CR #: 2,782 Data in form is wiped out when status is not specified
CR #: 2,785 Data in form is wiped out when change is made to process
CR #: 2,897 An Asset Management label accesses Demand Management
CR #: 2,948 Diagram tab of the Dependencies page only displays current request and any related requests when maximized
CR #: 2,962 Documentation refers to the Manage Attachments policy which is actually Can Manage System Documents
Known LegatoPPM Issues and Limitations
The following are known issues in LegatoPPM.
Repository connection in Add Story dialog box is not always as expected when there are multiple repository connections for a project
CR #: 1,813
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
If you have multiple repository connections for a project, when you add a new story directly to a sprint by using the right pane of the Sprint Planning page, the repository connection from the default backlog is always displayed, by default, in the Link list box. You might expect that if you add a different backlog for the same project with a different default, that it might be selected, instead. |
Work Around: |
When you add a story by using the Sprint Planning page, check the Link list box in the Add Story dialog box to ensure that TeamFocus shows the repository connection in which you wish the story to be saved. Select a different repository connection, if necessary. |
Status field not updated properly
CR #: 1,856
| |
Status: 1. New
| |
Description: |
If you map the StarTeam requirement Status field to a UDA enumeration, and then save the requirement, you might receive an error indicating that "Submitted" is not a valid value for status. It is possible that the status field is not updated properly. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Manage Backlogs button display issue
CR #: 1,862
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
The Manage Backlogs button sometimes does not display at the bottom of the page. |
Work Around: |
Hover over the bar with your mouse. |
Cannot drag and drop a user story on a collapsed sprint
CR #: 1,866
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
You should be able to drop a user story to a sprint even when the sprint is collapsed. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Error occurs when disabling a StarTeam custom field (UDA)
CR #: 1,870
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
When a custom StarTeam field is in use (a requirement has input for this field), and is then marked disabled, the following error will occur: Story load error -- Unable to load the story details. Mapped Attribute Usr_AcceptedBy has been disabled.
Work Around: |
Do not disable StarTeam fields that are currently in use. |
Not Set team member for Agile tasks
CR #: 1,872
| |
Status: 2b. Evaluation
| |
Description: |
You cannot assign Not Set as a team member for an Agile task. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Repository connection to Caliber created at the project level
CR #: 1,876
| |
Status: 2b. Evaluation
| |
Description: |
You should not be able to create a repository connection to Caliber at the project level. In some cases, LegatoPPM might allow it. |
Work Around: |
None at this time. |
If LegatoPPM service outage occurs during mapping, you are not notified in the case of failure
CR #: 1,886
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
If you are in the process of mapping values to master values for a UDA and the LegatoPPM service stops, the values are not saved. LegatoPPM does not generate an error. When you click Save, the dialog box closes and you do not know that your mappings are lost. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Caliber UDA enums: deleted values are returned
CR #: 1,887
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
When you create a Caliber UDA with enumerated values, and then delete those values after you already mapped them to LegatoPPM fields, the deleted values still display. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
TeamFocus does not support owner field in StarTeam requirement
CR #: 1,890
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
Customers who configure TeamFocus to use external requirements in the StarTeam repository should not change the Owner field in the Starteam requirement to a non-null value.
Including a non-null/blank value in the StarTeam requirement Owner attribute can prevent you from retrieving and editing the requirement in TeamFocus.
Work Around: |
Do not change the Owner field in the Starteam requirement to a non-null value.
Must have enough StarTeam values to map to values in TeamFocus
CR #: 1,896
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
When mapping enumerated field values, you must have as many StarTeam values as TeamFocus values for Confidence and Status fields. For those fields, every LegatoPPM master value must have a mapped value from the StarTeam repository. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
When user authentication is validated, but password is invalid, the red box continues to display
CR #: 1,899
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
When editing ALM Authentication, if you enter a user name with an invalid password, the ALM Authentication dialog box does not dismiss and the red box remains around the User login name text box.
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Intermittent error when loading ALM repositories
CR #: 1,903
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
The error, "Servlet AsychHandler is not Available" displays when accessing the ALM Repository Settings dialog box if your LegatoPPM service starts before your database service. The LegatoPPM service must start after your database service.
Work Around: |
If you see this error, restart the LegatoPPM service |
The "Changes Detected" message displays when you cancel without making changes
CR #: 1,906
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
When using the UDA Customization dialog box, in some circumstances, a "Changes Detected" message might display when you cancel without making any changes. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Some mapped enumeration values might show "Defunct"
CR #: 1,908
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
If you fail to map all enumerated master values, the data might not display correctly. |
Work Around: |
You must map all master values for enumerations. |
Error message not helpful
CR #: 1,911
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
If you edit a user story and exceed the length that a UDA from an external repository supports (from which a field is mapped), an error message occurs. However, the message does not indicate which field exceeded the length.
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Incomplete error message
CR #: 1,912
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
If you edit a user story and exceed the length that a UDA from an external repository supports (from which a field is mapped), an error message occurs, however; the actual length of the value that you enter is not reflected correctly in the error message.
Work Around: |
No work around. |
"Choose..." disappears
CR #: 1,913
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
In the ALM Link Settings tab, when you select Map Enumerations from the context menu of an existing repository connection (or create a new connection), when the Enumeration Mapping dialog box first displays it reads "Choose..." in the Enumeration list box. If you click the list box, but do not select anything, and then click again, "Choose..." disappears and the box becomes blank.
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Refresh button not functioning properly
CR #: 1,914
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
In the ALM Repository Settings page, there is a Refresh button in the top right-hand corner. There is also a Refresh toolbar button. These two Refresh buttons do not perform the same refresh action.
Work Around: |
No work around. |
UDA mapping usage: if field length limit is exceeded, the error message is vague
CR #: 1,916
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
If you save a story and the length is exceeded in an external repository, you might receive a vague error such as "Saving the story failed with an error." |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Story sync does not function when story is removed from backlog
CR #: 1,934
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
We currently do not support linking multiple external repositories to a single backlog in a project. |
Work Around: |
Delete the item from the backend repository and from the backlog. |
Story sync does not function when user stories are deleted in the backend (backlog with multiple links)
CR #: 1,936
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
When a backlog has multiple remote links (such as StarTeam and Caliber), and user stories are directly deleted in the backend repositories, synchronization fails. For example, only one of the repositories might sync. |
Work Around: |
Delete the item from the backend repository and from the backlog. |
Under some circumstance, ALM Connections page might not load
CR #: 1,937
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
In some cases, the ALM Connections page might not load. |
Work Around: |
Select a different button (Item Page or General Information), and then attempt to click the ALM Connections button again. |
Third-Party Browser Extensions
CR #: 1,978
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
In rare occasions, you may encounter the Internet Explorer error "Cannot Open the site/Operation Aborted" upon logging into LegatoPPM. This error might be related to a third-party extension installed on your system. |
Work Around: |
To disable third-party browser extensions complete the following steps:
1. Open an Internet Explorer browser and choose Tools -> Internet Options.
The Internet Options dialog box displays.
2. Click the Advanced tab and then uncheck the Enable third-party browser extensions check box under Browsing.
3. Restart your browser.
4. Log on to LegatoPPM and confirm you no longer receive the error.
5. To identify the specific browser extension causing the problem, reenable extensions and add each extension individually until you locate the problem.
Some Item Actions (policies) not respected in Agile views
CR #: 1,981
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
Some Item actions and policies are not applicable to agile views. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Burndown Chart: updating the collection time gives incorrect date in the confirmation message
CR #: 1,996
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
If you change the collection time of the Burndown Chart, sometimes the correct time does not display in the confirmation message. For example, if you modify the collection time on July 07 to be 03:15 AM, you are indicating the next collection time will occur on July 08 at 03:15 AM because 03:15 AM has already passed for July 07. However, the confirmation message reads: "Successfully saved and rescheduled the burndown data collection time. Next scheduled time is Mon Jul 07 03:15:00 CDT 2008." |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Product Backlog page - long backlog names are cut off
CR #: 2,004
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
In the Product Backlog page, if the name exceeds the length of the data in the Backlog list box, a tool tip does not show the entire name; therefore, the name is cut off. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Bottom of Product Backlog page does not move when window is vertically resized
CR #: 2,005
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
In some cases, the bottom of Product Backlog page does not move when window is vertically resized. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Tabbed Add Story dialog box needs to take the user to Custom tab when the Custom tab contains required fields
CR #: 2,057
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
When a field is required but is on the Custom tab of the Add Story dialog box, the application does not take the user to the tab containing the required field. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
When a story is added through TeamFocus, the correct owner for the story does not appear in CaliberRM
CR #: 2,060
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
If a user enters a story using TeamFocus and stores the story in a CaliberRM repository, the owner displays as an administrator (in CaliberRM) rather than the user that entered the story. TeamFocus is coded so that every story or requirement added through TeamFocus shows the owner in CaliberRM as admin; therefore, this presents a problem if there is no user with the user name of admin.
Work Around: |
Add an administrative user (admin) if one does not exist. |
Caliber user stories with special characters such as @ do not save
CR #: 2,070
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
When using CaliberRM, if you type the "@" character between text, because the editor thinks an email address is being specified, LegatoPPM creates a link to that email address. This causes the HTML editor to add an additional "target" attribute to the link in the HTML rich text. This in turn breaks the parser in Caliber which throws the exception. Consequently, you cannot use the "@" character between text when using CaliberRM as an external repository. |
Work Around: |
If you type the "@" character between text and the editor thinks an email address is being specified, you must delete the text. |
Story Tree displays deleted user stories
CR #: 2,076
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
User stories continue to display on the Story Tree tab after they are deleted. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Stories with changed project links
CR #: 2,078
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
When a backlog is synced to an erroneous project repository connection, the erroneous connection should be deleted and the backlog should be edited to remove the link and re-synced to remove the associated stories. The user can then create a new project link and associate it with the backlog and resync. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Extraneous Values are showing up in LegatoPPM Enumeration Mapping dialog box that are not listed in the CaliberRM's enumeration field values
CR #: 2,100
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
When using CaliberRM to map values for fields of enumerated types, the Enumeration Mapping dialog box in LegatoPPM might include enumeration values that have been deleted from Caliber. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
LegatoPPM Service does not install on Windows 2003 or Windows XP
CR #: 2,130
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
In some cases, the LegatoPPM Service does not install on Windows 2003 or Windows XP in Windows Services. |
Work Around: |
Run the install.bat file located in C:\Program Files\Borland\LegatoPPM\service\4.1.18 for a typical installation. |
Default release is not being created when a project is changed to Agile
CR #: 2,181
| |
Status: 2e. Out of Scope
| |
Description: |
When you change the process of an already saved Waterfall project to Agile, a default release is not automatically created. |
Work Around: |
Manually create the release. |
If Caliber goes down, LegatoPPM needs to be restarted
CR #: 2,228
| |
Status: 3. In Progress
| |
Description: |
If Caliber fails and requires a restart, you must also restart the LegatoPPM service. If not, an error similar to following error could occur under some rare circumstances "ERROR 2008-07-31 16:59:45,734 [http-80-3] com.borland.alm.spi.impl.caliber.CaliberProviderUtils: Encountered an un-mappable Caliber exception, throwing SPI Exception com.starbase.caliber.server.RemoteServerException: null" |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Workflow Actions on the Administration view
CR #: 2,229
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
The Workflow Actions on the Worfkflow tab of the Administration view are currently in an unordered list. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
When task enumeration value mappings are not saved due to StarTeam connection loss, error is not displayed
CR #: 2,238
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
If there is a StarTeam connection loss during the process of creating task enumeration mappings, the mappings are not saved and the UI does not indicate that the mappings are not saved. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
LegatoPPM must be restarted in order to see added UDAs from StarTeam
CR #: 2,266
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
If a user adds UDAs in StarTeam while the LegatoPPM service is running, they do not immediately show in the UDA Customization dialog box as selections. |
Work Around: |
Restart the LegatoPPM service in order for the UDAs to display as selections. |
Edit ALM Authentication dialog box is not case sensitive
CR #: 2,268
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
ALM Authenticated names mapped to StarTeam user names are case sensitive. For example, if you use jsmith in StarTeam, the ALM authenticated name must be jsmith rather than JSmith or JSMITH. |
Work Around: |
Log out and try again. |
Error is not clear when you attempt to create two identical repository connections
CR #: 2,287
| |
Status: 2b. Evaluation
| |
Description: |
If you attempt to create a repository connection, that already exists, to a repository (with the same name as the existing repository connection, which LegatoPPM does not allow), an error occurs, as expected. However, if you subsequently attempt to create another repository connection to the same repository (with a different name as the existing repository connection), the same error occurs again (with the original name displayed again). LegatoPPM does not allow two repository connections to the same repository; however, the error messages that display during the documented scenario are not clear. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Invalid argument when clicking on Agile tab
CR #: 2,306
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
In some rare cases, an Invalid Argument error might occur when you click the Agile tab. |
Work Around: |
Dismiss the error, close your browser, and re-access LegatoPPM. |
Add a user, Edit ALM Authentication button is disabled
CR #: 2,330
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
When you add a user, the Edit ALM Authentication button in the User Profile Detail dialog box is disabled. You must save the user profile and then re-open it to access the button. |
Work Around: |
Save the new user, return to the User Profile Detail dialog box, and then select the Edit ALM Authentication button again to access the ALM Authentication dialog box. |
Active sprint not selected automatically when going to Team Board
CR #: 2,378
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
LegatoPPM does not automatically select the active sprint when you access the Team Board. |
Work Around: |
Manually select the active sprint. |
Undocumented sprint id number shown on Burndown Chart
CR #: 2,403
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
At the end of the Burndown Chart heading, a sprint ID displays which is not documented in the Help system. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Cannot restore deleted projects
CR #: 2,434
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
In LegatoPPM, you cannot restore a deleted project. Once a project is deleted, it is no longer in the system and cannot be accessed. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Task card not updated when repository is synchronized
CR #: 2,445
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
In some cases, if you update the status of a task by using StarTeam when there is a task repository connection for the release, the status does not immediately display in the Team Board. |
Work Around: |
Refresh the Team Board. |
Must log out and log back in to see LegatoPPM in selected locale
CR #: 2,495
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
After changing the locale by using the system setting or the user profile, you must log out of LegatoPPM and log back in to see the user interface and Help in the localized language that you selected. Pressing the Refresh button does not completely refresh the changed locale. |
Work Around: |
Log out and log back in. |
Unable to create tasks from LegatoPPM for StarTeam repository when using German locale
CR #: 2,539
| |
Status: 2b. Evaluation
| |
Description: |
When using the French or German locale, you cannot edit user story or task core fields that are enumerated and have them correctly sync back to Team Focus.
When using the French or German locale, we recommend you create UDA fields in the external repository. |
Work Around: |
Do not rename the default Status UDA enumeration values in StarTeam |
Project deletions are allowed when a project has repository connections that have been synced
CR #: 2,554
| |
Status: 2b. Evaluation
| |
Description: |
Documentation states that you cannot delete projects once repository connections are established and synchronized; however, this functionality is allowed by LegatoPPM. Borland recommends that you do not delete projects with established repository connections. As a consequence, none of the associations are removed when you delete a project; therefore, orphaned data results. |
Work Around: |
Limit the number of users who have the privilege to delete projects. |
Negative values for spent time
CR #: 2,597
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
LegatoPPM does not prevent you from entering spent time in negative values. For best results, enter spent time in positive values. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Item page does not display tasks without resources or owners
CR #: 2,598
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
Tasks without an assigned owner or resource do not display on the Item Page. Agile tasks typically do not have owners and may not always have assigned resources. Therefore, agile tasks currently do not display on the Item Page. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Burndown chart dates do not display correctly when long date range is set
CR #: 2,600
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
When you set a long range of dates for a sprint, the Burndown Chart does not display the dates correctly on the x-axis. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Item Page: ALM connections - Error loading StarTeam change requests
CR #: 2,617
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
If you attempt to create an ALM metric for defect counts by using an ALM connection of type "Change Request," an error might occur when using custom values for enumerated fields in StarTeam. This is due to the fact that LegatoPPM does not have a way to map enumeration values for enumerated fields such as Status for change requests. The Borland Open ALM Framework expects the following standard enumeration values for a field such as Status: "No," "Yes." If the enumerated values are custom for this type of field, LegatoPPM does not support them. |
Work Around: |
The CRs in StarTeam should have the following (default) enumeration values:
CR Priority:
No, Yes
CR Status:
New, Open, In Progress, Cannot Reproduce, As Designed, Fixed, Documented, Is Duplicate, Deferred, Verified Cannot Reproduce, Verified As Designed, Verified Fixed, Verified Documented, Verified Is Duplicate, Verified Deferred, Closed Cannot Reproduce, Closed As Designed, Closed Fixed, Closed Documented, Closed Is Duplicate, Closed Deferred
If these standard enumeration values are disabled and new enumeration values are used, the CRs cannot be retrieved from the links. |
After creating repository connections, requirements, CRs, or tasks are not loading until refreshing window
CR #: 2,623
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
If you create artifacts (task, requirements, and CRs) on the native repositories (Caliber and StarTeam) and add the repository connections to the corresponding element containers in LegatoPPM. The tabs (ALM Tasks/ALM Requirements/ALM Change Requests) are empty until you refresh.
Work Around: |
If you access the tabs prior to creating the repository connections, then you must refresh. If you access the tabs for the first time, they are loaded automatically. |
Blank page with four sections (lines) on the Agile tab
CR #: 2,640
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
In rare circumstances, a blank screen with four sections might display on the Agile tab instead of the proper page showing. |
Work Around: |
Refresh (F5) the page. |
LegatoPPM service must be restarted in order to see new StarTeam users
CR #: 2,644
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
When a new StarTeam user is added using the StarTeam Admin interface, in order for TeamFocus to see the new user (after it is mapped), the LegatoPPM service must be restarted in order to refresh the cache. |
Work Around: |
Restart the LegatoPPM service. |
Form summary indicates all questions have been responded
CR #: 2,647
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Currently, LegatoPPM records questions that have been opened but not necessarily answered (opened but left blank by the user) as answered questions. This may lead users to mistakenly think that forms that still have unanswered questions are completed. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Http - 500 error when more than one page of LegatoPPM is open
CR #: 2,672
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
An Http - 500 error displays if you have two windows of LegatoPPM open (one being an agile page and the other being any other page in LegatoPPM). |
Work Around: |
Close the page with the 500 error and relaunch from the other page. |
Notes on a Story dialog box may not appear
CR #: 2,694
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
In some cases, information on the Notes tab of the Story dialog box do not display after the story is saved. |
Work Around: |
Your note is more likely to display if you enter the text with highlighted, bolded or underlined text. This type of text is often more likely to display than plain text. |
Story does not disassociate with backlog
CR #: 2,762
| |
Status: 3. In Progress
| |
Description: |
If you add a new user story and delete that user story in the Product Backlog page, it no longer appears in the Product Backlog page; however, it appears in the Story Tree page. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Demo Database: All Powerful Role (CCIO) does not have all views and policies by default
CR #: 2,765
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
You must activate the view and action policies related to agile for the IT executive role, Carl CIO (CCIO), in the demo database. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
User with only the Use New Request Wizard status can still edit and manage demands
CR #: 2,781
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
The Use New Request Wizard policy gives users the ability to add and manage demands, as well as add projects. Even if users are not assigned any of the available demand policies, they can still manage demands if they have the Use New Request wizard policy. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Mapped UDAs causes an error for story statuses in TeamFocus
CR #: 2,787
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
If a TeamFocus status is mapped to a CaliberRM status, an error occurs when you save a story with an updated or changed status. The error indicates that the status values are invalid. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
[FR/GE]:Sorting in the French and German environments
CR #: 2,851
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
Items are sorted incorrectly on the My Demand Items table in the French and German locales. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Releases with out sprints do not display in the Work Breakdown Structure
CR #: 2,942
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
To ensure that all your releases are visible in the Work Breakdown Structure add them to releases. A release does not display in the Work Breakdown Structure until is is added to a sprint. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Edits to backlog settings (repository connections) not saved
CR #: 3,004
| |
Status: 2b. Evaluation
| |
Description: |
If you change the repository connection for a backlog after it is saved, you would expect it to save; however, it does not. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Gantt chart - completion dates do not update for releases and sprints
CR #: 3,028
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
Gantt chart - Completion dates of the releases and sprints are not updated when they are modified on the Sprint Planning page. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Tasks stored in StarTeam with long names display a % sign in LegatoPPM
CR #: 3,031
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
StarTeam cuts off excessively long task names. In the place where they were truncated, LegatoPPM displays a % sign. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Release dates are not picked up in the Gantt Chart page
CR #: 3,045
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
If you perform the following steps, release dates are not shown in the Gantt Chart page:
1) Create an agile project with a release and sprint (set the dates for the release and sprint).
2) Go to the Gantt tab and view your agile project's release.
3) Look at the release and notice the dates do not roll up. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Available capacity for resources categorized by skill class calculates incorrectly
CR #: 3,068
| |
Status: 3. In Progress
| |
Description: |
In some cases, when you categorize by skill class and only one resource in the project is assigned to that skill class, the system attributes the available capacity for all users in the application assigned to the skill class to the single user. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Agile WBS page: inconsistent behavior with some navigational paths for tasks
CR #: 3,075
| |
Status: 3. In Progress
| |
Description: |
If you follow some navigational paths, the Item Page dialog box might display inside of the WBS page. For example, (1) click the Overview tab, (2) click an Agile project, (3) Click the Agile button, (4) click the WBS tab, (5) click a task to edit it, (6) the Item Task Detail dialog box opens inside the WBS page, (7) click the Notes and Discussions tab, (8) click Cancel, (9) Notice the page does not refresh to the WBS page, instead it shows another page inline. |
Work Around: |
No work around besides avoiding this navigational path. |
Tasks accessed from the Work Breakdown Structure
CR #: 3,138
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
In some cases, tasks saved in the Item Task Detail dialog and accessed from the Work Breakdown Structure may return to the Item Page rather than the Work Breakdown Structure. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
User rate and capacity schedule error
CR #: 3,154
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
Creating a user rate and capacity schedule with a more than 24 hours assigned to a day results in an error. This error prevents the user rate and capacity schedule from being saved. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
[EQC][LOC][DE][EN] Importing users
CR #: 3,170
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
LegatoPPM does not prevent you from attempting to import a file that is not a Microsoft Excel file with the Import Users with XLS file option on the Users page of the Administration view. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
[EQC][LOC] ALM Link Settings-> Newly added custom fields not fetched
CR #: 3,173
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Newly added custom fields added to a repository after creating the ALM Connections are not fetched. This operation is not recommended. It is recommended to add new UDAs at a low peak time when users are not connected because after adding the UDA the StarTeam connections do not register the event and get updated. Therefore, the connections must be refreshed before the new UDAs will appear. |
Work Around: |
Restart the LegatoPPM service to view the new UDAs. |
[EQC][LOC] ALM Link Enumeration Mapping
CR #: 3,192
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
You must restart the LegatoPPM service to retrieve new values to the enumerated fields on the registered repository. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
[EQC][LOC] Cannot access Map Enumerations dialog box in all usual ways
CR #: 3,193
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
When using the French and German locales, you cannot access the Map Enumerations dialog box by (1) creating a new ALM repository connection, customizing the UDAs, (2) right clicking a repository connection in ALM Link Settings page and choosing UDA Customization -> Save, or (3) creating a new ALM Connection. |
Work Around: |
Right click the ALM Connection in the ALM Link Settings page and choose Map Enumerations. |
Demands assigned to the Duplicate status without an assigned submitted to user
CR #: 3,199
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
Demands assigned to the duplicate status with out an assigned submitted to user can be saved without a submitted to user. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Should not be able to add a child story to a decommitted story
CR #: 3,230
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
The system does not prevent you from saving a child story to an already decommitted story with tasks. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
[EQC][LOC] Cannot drag and drop a user story from Ranked to UnRanked section
CR #: 3,239
| |
Status: 2b. Evaluation
| |
Description: |
In some cases, when using a French or German locale, you cannot drag and drop a story from the Ranked section on the Product Backlog page to the Unranked section on the Product Backlog section. If there is only one story, and you attempt to move it to the UnRanked section, then the whole section disappears on refresh and the story remains in the Ranked section. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Cancelled and delivered releases/projects appear in the Tracker view
CR #: 3,244
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
Projects that were cancelled or delivered display in the Tracker view. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Confidential Projects: the default release is not confidential
CR #: 3,252
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
If you make a project confidential, the corresponding default release can still be viewed by other users in the Overview page. This applies to users who cannot see confidential projects. |
Work Around: |
Make the corresponding default release confidential as well. |
[EQC][LOC] The scroll bar in the link list on the Add Release dialog box does not display when in a French or German environment
CR #: 3,258
| |
Status: 2b. Evaluation
| |
Description: |
When in a French or German environment, the scroll bar in the link list on the Add Release dialog box does not display. This prevents users from selecting task links that are below the view of the window. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
You must synchronize tasks in order to view hours entered in StarTeam
CR #: 3,270
| |
Status: 1. New
| |
Description: |
If you add a user (resource) to a task in StarTeam that is not authenticated yet, and then authenticate the user in LegatoPPM, the resource and the resource's hours do not appear in a task until the synchronization occurs. |
Work Around: |
Always synchronize tasks when this scenario occurs. |
Date Range selection in Resource Report is not functional
CR #: 3,284
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
If you access resource reports, and track a task with a start and end date, the columns do not respect the settings. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Horizontal scrolling issues with IE6 browser in the Reports dialog box
CR #: 3,293
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
There are reported issues with horizontal scrolling in the Reports dialog box when using IE6. |
Work Around: |
Upgrade to IE7. |
Issues with Resource Breakdown by skill class
CR #: 3,296
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
If you attempt to view data in the Resource Breakdown dialog box, the data is missing. This occurs when you choose ALM Project Management -> Resources -> Set Parameters -> Resource Reports View Settings dialog box, choose Skill Class as the category, and choose Not Set in the date selector. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
WBS: Metrics rollups not correct when included in other projects for rollup (nested)
CR #: 3,297
| |
Status: 1. New
| |
Description: |
In the WBS page, rollups for metrics are not correct when you include a project for rollup. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Adding resources from a cost center to a StarTeam task
CR #: 3,308
| |
Status: 1. New
| |
Description: |
Using the Add all Team or Cost Center option to add all resources from a specific cost center to a linked StarTeam task causes an error in LegatoPPM. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Tasks in the Resource tab may display out of order from the Work Breakdown Structure table
CR #: 3,315
| |
Status: 1. New
| |
Description: |
When you categorize the Resources tab by work detail or people, the tasks may appear in a different order from on the Work Breakdown Structure table. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
[EQC][LOC] Agile / WBS: No length restriction for task name when storing to a ST repository connection
CR #: 3,331
| |
Status: 1. New
| |
Description: |
There is not a length restriction for a task name when storing to a StarTeam repository. It is stored properly in the backend without any truncation, whereas in LegatoPPM it is truncated and shows "%" after 52 characters. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
[EQC][LOC] Agile / WBS: Changed status of tasks in ST is not correctly updated even after sync in LegatoPPM
CR #: 3,332
| |
Status: 2b. Evaluation
| |
Description: |
When using StarTeam as an external repository, the status value is not saved in a StarTeam custom field. |
Work Around: |
Do not set up custom fields for status. Use the default value, instead. |
Projects policy issue in My Tracker
CR #: 3,333
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
Projects are displayed in My Tracker when you do not have the policy to view them.
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Negative Array Size error in the Item Page
CR #: 3,334
| |
Status: 1. New
| |
Description: |
On rare occasions, you may receive a Negative Array Size error in pages related to an item. |
Work Around: |
To continue working after this error, close the current page and reopen the item. |
Start and end dates for tasks exported to Microsoft Project may not appear correctly
CR #: 3,341
| |
Status: 1. New
| |
Description: |
When you export a task from the WBS into MS Project the start and end dates are off by one day. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
[EQC][LOC] Agile -> Team Board: ST tasks' remaining hours are not fetched in LegatoPPM when the task is edited in StarTeam
CR #: 3,346
| |
Status: 1. New
| |
Description: |
This defect applies when using the French version of StarTeam and a French locale in LegatoPPM. It might also apply to the German version of StarTeam and German locale in LegatoPPM. When values are mapped for tasks, the value for Remaining might not get retrieved from StarTeam accurately when you synchronize tasks on the Team Board. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Sensitive access on a form
CR #: 3,358
| |
Status: 1. New
| |
Description: |
Users who have not been granted roles with 'see sensitive data' are still able to see the document which has been attached through the Documents page. |
Work Around: |
Disable the document view option in the Item page from the users policy. |
When retrieving large backlog from Caliber, error appears but retrieval might be successful
CR #: 3,365
| |
Status: 1. New
| |
Description: |
If you retrieve a large backlog from CaliberRM, you might receive an error that implies that the retrieval is not successful. If so, check that the requirements from the requirement type were successfully retrieved. |
Work Around: |
Dismiss the error and verify your requirements are retrieved. |
LegatoPPM log on fails when in Cluster mode
CR #: 3,366
| |
Status: 1. New
| |
Description: |
Logging into LegatoPPM on localhost fails when LegatoPPM is in a cluster environment. This happens because the url is pointed to the incorrect address. |
Work Around: |
Set the url to http://<server_name>:<port_number>/tempoportfolios to log on to LegatoPPM. |
Cannot delete System Documents
CR #: 3,367
| |
Status: 1. New
| |
Description: |
You are unable to delete system document attachments. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Caliber permissions problem is not handled well in LegatoPPM; get blank Enumeration Mapping screen and get "UDA Mapping loading error: load"
CR #: 3,368
| |
Status: 1. New
| |
Description: |
This anomaly occurs when a CaliberRM user is not part of the Administrator's group, and you map that user in LegatoPPM. In LegatoPPM, this user has an all powerful role. In rare circumstances, when the CaliberRM user who is not part of the Administrator's group in CaliberRM uses the Enumeration Mappings page in LegatoPPM, the page might appear blank. |
Work Around: |
If this problem persists, make the user part of the Administrator's group in CaliberRM. |
When synchronizing a large backlog, a "transaction aborted" message might appear
CR #: 3,369
| |
Status: 1. New
| |
Description: |
When synchronizing a large backlog from CaliberRM (over 800 requirements), a "transaction aborted" message might appear. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
ALM Authentication
CR #: 3,370
| |
Status: 1. New
| |
Description: |
ALM Link Settings dialog box prompts for authentication whenever it is accessed. The authentication is for repository connections or links that you are not using. |
Work Around: |
Close the ALM Authentication dialog box. |
Problem creating a Caliber link - gets stuck on "Saving," system appears to lock up, but link actually does get saved
CR #: 3,371
| |
Status: 1. New
| |
Description: |
If you create an agile project, set up a repository connection to a CaliberRM requirement type, and then click Save, on occasion it appears that the system locks up but it does not. |
Work Around: |
Click Refresh after clicking Cancel to force the Saving spinner to dismiss. |
Doc: TempoService?wsdl reads LegatoPPMService?wsdl
CR #: 3,373
| |
Status: 1. New
| |
Description: |
In the documentation, for the Web Services API Reference, the URL reads LegatoPPMService?wsdl, but should be TempoService?wsdl. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
[EQC][LOC][DE] WBS tasks for Waterfall projects do not delete from StarTeam 2008 repository when you delete them from LegatoPPM
CR #: 3,378
| |
Status: 2b. Evaluation
| |
Description: |
When using the German version of StarTeam and the German locale of LegatoPPM, when you delete tasks in the LegatoPPM WBS that are linked to StarTeam, sometimes they are not deleted in StarTeam after the synchronization occurs. This might also occur when using French versions. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
WBS: Cannot move task to the bottom when there is an Item Rollup included
CR #: 3,379
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
You cannot move a task to the bottom of the WBS when there is an Item Rollup included. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Light role user error
CR #: 3,398
| |
Status: 1. New
| |
Description: |
Light roles are no longer supported in LegatoPPM. If you have used light roles in a previous version and are migrating to the most recent version of LegatoPPM, you will receive an error related to light role users at startup. |
Work Around: |
To work around the light role user error and start LegatoPPM, navigate to Program Files\Borland\LegatoPPM\legaxmlr\Admin and open the ldroleset.xml file. In the ldroleset.xml file, change all TypeId values of 000000000001 to 000000000002. All TypeId values must be 000000000002. |
Copied Agile tasks include the remaining hours
CR #: 3,401
| |
Status: 1. New
| |
Description: |
When you copy an Agile task, LegatoPPM includes that original task's remaining hours in the copied task. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
When CaliberRM is down and you attempt to make a connection, an unclear error appears
CR #: 3,402
| |
Status: 1. New
| |
Description: |
An error might occur such as "Encountered an uncaught exception in Caliber SPI" when you attempt to click a project that has a CaliberRM repository connection if the repository is down. The error message should be more clear. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Cannot copy agile projects
CR #: 3,403
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
The online Help for LegatoPPM indicates that you can copy an agile project; however, this functionality is not available. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Known Legacy Issues and Limitations
The following are known legacy issues and limitations from LegatoPPM.
Task Expiration Settings
CR #: 29
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Tasked resources receive an expiration notice early when the days left to expire is set to one day greater than the number of days set in the Expiration Days in the Advance field.
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Cell Type Validation not Conducted at Excel Import
CR #: 31
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
The cell type validation is not conducted on an Excel Import. For example, when a cell formatted as a time or date is imported into an Excel spreadsheet, it is converted into an unrelated number. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Save Warning Message in the My Tracker/Timesheet View does not Display
CR #: 40
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
From the Timesheet tab in the My Tracker view, the system does not display a warning message reminding users to save any changes when they close the view. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Calendars in Microsoft Project
CR #: 55
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Microsoft Project does not support calendars exported from LegatoPPM. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Abbreviated Labels
CR #: 61
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
If a button label is abbreviated, mouse-over the text to display the whole name in a tool-tip. |
Work Around: |
Mousing over provides a tooltip showing all of the abbreviated text. |
Printed Table Alignment
CR #: 80
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
The Task table columns are misaligned in the printed copy.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 2536. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Archived and Deleted Dependent Items
CR #: 98
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Consider removing any Item (Project) dependencies before you delete the Item from LegatoPPM. Also, if you archive an Item with dependencies, the archived Item name no longer displays as a dependency.
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Resource Data Exported to Microsoft Excel
CR #: 124
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
In the Microsoft Excel export of the Resource tab, a single row displays between each Skill Class for enhanced readability. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Changing Planned Hours in Timesheets
CR #: 125
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
In timesheets, all users can change planned hours at any time. Timesheets are not meant to be auditable; therefore, changes to planned hours are not tracked in All Changes and alerts of the changes are not sent to other users. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Need to Reserve a Percentage of a Resources Time to Selected Tasks
CR #: 128
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
When setting aside available time, LegatoPPM rolls over any unused planning hours, without discarding planned hours for previous months By the end of the year, some of the resources still have significant hours remaining, and available time in LegatoPPM is negative. |
Work Around: |
The work around is to divide the project into a set of monthly or weekly tasks. This lessens, but does not solve, the resource planning issues, and it creates additional work for the administrator.
An additional work around is to reduce the available hours per day in the resource calendar for that user (a Tempo 6.4 feature). |
Calculated Values Display Only as Decimals
CR #: 132
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
In LegatoPPM, you cannot display calculated values as percentages; calculated values only display as decimals. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Financial Reporting Exchange Rate Information
CR #: 138
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Exchange rates are variable; therefore, you should not rely on the exchange rate information for financial reporting when you are using currency other than U.S. dollars.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 1479. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
System Administrator Defined Terms not Translated
CR #: 139
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Terms and text defined by the system administrator are not translated in LegatoPPM when the Locale is changed. They are displayed in the original language for which the administrator entered them.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 1480. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Converted Values not Displayed in Italics from PDF, RTF, or Excel Imports
CR #: 140
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Due to implementation limitations, converted values are not displayed in italics from PDF, RTF, or Excel imports (instead they are displayed without formatting). |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Parent Language Displayed for Unsupported Locales
CR #: 141
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
All choices for locales are not directly supported for LegatoPPM. When a specified language is not supported, the parent language is displayed. For example, if you choose a United Kingdom locale, the parent language (American English) is displayed. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Microsoft Project Limitation Regarding Costs
CR #: 142
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
When using Microsoft Project for importing, exporting, and syncing with LegatoPPM, consider that Microsoft Project does not handle costs the same way that LegatoPPM handles costs. Hours are handled the same way in both products. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Multiple Instances of LegatoPPM Not Supported on Same Desktop
CR #: 143
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
You should not have multiple LegatoPPM browser sessions logged in as different users on the same desktop or laptop. This will cause conflicts between the sessions. In other words, only one user should log in from one desktop or laptop at a time.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 1663. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
No Currency Symbols for Bubble Charts, Portfolio Balancing, and Timelines
CR #: 144
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Bubble Charts, Portfolio Balancing, and Timelines do not show currency symbols if currency values are displayed. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Table 'T_FileVersion' Displays Indicating Table already has a PrimaryKey Defined
CR #: 156
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
At the point when LegatoPPM loads after the initial installation, the log indicates that data has previously been loaded in the database. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Alert Message Should Display When Timesheet Approvals are Saved Without Resources Checked
CR #: 157
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
In the Timesheet Batch Approvals dialog box, an Alert message should display if no check boxes are checked when you save.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 879. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Microsoft Project Import Issue
CR #: 158
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Some anomalies can occur with the scroll bar when importing an MS Project file of several Tasks. If you do not have your window at the maximum size, you might not be able to import all your Tasks.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 880. |
Work Around: |
Maximize your window to import all your Tasks. |
Owner Column in My Tasks Tab Requires Re-sort
CR #: 160
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
The Owner column in the My Tasks tab requires re-sorting if it is found empty.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 912. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Relationship Diagram Settings not Saved in Reports
CR #: 161
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Relationship Diagram settings are not saved when the "Show Only Dependent Items (Projects)" options are not re-created from a saved report.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 918. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Web Page in My Dashboard Opens New Page and Suppresses Navigation Buttons
CR #: 163
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
In some cases, if you place a Web page in My Dashboard that has a link, when you click on the link it navigates out of LegatoPPM into a window that still has the standard navigation buttons suppressed.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 922. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Access List is Displayed When Confidential is Set to NO
CR #: 164
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Access List is displayed when confidential is set to "No" when a new Item (Project) is added either by the New Request Wizard or Fast Add.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 928. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Not All Data in Exported Excel Files are Imported Back
CR #: 165
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
When you export to Excel, and import back, not all the data is imported back. Affected data related to Tasks include Total Priority, Request Date, Health, Type icon, Confidential, Progress Report, My Priority, ID, and Time Stamp.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 930. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Issues Related to Core Data Turned OFF
CR #: 166
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
The following issues related to Core Data when Items (Projects) are turned OFF might occur when Questions of the same response type are created:
* Core Data displays as Not Applicable, rather than not displaying at all.
* Items (Projects) marked OFF display in the Item Page, Form Summary, and Comprehensive Report.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 932. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Core Data Set to OFF still Displays
CR #: 170
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Core Data set to OFF might display in the Item (Project) Page, New Request Wizard, General Information, Fast Add, Form Summary, Column Settings, and Portfolio Settings.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 939. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Multiple Value Associations
CR #: 171
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
If your Item (Project) has assigned Item Managers, and an administrator changes Item: Association – Item Manager to a single value, the two Item Managers remain assigned and both have Item Manager association with the Item.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 940. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Core Data for Start, Request, and Completion Dates Set to Sensitive
CR #: 174
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
When Core Data for Date - Start, Date - Request, and Date - Completion is set to Sensitive, they display in the Timeline - Date list box of the Portfolio Analysis view even when the user does not have the Policy to view Sensitive information.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 947. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
When Core Data ID is Set to Sensitive, it Displays in the Item (Project) Page
CR #: 175
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
When Core Data for ID is set to Sensitive, it still displays in the Item (Project) Page when you do not have the Policy to see Sensitive information.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 948. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
When Core Data for Forms is Set to Sensitive, it still Displays in the Item (Project) Page
CR #: 176
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
When Core Data for Forms is set to Sensitive, it still displays in the Item (Project) Page when you do not have the Policy to see Sensitive information.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 949. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
View Settings for Configuring My Dashboard do not Always Display
CR #: 178
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
View Settings to configure My Dashboard only display when the My Dashboard view is enabled for a role other than Administrator.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 1097. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Creating a Portfolio from the Item (Project) Batch Dialog Box does not Refresh the Dialog Box
CR #: 179
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
When creating a Portfolio from the Item (Project) Batch dialog box, the main view is refreshed instead of the Batch dialog box resulting in a stale view of the Item (Project) list.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 1100. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Paging Anomaly in Portfolio Balancing View
CR #: 180
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
In the Portfolio Balancing view, paging does not always work correctly.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 1126. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Documents not Copied to Duplicated Task
CR #: 182
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
When you copy a Task in the Work Breakdown Structure, attached documents from the copied Task are not copied to the new Task.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 1242. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Value Column in Categories Tab not Refreshing after Creating Type Values
CR #: 184
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
If you add new Type Categories for a newly-created Custom Category, "Manually Created: 0 values" does not automatically refresh with the new number of categories. It should display, "Manually Created: 2 values" (if you enter 2 values).
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 1386. |
Work Around: |
Manually refresh LegatoPPM to display the new number of categories. |
Should not be able to Enter More than 24 Hours in One Day
CR #: 185
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
In timesheets, you can enter more than 24 hours in one day.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 1474. |
Work Around: |
Do not enter more than 24 hours in one day. |
Planned, Spent, and Remaining Columns do not Immediately Refresh
CR #: 187
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
In the Resources tab of the Item (Project) Task Detail dialog box, the Planned, Spent, and Remaining columns do not always immediately refresh.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 1500. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Timesheet Approval Anomaly in Resources Tab
CR #: 191
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
In the Resources tab of the Item (Project) Management view, rolled-up spent hours for unapproved hours show even though the system default settings are set to "Use Only Approved Time."
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 1551. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Cells not Large Enough for Text in MS Excel
CR #: 192
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
In LegatoPPM, when you export the Work Breakdown Structure to Excel, the cells are not large enough for the text. The cell should expand or wrap.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 1583. |
Work Around: |
Expand or wrap the text in Excel. |
Locale Changes
CR #: 193
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
When a user changes their locale, the new language does not display throughout the application.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 1915. |
Work Around: |
After changing the locale, the user must log out and back into LegatoPPM to apply the new language throughout the application. |
Spent Hours not Defaulted Correctly When a New Task Resource is Added
CR #: 195
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
When the system default of "Default for new Task Resource Spent Hours" is set to "Compute from Timesheet" and "Default for new Task Resource Computed Attribute" is set to "Spent Hours," the spent hours do not default to "Compute From Timesheet" when a new Task resource is added. It is only when the system default "Default for New Task Resource Computed Attribute" is set to "Remaining Hours" that the "Spent Hours" default correctly to "Compute From Timesheet."
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 1658. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Timesheets do not Prompt for Save
CR #: 196
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
After entering data into a timesheet and exiting the tab, LegatoPPM does not prompt you to save the timesheet.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 1660. |
Work Around: |
Make sure to save your timesheet before exiting the Timesheets tab. |
Task ID Default System Settings
CR #: 198
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
When the default system setting of Display Task Id with Name is enabled, then the Task ID is not displayed in the Tasks tab.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 1985. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
-NOT SET- is not an Option for Labor Rate in the User Profile
CR #: 201
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
In the User Profile dialog box, -NOT SET- is not an option in the Labor Rate list box. If you do not enter data into the text box associated with the Labor Rate list box, the currency code in the Labor Rate list box does not apply to the User Profile.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 1747. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Currency Symbols do not Display in Tooltips
CR #: 204
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Tooltips do not display currency symbols for the charts in the Portfolio Balancing view.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 2027. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Skill Class List Box does not Refresh when you Remove Skills from the Chooser Dialog Box
CR #: 206
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
When you choose a User Profile for editing; click Add/Remove in the Skill Class group box; select all Skill Classes in the Chooser dialog box; click Apply; click Add/Remove again; remove the Skill Class that is the primary Skill Class; and click Apply, the Skill Class list box does not refresh with the selected Skill Classes.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 2208. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Import, Custom Categories Marked Sensitive are not Filtered
CR #: 207
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
If you export a Portfolio with Custom Categories marked Sensitive (with a Policy) and import back into the system without a Policy, the Sensitive Custom Categories marked are not filtered.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 2243. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Labor Rate Displayed After Import When User does not Have Labor Rate Policy
CR #: 208
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
If you do not have the Policy of Can See Labor Rates, you can import new users with the labor rates specified, using the Excel import. The users created in the system as a result of the import have their labor rates set to the values specified in the Excel import file. LegatoPPM should not display the Labor Rates column when the user does not have the Policy of Can See Labor Rates. The labor rate values should all be left empty.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 1851. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Dash (-) Does Not Always Display
CR #: 209
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
When showing resources labor cost that is over capacity marked by a -(#) AND displaying original/converted currency...ONLY the original displays the dash (-) in front of the number.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 1858. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
For Multiple Currencies the Planned and Spent values Display in the Original Item Currency
CR #: 211
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
If using multiple currencies, in the the History of Changes for Items (Projects), Planned and Spent values are displayed in the Original Item currency even when the values were entered manually in a different currency.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 2247. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Paging Problem when Data Marked Sensitive
CR #: 213
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
When paging is on, the paging labels might display the Item (Project) name if sorting by Item name when data is marked Sensitive and you do not have the Policy to see Sensitive data.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 2261. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Item (Project) History Displays Planned and Spent Cost Values in the Wrong Type of Currency
CR #: 217
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
If using multiple currencies, in the the History of Changes for Items (Projects), Planned and Spent values are displayed in the Original Item currency even when the values were entered manually in a different currency.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 2247. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Questions on Forms Displays Inconsistent Behavior for Hours in Plan and Spend in Plan
CR #: 220
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
When you answer Questions on forms for the types Hours in Plan and Spend in Plan, there is an inconsistent behavior. The values for Spend in Plan are saved in the Form Response Detail and Form Data, but the values for Hours In Plan are saved as zero.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 2315. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Incorrect Labor Rate Displayed for Labor Cost Planned
CR #: 226
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
In some cases, an incorrect Labor Cost (Planned) might display when the view is switched to show Labor Cost (Planned).
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 3486. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Unexpected Windows Browser Behavior Related to LegatoPPM List Boxes
CR #: 227
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Unexpected behavior might occur with your Windows browser if you open a drop-down list box in LegatoPPM, move focus away, and then click elsewhere.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 2539. |
Work Around: |
Move focus away from the list box in LegatoPPM, and then click elsewhere when unexpected behavior in a Windows browser occurs. |
Searching Limitations When Using Non-English Characters
CR #: 228
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
When searching non-English characters, formatting of text in the description is searched; however, the returned results might not exactly match the description to the search criteria.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 3408. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Values in Email Notifications not Always Correct When Multiple Currencies are Used
CR #: 235
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Values in email notifications are not always correct when multiple currencies are used in LegatoPPM. For example, large numbers for planned and spent cost might display as OE-22.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 3314. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Special Characters are not Handled for Comments in All Changes Page
CR #: 237
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Special characters are not supported for comments in the All Changes page.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 2653. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
SpendInPlan and Spent Money does not Roll Up Correct Values in Some Cases
CR #: 240
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
SpendInPlan and Spent Money does not roll up correct values when the task's cost from one Item (Project) is rolled up into another Item.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 3306. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
The LegatoPPM Security Option does not Remember Login Information if using LDAP in Some Cases
CR #: 242
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
In some cases, if you select the security option on the login screen, login to LegatoPPM, and then exit (not sign out); on next startup, the LegatoPPM client still prompts you to log in.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 2804. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
History not Displayed Correctly when Multiple Currencies are Used
CR #: 243
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
In some cases, history might not display correctly when two users with different currencies update the same Task Resource Cost (planned and spent). This applies to All Changes, Cost Detail, and Progress and Currency.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 3299. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
MS Excel Import Headers in a Different Language than LegatoPPM Headers
CR #: 245
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
MS Excel import does not work properly when headers are in one language and corresponding headers in LegatoPPM are in a different language.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 2825. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Resource Cost does not Always Roll Up Correctly When Multiple Currencies are Used
CR #: 246
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
When a user's currency and the Item (Project) currency are different, the resource cost does not always roll up correctly.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 3298. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Currency Ratio Computation Gives Unexpected Results
CR #: 247
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Ratio computation not correct in following scenario:
1. Create an Item (Project) and set Spent in Plan and Spent Money values manually.
2. Go to Administration View -> Computations and add a new computation called "Sum-None" to sum Spend In Plan and Spent Money. Set the formatting to None for this computation.
3. Add another computation called "DenominatorForSumNone" as a numeric constant with a value of 2.0.
4. Define a "SumNoneRatio" computation as a Ratio computation of "Sum-None" to "DenominatorForSumNone."
5. Expose both "Sum-None" and "SumNoneRatio" in the columns of Item Management View (Overview tab).
6. The "SumNoneRatio" is not half of the sum of "Spend In Plan" and "Spent Money."
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 3295.
Work Around: |
No work around. |
User Import Template: All Column Names are in English in Non-English Locale
CR #: 249
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
When using the User Import Template, all column names are in English in non-English locales.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 3286. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Resource Cost Rollup Fails when Different Currencies are Used
CR #: 250
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
In the Item (Project) Page, General Information page, Comprehensive Report, and Cost Detail/Progress Detail (exposed as columns), the Resource cost rollup to the total cost of the task is not always correct when the display mode is Original/Translated.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 3298.
Work Around: |
No work around. |
English Words Display in Non-English Installer
CR #: 253
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
English words display in non-English installer for LegatoPPM.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 3249. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
MS-Excel Import Limitation
CR #: 254
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
When using MS Excel for importing and exporting Users and Items (Projects), you can only use templates for your selected locale.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 3246.
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Installer's "Browse for Folder" Dialog Box Displays German Characters Incorrectly
CR #: 255
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
The LegatoPPM Installer's "Browse for Folder" dialog box does not display German characters correctly.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 3237.
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Installer's "System Information" Page does not Change Languages
CR #: 256
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
If you proceed to the System Information page in the installer, then move to previous pages and select a different language, some information is still displayed in the first selected language.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 3236. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Pristine Database Contains Only English Data
CR #: 258
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
The pristine database only contains English data.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 3219. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Untranslated Text Display in Item (Project) Details All Changes Tab
CR #: 261
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
For French and German locales, some untranslated text displays in Item (Project) Details All Changes tab. Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 3211.
Work Around: |
No work around. |
The Word "True" Displays in Non-English Locales
CR #: 262
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
The word "True" might display on the Item (Project) Details Comprehensive Report in locales other than English.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 3210. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Inversion of Concatenated Strings does not Always Occur to Accommodate French & German Languages
CR #: 263
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Concatenation of two strings "Baseline" + variable is not always inverted in French and German (for example, variable + "Baseline").
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 3179.
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Search using Ctrl-F Returns Errors in Some Dialog Boxes
CR #: 267
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Search using Ctrl-F returns an error in the Work Breakdown Structure and the Notes & Discussion dialog boxes.
Reference number might also be referred to as PLM ID 3138. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Text Searches in a Large Portfolio with a Large Column Selector
CR #: 268
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Searching text in large portfolios with a large column selector view is often difficult in LegatoPPM. |
Work Around: |
Searching large portfolios for text is easier if you use the Name and Description Search option and reduce the column and page size. |
Task Templates
CR #: 273
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
When you import Task templates with attachments, LegatoPPM preserves the original attachment version and does not assign a new version number to the attachment. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Blank Applicable Type(s) field for Custom Categories
CR #: 274
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
If the Applicable Type(s) field is left blank for a new Custom Category the custom category is applied to all category types. This feature is useful for users who want to define the same custom category for all Items in one action. |
Work Around: |
N/A |
Documentation for Task Export to MS Project
CR #: 289
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
The documentation does not adequately explain the process for exporting Tasks to Microsoft Project. The percent complete data for Tasks only exports to Microsoft Project if the Task has already been started and is past the New Task status. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Manually Set Locale and Currency
CR #: 292
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Following the LegatoPPM installation, the locale and currency must be set to the appropriate locale and currency. The translated GUI and appropriate currencies do not display until these settings are changed. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
The Default Title of the System Portfolio Displays in English for Localized Versions
CR #: 314
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
The default title, "All Items" for the system portfolio continues to display in English after the user changes locale.
Work Around: |
The system default portfolio can be edited. Therefore the user can change the name as needed. |
Cancelled New Request Wizard Item with Attachment Remains in LegatoPPM
CR #: 531
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
If you create an Item with an attached document with the New Request Wizard and cancel the Item before reaching the last page of the New Request Wizard, LegatoPPM creates the Item.
Work Around: |
If you create an Item with an attached document with the New Request Wizard and cancel the Item at the last page of the New Request Wizard, LegatoPPM deletes the Item. |
Bullets Copied from Microsoft Word into Microsoft Excel and Imported to LegatoPPM Display as Question Marks
CR #: 648
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
LegatoPPM does not support bullets from Microsoft Word. Bullets in item description lists copied from Microsoft Word into Microsoft Excel and imported to LegatoPPM display as question marks. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Exporting from Work Breakdown Structure Table to Excel Generates Multiple Entries for a Single Task
CR #: 716
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
When you export a task into Microsoft Excel, a row displays for each resource assigned to the task. For example, if three resources are assigned to Task 1, a single row for each resource displays in Microsoft Excel when Task 1 is exported. |
Work Around: |
No work around |
MS Project 2007: Import Error
CR #: 922
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Due to a limitation with Microsoft Project 2007, errors display when you attempt to open the generated .mpx file during the import process. Selecting yes on the error continues the process and retains all data. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Importing with an Excel Template
CR #: 951
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Currently, the Spent Hours section in the Excel template displays in lower case as timesheet. When the template imports into a new project, from within the Work Breakdown Structure table, the Spent Hours changes to Manual - Exclude in Timesheet because LegatoPPM does not recognize the lower case compute from timesheet. |
Work Around: |
To ensure that the data imports correctly change the lower case "timesheet" in Excel to "Timesheet" and then import into LegatoPPM. |
License Limitation
CR #: 999
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
When the number of users on a license has exceeded the number of allowed users, you can disable the appropriate number of users to enable the license. Once the users are disabled, you must then restart the LegatoPPM service to allow the system to check the licenses and verify the correct number of users. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Country Currency Codes
CR #: 1,210
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
Currency codes are not listed in alphabetical order. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Projects Display Incorrectly on the Overview Tab of the ALM Project Management View
CR #: 1,254
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
If the LegatoPPM Service is stopped before the system has completed loading, the files can become corrupted. This can result in the Projects not displaying correctly when you restart the service and log into LegatoPPM. This behavior only occurs when using the XML repository. |
Work Around: |
Numeric Question Response Types Display in Currency Format
CR #: 1,309
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Numeric question response types display data in a currency format, such as 123,456.00 instead of a numeric format, such as 123456. |
Work Around: |
The data displays in a numeric format if you change the question response type from 'Numeric' to 'Text Single Line'. |
Adding Tasks in Inline Editor Limitation
CR #: 1,357
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
The Inline Editor only adds 25 Tasks into the Work Breakdown Structure table at one time. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Policy Manager Conditions Require Actions
CR #: 1,398
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
If a Policy is assigned conditions, you must also assign actions to the conditions to ensure the policy performs accurately. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
LegatoPPM Tracks Capacity Separately for Each Skill Class Assigned to a Resource
CR #: 1,421
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
LegatoPPM uses Skill Classes to enable users to track the types of resource abilities available separately from the resources. Therefore, if a resource is assigned to the Developer and the Architect Skill Classes the system tracks that there are 40 hours of available Developer capacity and 40 hours of available Architect capacity. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Custom resource calendars are not always applying when the resource is assigned to a task
CR #: 1,581
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
Custom resource calendars assigned to a resource are not applying to the resource when they are assigned to a task. For example, when you assign a custom calendar to a resource's user profile and then assign that resource to a task, the system applies the default 7-day calendar rather than the assigned custom calendar. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
The Label for Core Data: Remaining Hours does not update as expected in all views.
CR #: 1,585
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Currently, core data can only be changed for the Planned, Remaining, and Spent values associated to an entire project. The core data does not apply to the Planned, Remaining, and Spent values displayed on the Resources tab of the Item Task Detail dialog box. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Tasks assigned to both All Users in a Cost Center and to All Team Members calculate incorrectly on the Resources tab
CR #: 1,658
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
Resources assigned as All Cost Center or ALL Team Members do not calculate correctly in the Project Management Resources tab. |
Work Around: |
The All Team Members option or the ALL Cost Center option assigns all users currently associated with the project to the task or all users in a selected Cost Center as individual resources on the task. If the user uses the option to assign all team or cost center members as individual resources, the calculations are correct on the Resources tab. |
User is not prompted to save before closing the Item Task Detail dialog box with the X button
CR #: 1,687
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
LegatoPPM does not prompt users to save any changes if they are closing the Item Task Detail dialog box with the X button. However, if you close the dialog box with the Cancel button the system does remind you to save changes. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Date range selections that exceed the Maximum Columns in Resources Tab system setting
CR #: 1,696
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
If you set the Use Specified Dates for First and Last option to a date range that requires a number of columns that exceeds the number of columns specified in the Maximum Columns in Resources Tab
system settings option, the last days do not display in the Resources tab. For example, if you have set the Maximum Columns in Resources Tab system settings option to 52 and you set the Use Specified Dates for First and Last option to a date range that spans two years, the full range does not display in the Resources tab because the date range requires more than 52 columns. |
Work Around: |
No work around.
Computation Drill Down Detail and Value Rounding Error
CR #: 1,698
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
When drilling down on a computation, LegatoPPM usually rounds the value to three decimal places, however in some cases the value extends out as many as 17 places. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Batch update of Tasks
CR #: 1,700
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Batch task updates do not always make all selected changes and the system does not always update dependent projects when the parent project is updated. Also,in some situations, LegatoPPM permits a task completion date to precede the task's start date. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Resource list box on Task Resources does not reset correctly
CR #: 1,707
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
If you select a specific user to filter by in the Resources list box and then select All Task Resources, the list box resets with only the user selected before, All Task Resources, and Task Resources Not Set as options. You have to select the user name again to set the list box with all users as options.
Work Around: |
No work around. |
No indication imported users are being saved in LegatoPPM
CR #: 1,710
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
LegatoPPM lacks a visual indicator, such as an hour glass, to let the user know that the system is saving the imported user. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Can change ALM Process between Agile and Waterfall
CR #: 1,715
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
Borland recommends that the user does not change the ALM Process once the project is saved. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Text based Question responses
CR #: 1,716
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
Questions with large text or description type responses entered from the New Request Wizard display as duplicate questions that cannot be edited. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Copied Projects with Tasks Dependent on Other Projects
CR #: 1,732
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
When you copy a project that is dependent on a task from another project for its start date, the system does not reset the dependent task start date. Therefore you will see the start date from the original project but any other tasks in the copied project reflect the reset dates. For example, if the original project is dependent on a task in another project starting in 1/5/2005 and the next task in that project starts on 1/5/2008 the copied tasks will start on 1/5/2005 and on 1/5/2011.
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Timesheet Hours Entered After Task End Date
CR #: 1,746
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Hours entered after the task completion date in the user timesheet are not reflected in the Resource view. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Start dates based on dependencies with manually entered completion dates may become compromised
CR #: 1,761
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
If the start date is based on a dependency and the completion is manually entered, there is no check in place to prevent the system from scheduling a start date after a completion date. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
From list box in the Add All from Team or Cost Center dialog box only shows 16 characters
CR #: 1,782
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
The From list box in the Add All from Team or Cost Center dialog box currently only shows 16 characters. You must use the tool tip over the name to see the full text. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
The Add All from Team or Cost Center dialog box resizing
CR #: 1,783
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
The Add All from Team or Cost Center dialog box remains the same size and in the same position when the Item Task Detail dialog box is resized. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Adding a Demand Type Deselects the "All" Option in Demand Forms
CR #: 1,792
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
If you select the All check box in a Demand Forms dialog box, the system clears the check box when you add a new Demand Type in the ALM Categories table on the Categories tab of the Administration view. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Batch Changes to Users replaces users rather than adding to users
CR #: 1,797
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
When you use batch settings to add users, the system replaces the existing set of users with the selected options rather than simply adding the new users. |
Work Around: |
Make sure you select the existing users as well as the users you want to add to the list when making batch changes to users. |
Column widths
CR #: 1,806
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
Currently in LegatoPPM, column widths are fixed and cannot be adjusted. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Core Data Display Labels
CR #: 1,812
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
When a Core Data item is deselected, the Display Labels by a User Name Display as "Not Set." |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Computed Values in Tables Reflect Incorrect Calculations
CR #: 1,818
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
Computed values shown in tables display a drill down detail of a computation for a compliance score rather than the true calculated value.
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Manual and Automatic Project Edits
CR #: 1,867
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
To retain flexibility, the system allows you to edit each field in a project separately. This feature does however prevent the system from automatically making a change to one or more fields based on a manual edit to one field. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Required document-response type questions
CR #: 1,879
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
Forms with required document-response type questions can be saved without attaching a document. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
LDAP Connection Settings
CR #: 1,881
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
The word authenticate is spelled incorrectly in the LDAP Settings page on the Settings tab of the Administration view. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Changing a resource's 5 or 7 day calendar for a Task
CR #: 1,955
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
If you assign a resource to a custom calendar from a five-day or seven-day calendar, the system applies the correct amount of hours but continues to respect the black-out days from the previous calendars. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Changes to User Profile and User Rate and Capacity Schedule dialog box
CR #: 1,956
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Edits to the user profile are lost if you do not save those changes before you open the User Rate and Capacity Schedule dialog box and make changes to the user's schedule.
Work Around: |
No work around. |
License types per country
CR #: 1,976
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
LegatoPPM currently is not able to identify the number and types of licenses assigned to users in a specific country. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Exporting a form to PDF/RTF does not display the column layout correctly
CR #: 2,019
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
Exporting forms with the PDF/RTF option may result in an incorrect layout and missing descriptions. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Task Template Durations
CR #: 2,052
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
Task durations may reset to zero when you outdent the tasks in the template. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Conditional Automated Associations
CR #: 2,093
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Workflow automations are based on specific projects. Therefore, assigning users with conditional associations to the workflow do not work effectively because the user may not appear as an associated user unless they are associated to all projects in the selected criteria.
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Changing the duration for manually distributed planned hours
CR #: 2,097
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
If you add days to a saved task while retaining the original span of days, the application keeps the planned hours mode as Manually Distributed Hours and adds the new days as cells populated with 0.00 in the table. For example, if your task originally started on 7/7/08 and ended on 7/14/08 and you change the start date to 7/5/08 and the completion date to 7/17/08, the application adds the new days to the table because the original span of days (7/7/08 to 7/14/08) is included. However, if the original span of days for the saved task changes, the application reverts the planned hours mode to Manual Hours and displays the manually distributed total in the Value field. For example, if your forty hour task originally started on 7/7/08 and ended 7/14/08 and you change the start date to 7/8/08 and the completion date to 7/13/08, the application reverts the planned hours mode to Manual Hours and displays 40 in the Value field because the original span of days (7/7/08 to 7/14/08) is no longer included.
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Unknown User Error in User Rate and Capacity Schedule dialog box
CR #: 2,110
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
The error from the User Rate and Capacity Schedule dialog box indicating that more than 24 hours has been entered for a user's hours per day does not plainly describe the problem. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Copied and pasted values in fields such as category values include an added space at the end of the text
CR #: 2,138
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
Data that has been copied and pasted into LegatoPPM, such as category values, include an added space at the end of the text. This may create confusion when trying to search on exported information. |
Work Around: |
Check values copied and pasted into LegatoPPM to identify if extra spaces are present and if so delete them save the spreadsheet, and then re-import into LegatoPPM. |
Concurrent task dependencies issue
CR #: 2,178
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
Once a task is selected as a dependent task, it can no longer be assigned as a dependent task on other tasks. This is problematic if a task is dependent on other concurrent tasks. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Hierarchy from Imported MS Projects
When you import an MS Project with a hierarchy, then hierarchy flattens out
CR #: 2,198
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
When you import an Microsoft Project with a hierarchy, the hierarchy is not retained in LegatoPPM. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Links in Item Description
CR #: 2,202
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
Clicking a hyperlink in an Item's description opens the target URL in two browsers. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
"Not Set" Request Type
CR #: 2,308
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
The system prevents the user from setting the project type to Not Set on the New Item Request dialog box. However, once the project is generated with the New Request Wizard, the system does not prevent the user from setting the project type to Not Set from the Categories tab of the General Information page. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Updating policy changes
CR #: 2,433
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
Policy changes do not go into affect until you refresh the system by pressing F5. Clicking the refresh icon in LegatoPPM does not refresh the policy. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Assigning a task as a parent task to task that it is currently dependent on creates incorrect data and errors
CR #: 2,491
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
In LegatoPPM, you can make Task A dependent on Task B and also make Task B dependent on Task A. The system does not prevent you from establishing this relationship but the start and end dates are calculated incorrectly. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
The lead lag for dependencies overrides the Front Load adjust start date
CR #: 2,563
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
If you are using Front Load Available to schedule dependent tasks and you are adjusting the start date for available resources, the lead lag setting for the dependency overrides the adjusted start date. For example, if the first Front Loaded task ends on 8/25/08 and the assigned resource has no more capacity for that day, the Front Load adjustment for available resources would require the dependent task to start on 8/26/08. However, if the lead lag setting for that dependent task is set to 0, then the dependent task starts on 8/25/08 because the lead lag overrides the adjusted start date. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Resource Report View Settings dialog box options
CR #: 2,585
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
Selecting an option in the Categorize By list box on the Resource Report View Settings dialog box resets the options in the Resource Selector, Portfolio(s), and Item list boxes. The selected values in the Interval and Show list boxes remain after changing the value in the Categorize By list box. To retain the values in the Resource Selector, Portfolio(s), and Item list boxes, make the appropriate selections, save and reopen the dialog box and the set a new option in the Categorize By list box. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
LegatoPPM records unchanged items as changed when syncing from Microsoft Project
CR #: 2,673
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
When synching changes from a Microsoft Project file, LegatoPPM may identify some unchanged records, such as task names, as changed records. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Copying the spent hours for task resources from the Work Breakdown Structure table to a template
CR #: 2,717
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
In some cases, when you copy the spent hours for task resources from the Work Breakdown Structure table to a template, the spent hours appear as zero for the resource until the service is restarted. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Unanswered,required questions with a numeric currency and the default answer of $0.00 are treated as answered questions
CR #: 2,849
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
If a required question with the response type of numeric and is formatted as currency is unanswered, the system does not warn the user that they have left a required question unanswered. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Multi-column question format
CR #: 2,859
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
Forms displaying questions in a multi-column layout are not sized correctly after they are saved and the question responses are difficult to read. The middle columns are particularly harder to read than the columns on the right side. |
Work Around: |
Using a one column layout for forms ensures that all your entire responses display. |
Deleting a document within a Template
CR #: 2,888
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
In some cases, documents attached to tasks in a template cannot be deleted. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Work Breakdown Structure table only reflects resource status change when you save the task
CR #: 2,954
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
When you change the status in the Resource Status list for the Hours Roll up text box on the Settings tab of the General Information page, this change is not reflected in the Work Breakdown Structure table until the task is saved. |
Work Around: |
Need to save the task in the Work Breakdown Structure table in order view the new resource status. |
MSSQL reports an error for multiple updates
CR #: 2,975
| |
Status: 2a. Open
| |
Description: |
MSSQL reports an error when two or more users manually update planned hours for the same resource on the Resources tab of the ALM Project Management view. |
Work Around: |
No work around. |
Empty lines between MS Project tasks
CR #: 3,155
| |
Status: 2c. Limitation
| |
Description: |
Empty lines between imported Microsoft Project tasks produce an error in LegatoPPM. |
Work Around: |
To prevent the error, remove the empty lines, save the file, and import the tasks into LegatoPPM again. |
Known Borland Open ALM Framework (BOAF) Issues and Limitations
Synopsis |
The operating system (OS) region codes of LegatoPPM and all applications providing artifacts to LegatoPPM, must be identical. |
CR #: 3163 |
Status: 2c. Limitation |
Description |
When LegatoPPM attempts to synchronize artifacts from an application, such as Borland StarTeam or Borland CaliberRM, whose OS region code differs from the OS region code on the LegatoPPM server, the synchronization fails. |
Workaround |
Only register an ALM repository if its application is running on an OS whose region code matches the OS region code on the LegatoPPM server.
Once an ALM repository is registered with LegatoPPM, do not modify the OS region code of the LegatoPPM server or of the ALM application server. |
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