@function pad($radius) { $radius: boxmax($radius); $radius: parseint($radius); @if $radius >= 10 { @return $radius; } @else { @return "0" + $radius; } } @mixin x-frame( $cls, $ui: null, $border-radius: 0px, $border-width: 0px, $padding: null, $background-color: null, $background-gradient: null, $table: false, $background-direction: top ) { $cls-ui: $cls; @if $ui != null { $cls-ui: $cls + '-' + $ui; } $vertical: false; @if $background-direction == left or $background-direction == right { $vertical: true; } $frame-top: max(top($border-radius), right($border-radius)); $frame-right: max(right($border-radius), bottom($border-radius)); $frame-bottom: max(bottom($border-radius), left($border-radius)); $frame-left: max(left($border-radius), top($border-radius)); $padding-top: 0; $padding-right: 0; $padding-bottom: 0; $padding-left: 0; @if $padding == null { $padding-top: $frame-top - top($border-width); $padding-right: $frame-right - right($border-width); $padding-bottom: $frame-bottom - bottom($border-width); $padding-left: $frame-left - left($border-width); } @else { $padding-top: top($padding); $padding-right: right($padding); $padding-bottom: bottom($padding); $padding-left: left($padding); } @if $padding-top < $frame-top { $padding-top: $frame-top - top($border-width); } @if $padding-right < $frame-right { $padding-right: $frame-right - right($border-width); } @if $padding-bottom < $frame-bottom { $padding-bottom: $frame-bottom - bottom($border-width); } @if $padding-left < $frame-left { $padding-left: $frame-left - left($border-width); } .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui} { @if $supports-border-radius { @if length($border-radius) == 2 { @include border-top-left-radius(nth($border-radius, 1)); @include border-top-right-radius(nth($border-radius, 2)); } @else if length($border-radius) == 3 { @include border-top-left-radius(nth($border-radius, 1)); @include border-top-right-radius(nth($border-radius, 2)); @include border-bottom-right-radius(nth($border-radius, 3)); } @else if length($border-radius) == 4 { @include border-top-left-radius(nth($border-radius, 1)); @include border-top-right-radius(nth($border-radius, 2)); @include border-bottom-right-radius(nth($border-radius, 3)); @include border-bottom-left-radius(nth($border-radius, 4)); } @else { @include border-radius($border-radius); } } padding: $padding-top $padding-right $padding-bottom $padding-left; border-width: $border-width; border-style: solid; @if $background-color != null { @if $supports-gradients and $background-gradient != null { @include background-gradient($background-color, $background-gradient, $background-direction); } @else { background-color: $background-color; } } } @if not $supports-gradients or $compile-all { .#{$prefix}nlg { .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-mc { @if $background-gradient != null { background-image: theme-background-image($theme-name, '#{$cls}/#{$cls-ui}-bg.gif', false, $relative-image-path-for-uis); } @if $background-color != null { background-color: $background-color; } } } } @if not $supports-border-radius or $compile-all { .#{$prefix}nbr { .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui} { padding: 0 !important; border-width: 0 !important; @include border-radius(0px); @if $background-color != null { background-color: transparent; } @else { background: #fff; } $type: '100'; @if $table == true { $type: '110'; } $direction: '100'; @if $vertical == true { $direction: '110'; } $left: $type + pad(top($border-radius)) + pad(right($border-radius)) + 'px'; $top: $direction + pad(bottom($border-radius)) + pad(left($border-radius)) + 'px'; background-position: unquote($left) unquote($top); } .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-tl, .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-bl, .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-tr, .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-br, .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-tc, .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-bc, .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-ml, .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-mr { zoom:1; @if $background-color != transparent { background-image: theme-background-image($theme-name, '#{$cls}/#{$cls-ui}-corners.gif', false, $relative-image-path-for-uis); } } @if $vertical == true { .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-tc, .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-bc { zoom:1; @if $background-color != transparent { background-image: theme-background-image($theme-name, '#{$cls}/#{$cls-ui}-sides.gif', false, $relative-image-path-for-uis); background-position: 0 0; background-repeat: repeat-x; } } } @else { .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-ml, .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-mr { zoom:1; @if $background-color != transparent { background-image: theme-background-image($theme-name, '#{$cls}/#{$cls-ui}-sides.gif', false, $relative-image-path-for-uis); background-position: 0 0; @if $background-gradient == null { background-repeat: repeat-y; } } } } $padding-top: $padding-top - $frame-top + top($border-width); $padding-right: $padding-right - $frame-right + right($border-width); $padding-bottom: $padding-bottom - $frame-bottom + bottom($border-width); $padding-left: $padding-left - $frame-left + left($border-width); @if $padding-top < 0 { $padding-top: 0; } @if $padding-right < 0 { $padding-right: 0; } @if $padding-bottom < 0 { $padding-bottom: 0; } @if $padding-left < 0 { $padding-left: 0; } .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-mc { padding: $padding-top $padding-right $padding-bottom $padding-left; } } @if $include-ie { // framed components in ie7 strict mode suffer from an obscure bug that causes the tl and bl framing elements to // be shrink-wrapped to the width of their contents. This hack forces the elements' widths to fit to their parent .#{$prefix}strict .#{$prefix}ie7 { .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-tl, .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-bl { position: relative; right: 0; } } } } }