/* * Method which inserts a full background-image property for a theme image. * It checks if the file exists and if it doesn't, it'll throw an error. * By default it will not include the background-image property if it is not found, * but this can be changed by changing the default value of $include-missing-images to * be true. */ @function theme-background-image($theme-name, $path, $without-url: false, $relative: false) { $exists_image: theme-image($theme-name, $path, true, false); @if $exists_image { $exists: theme_image_exists($exists_image); @if $exists == true { @return theme-image($theme-name, $path, $without-url, $relative); } @else { @warn "@theme-background-image: Theme image not found: #{$exists_image}"; @if $include-missing-images { @return theme-image($theme-name, $path, $without-url, $relative); } @return none; } } @else { @warn "@theme-background-image: No arguments passed"; } }