Release history for Ext Gantt: 2.1.14 2013-01-05 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - New SDK demo with Java backend [API CHANGES] [BUG FIXES] - Fixed bug when updating assignments leading to multiple ajax requests - Fixed a bug, when it was possible to enter a dependency from itself when using predecessor/successor columns - Fixed a bug with inconsistent rendering after highlighting critical path and collapsing/expanding tasks - Fixed #563: The gantt chart shifts to right hand side after the gantt is exported as image. Please refer the attached image. - Fixed #564: While exporting the gantt as .png, the http error 500 is not handled properly. 2.1.13 2012-12-13 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] [API CHANGES] [BUG FIXES] - Fixed #552: Duration is not incremented when tapping out of end date column - Fixed bug in applyWeeks method of Gnt.widget.calendar.Calendar - Fixed #377: Interactive Gantt's print issue - II - Fixed #474: Interactive Gantt's print issue - VI - Fixed #544: [Gantt] Task store's getEventsInTimeSpan function error - Fixed #550: Colorpicker broken in Advanced sample - Fixed #543: Dependencies are not repainted when sort method of parent task is used - Fixed loadData bug where events were not resumed after loading empty array - Fixed #547: Values ​​already stored of the "Assigned Resources" in PHP demo not shown - Fixed #475: Export - add support for generating one fullsize PNG of the contents 2.1.12 2012-12-03 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - New data integration guide added at!/guide/gantt_data_integration - Sample data for the PHP Demo [API CHANGES] [BUG FIXES] - Fixed #488: Dependency lines not connected in exported PDF - Fixed #519: Baseline rendering issue if baseline dates are not in view - Fixed #498: Making a task a milestone or vice-versa doesn't change the schedule view - Fixed #482: Rendering artefacts in PDF export - Fixed #464: TaskStore's buffered not working with "loadData" method in 2.1.9 w/ ExtJS 4.1.2 - Fixed #516: Keeping nodes at their index position when using loadData - Fixed #530: Errors in PHP Demo - Fixed #531: Restore node data if node was not saved properly 2.1.11 2012-11-12 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - The TaskStore can now be provided as the EventStore for the Scheduler [API CHANGES] -The taskStore config option "skipWeekendsDuringDragDrop" now affects create operations too for consistency. [BUG FIXES] - Fixed #435: Pan outside Browser holding mouse click - Fixed #476: Printing don't respect locked grid width (minor typo...) - Fixed #426: Day in tooltip off by one when dragging milestones - Fixed #429: Selected rows not highlighted in UI but store has selected rows - Fixed #461: Milestone not set correctly if trying to add +1 day - Fixed #300: Interactive gantt's print issue - I - Fixed a bug, that could cause incorrect scroller position in buffered view - Fixed crash when adding overrides in the day/week Calendar widgets - Fixed bug in the Calendars example when editing resource calendars - Fixed #440: Dependency arrows are not refreshed after loadData - Fixed #442: Scroll position not maintained after loadData - Fixed #443: When I load tasks using loadData, the sort order is not according to the index property - Fixed #444: Start/end dates of container tasks not honored 2.1.10 2012-10-31 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - Added a new config option `adjustMilestones` for Start/EndDate columns - The "Cls" field of the dependency model can now contain several CSS classes, separated with spaces all of them will be used with appropriate suffixes for dependency DOM structure - Buffering + filtering is now supported at the same time [API CHANGES] - New 'refresh' event fired by DependencyView after it has repainted all the records in its store. [BUG FIXES] - Fixed #274: [2.1.2] Gantt DragCreator does not support validatorFn - Fixed #419: [2.1.9] Gantt freezes using weekStartDay : 0 - Fixed #427: Always all dependencies are repainted - Fixed #432: current time line missing when printing - Fixed #434: Display Problem when Scheduling View has scroll bars but Grid View does not - Fixed #435: Pan outside Browser holding mouse click - Fixed #441: Row height is large and causes issues in the display - Fixed #449: Interactive Gantt's print issue - IV - Fixed #450: Interactive Gantt's print issue - V - Fixed #459: Exception when editing end of task missing start date - Fixed #460: StartDate set incorrectly if no EndDate is present - Fixed #463: Dependency columns (successor/predecessor) are broken when using ExtJS 4.1.2 - Fixed bug with Task model "unAssign" method (did not take Task into account) - Fixed a bug, that could cause miscalculation of task duration, if task crosses date of DST change 2.1.9 2012-10-10 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - Greatly improved performance of "cascadeChanges" feature in certain heavily depended task sets - introduced filtering capabilities for See documentation for class - Added buffering support for Ext JS 4.1.2 [API CHANGES] - Previous rudimentary implementation of filtering for (#filter and #clearFilter methods) was deprecated and scheduled for removal in 2.2.0 Use the new methods from instead - All Task model 'addXXX' methods in Gnt.model.task.More now return the new task. - The "cascadeChanges" method of the Task model now stops on the first found unchanged task [BUG FIXES] - Fixed #382 : AssigmentCellEditor: "Unit" row cell editing remains visible after panel collapse - Fixed #383 : Duration units: 'zero' should use plural form - Fixed a bug, that the end date of the task with DynamicAssignment scheduling mode (and probably FixedDuration scheduling mode) could be incorrectly calculated in the "setStartDate" call - Fixed #405 : Localization for Gantt should include duration regexes - Fixed #411: [Bug] Gantt 2.1.8 - Daylight Saving Time - Fixed #412: Task start date bumped one day extra after editing - Fixed #402: Bypass layout system when adding/removing records to Gantt/Scheduler - Fixed #413: Deleting date from EndDate column and clicking outside couses error - Fixed #414: Error for DurationField not localizable - Fixed #389: [Ext JS 4.1.2] Buffering does not work - Russian locale file made up to date with english locale - Fixed #220: [2.1] allowDecimals on DurationField has no effect - Fixed #416: Column lines shift when horizontal scrollbar is at the rightmost position 2.1.8 2012-09-14 [KNOWN ISSUES] - Buffering is not yet supported with Ext JS 4.1.2 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - Lag between tasks can now be specified with arbitrary duration unit. See "LagUnit" field in the Sch.model.Dependency. - Added column extraction from the 'mpp' file imported in the in MS Project import demo. - Added a new 'columnfiltering' example showing how to use Ext.ux.grid.FiltersFeature for filtering columns - New Predecessor and Successor columns, making it super easy to setup links between tasks. - Ext JS 4.1.2 adaptions [API CHANGES] [BUG FIXES] - Fixed #361: Gnt.feature.ProgressBar should be configurable - Fixed a bug when shift-tabbing on the last cell of last row would insert a new row. - Fixed #364: [2.1.7] EndDate of parent task is wrong if the latest child is a milestone - Fixed #366: [Gantt 2.x] Dependencies removed on taskStore reload - Fixed #367: Add new task and add subtask can't save the directory structure (ASP.NET demo) - Fixed #370: [Gantt 2.x] schedulerConfig on the prototype crashes the gantt after destroy and create - Fixed #371: [Gantt 2.x] IE9 quirks mode throws exception after closing resource editor - Fixed #375: is there a css issue about the layout? - Fixed #386: [Gantt 2.x] Crash in calendar widget if week availability is missing some day in the week 2.1.7 2012-08-27 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - PHP Demo refactored, all responses are now created automatically. - The effort of the parent task is now updated to be the sum of children's efforts [API CHANGES] [BUG FIXES] - Fixed #314: [Gantt 2.x] Dependencies printed on last page - Fixed a bug, when task could not be resized to zero duration - Fixed #344: Dependency to new task not persisted - Fixed #347: format not respected in start/end columns for gantt - Fixed #311: Gantt 2.1.1 dependency regression (not properly fixed last time) - Fixed #348: Rows lose their alternate style on Drag and Drop - Fixed #352: drag create throws error after gantt is destroyed and created again - Fixed #355: Scrolling locked section of buffered Gantt horizontally does not work - Fixed #353: Assigning resources editor 2.1.6 2012-08-09 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - The zooming implementation has landed in the master branch. See the new "zooming" example and documentation of Sch.mixin.Zoomable mixin. - The *.jsb3 build files are now included in the full package - Two styling guides added to the docs. The first one is an introduction to Firebug, CSS, and basic styling of Gantt 2 component (!/guide/gantt_styling_guide). The second one throws some light on templates and styling with ExtJs 4 (!/guide/gantt_ext_styling_guide). [API CHANGES] [BUG FIXES] - Fixed #334: Task w/o assignments should use own or project calendar for `skipNonWorkingTime` method - Fixed #336: `skipNonWorkingTime` works incorrect in backward direction (for EndDate) 2.1.5 2012-08-01 [KNOWN ISSUES] [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - Better support for persisting phantom parent task without autoSync. PhantomParentId and PhantomId fields added to the Task model class. - PHP Demo updated to work with new date handling in 4.1.1 - Duration column now supports the "useAbbreviation" config option, allowing to use short (abbreviated) names of duration units - Start/End date columns will no longer round the date to the days, if format contains hours/minutes information [API CHANGES] [BUG FIXES] - Fixed #309: Progress bars are too long - Fixed #310: IE7: Dependency lines rendering issue - Zones should render in month view or greater. - Fixed #311: Gantt 2.1.1 dependency regression - Adaptions for using Scheduler/Gantt with ext-all-scoped.css - Fixed #317: Resize handler visibility when event has Resizable=false - Fixed #322: [Gantt 2.x] Columns should use field names from Model by default - Fixed #325: Getting an error: Cannot read property 'rendered' of null - Fixed #329: decimal precision = 0 not working on DurationEditor 2.1.4 2012-07-11 [KNOWN ISSUES] [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - Support for Ext JS 4.1.1 [API CHANGES] [BUG FIXES] - Fixed #280: [IE] Wrong link position to create a dependency - Fixed #287: Duration Calculation Issue When Custom Resource Calendar Exists - Fixed #288: Move Tasks in Gantt View - Fixed #289: Effort Driven Scheduling Mode (Task resize, left and right, in Gantt view) - Fixed #295: IE7: Rendering issues - rows are too high - Fixed #297: Buffered Gantt: Dependency bug 2.1.3 2012-06-29 [KNOWN ISSUES] [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - Added coloring of tasks via context menus to advanced example. - Added standalone PHP Demo - Added demo for importing existing projects from MS Project [API CHANGES] [BUG FIXES] - Fixed #286: [2.1] ZoomToFit in advanced sample hides bottom locked row - Fixed #258: error when using Gnt.model.Task with 2.1.2 2012-06-15 [KNOWN ISSUES] [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - The locked grid now shows a scrollbar if gantt chart is collapsed. [API CHANGES] [BUG FIXES] - Fixed bug with columnLines config breaking the rendering. - Fixed #271: TreeCellEditing "edit" event does not fire for duration column 2.1.1 2012-06-07 [KNOWN ISSUES] [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - The locked grid now shows a scrollbar if gantt chart is collapsed. [API CHANGES] [BUG FIXES] - Fixed #245: Store listeners not cleaned up on Gantt destroy - Fixed #248: weekendsAreWorkdays not working - Fixed #251: should require Sch.patches.TreeStore - Fixed #250: Dependency line moves with scroll - Fixed #249: Drag proxy for parent tasks isn't rendered correctly - Fixed #257: Error on TaskStore.load() when dependencyStore is not defined - Fixed #260: [2.1] Root node expand gives empty gantt chart when store is buffered - Fixed #261: task dependencies are not displayed on Gantt Panel when Duration field is used instead of EndDate - Fixed #118: Strange display of dependent link 2.1.0 2012-05-29 [KNOWN ISSUES] [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - Gantt package now includes the individual source files from the Scheduler, to allow custom builds [API CHANGES] [BUG FIXES] - Fixed #237: All stores for Gantt should accept store Ids (to be resolved with StoreMgr.lookup) - Fixed #239: [2.1] Gantt IE layout bug, width/height offset in IE9 2.1.0-beta-2 2012-05-17 [KNOWN ISSUES] - The Calendar UI is still undergoing refactoring and should not yet be used. - The buffering view is also still in progress (IE8 issues) and will be completed shortly. [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - The Gnt.widget.AssignmentGrid can now be configured via the gridConfig property of the assignment field class. [API CHANGES] [BUG FIXES] - Fixed cursor freeze issue in IE9 after drag drop operation - Fixed #218: Null dates causes gantt to freeze - Fixed #219: Grid and gantt jumping when cascading changes - Fixed issue with collapsing assignment editor when clicking its unit field editor 2.1.0-beta-1 2012-05-04 This is a first beta release based on Ext JS 4.1-final. It will not work with any Ext 4.0.x version. [KNOWN ISSUES] - according to our tests, CRUD for TreeStore is broken. This bug is reported to Sencha, and will be addressed in the next releases. [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - Row height syncing is now disabled and row height is controlled via CSS for better performance. [API CHANGES] [BUG FIXES] - fixed an issue, when the scrolling position of the grid could be lost after assignment store update - Fixed #157: Not possible to use 'renderer' for StartDateColumn 2.1.0-alpha-4 2012-04-23 [KNOWN ISSUES] [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - New indent/outdent methods on the TaskStore for multi-task operations - reduced tree construction time by 25% - Grid section now resizable by default [API CHANGES] [BUG FIXES] - Fixed #202: [2.1a3]/[2.0.x] Drag create breaks after first view refresh - Fixed #201: [2.1a3] Resize proxy height increases during resize operation - Improved support for TaskStore autoSync - Fixed issue when tabbing into an empty start date cell - Fixed issue with task labels not being hidden if task starts/ends outside the visible view. 2.1.0-alpha-3 2012-04-13 [KNOWN ISSUES] [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] [API CHANGES] - Task baseline fields are now part of default Task model fields ("BaselineStartDate", "BaselineEndDate", "BaselinePercentDone") - The scope used for the eventRenderer fn can now be configured via the eventRendererScope config option [BUG FIXES] - Bug fixed when using autoSync : true with TaskStore. New tests added - Corrected spelling of alias "widget.resourceassignmentcolumn", if you used this you need to correct spelling too. - Fixed bug with dependency drag drop always generating end-to-end links - Fixed drag drop bug when dropping task on exact same start date as it originated from [DEPRECATIONS] 2.1.0-alpha-2 2012-03-27 This is an alpha release based on Ext JS 4.1, tested only against Ext JS 4.1 RC1. It will not work with any earlier Ext JS version. You can download Ext JS 4.1 RC1 here (extract it to the same folder containing Ext Gantt 2.1): This release is not bug-free, and we would very much appreciate help in testing it and reporting anything you find. [KNOWN ISSUES] - "stateful" is broken in Ext 4.1 B3 - Loading XML into a Gantt TreeStore view should be avoided since it's not supported by Ext JS. - Buffered Gantt view is not yet working [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - New "addRowOnTab" config which inserts a new row when tabbing out of last cell in last row. - Documented the "resizeConfig" and "dragDropConfig" config options for gantt panel - Improved the advanced Gantt demo - All models now use customizable field names 2.1.0-alpha-1 2012-03-09 This is an alpha release based on Ext JS 4.1, tested only against Beta 3. It will not work with any Ext 4.0.x version. You can download Ext JS 4.1 B3 here (extract it to the same folder containing Ext Gantt 2.1): This release is not bug-free, and we would very much appreciate help in testing it and reporting anything you find. The main goal of this 2.0 release is to upgrade to Ext JS 4.1 which brings better performance. We have also done some refactoring, and there is one breaking change: you must now use a new for your dependencies. For guidance on using this very simple store, please see this forum thread: For more details about known issues and things relating to our products and Ext JS please see our wiki: [KNOWN ISSUES] - "stateful" is broken in Ext 4.1 B3 - Loading XML into a Gantt TreeStore view should be avoided since it's not supported by Ext JS. - Buffered Gantt view is not yet working [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - Implemented various new scheduling modes for tasks: 'FixedDuration', 'EffortDriven', 'DynamicAssignment' - Implemented a new "Gnt.column.Effort" column class, capable to update the "Effort/EffortUnit" fields of the tasks - Implemented a new "Gnt.column.SchedulingMode" column class, capable to update the "SchedulingMode" field of the tasks [API CHANGES] - We now use Ext.Date.defaultFormat as the default format for StartDate/EndDate columns, instead of "Y-m-d" - Default type for the "Units" field of the assignment model is now "float" (was "integer") - Default value for the "Units" field of the assignment model is now 100% - BREAKING: New dependency store class, which must be used. - BREAKING: Due to Ext JS NodeInterface change, the 'leaf' property must now be saved and returned by server in each request. [BUG FIXES] - Bug fixed when destroying a gantt panel that hadn't been rendered [DEPRECATIONS] - `ManuallyScheduled` field of the Task model is deprecated in favor of "SchedulingMode == 'Manual'" scheduled for removal in 2.2 2.0.9 2012-02-14 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - Localization improvements (column header texts) - Improved Holiday demo - can now be loaded using Ajax and doesn't have to be loaded prior to the task store [API CHANGES] [BUG FIXES] - Fixed #151: Lag not working correctly for hourly chart resolution - Fixed performance issue, that was freezing the browser when task at deep level of nesting was being changed - Fixed #164: Baseline is not / incorrectly shown if longer than selected date range - Fixed a bug, when a duration for manually scheduled task was converted to duration units 2.0.8 2012-01-18 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - new getCount method on TaskStore - Task fields can now be configured dynamically, see Task Model API docs for reference. - Dependency fields can now be configured dynamically, see Dependency Model API docs for reference. - Tasks can now be styled easily through a 'Cls' property in the Task Model. See updated Advanced example for usage. - Siesta test suite now included with the SDK. [API CHANGES] - New Task model method getPredecessors - New Task model method getSuccessors - Task model getOutComingDependencies corrected to getOutgoingDependencies - New Gantt panel config for baseline feature: baselineVisible, enableBaseline - showBaseline, hideBaseline, toggleBaseline are now available as public Gantt panel methods [BUG FIXES] - Fixed #31: Dependency is removed when using treeviewdragdrop plugin - Fixed auto scroll during task drag drop - Fixed #142: gantt panel: enableAnimations = false - expandAll()/collapseAll() error - Fixed #144: Bug when showing critical path and tasks/deps are not visible - Fixed bug related to resizeValidatorFn not working - Fixed bug related to snapToIncrement not working for resizing 2.0.7 2011-12-15 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - suspend events during "clearOnLoad" action of the TreeStore - muchly improved performance of the loading operation - Added 'Cls' field to Gnt.model.Dependency for easy CSS based styling of individual links. - Added an override, fixing ExtJS 4.0.7 CRUD for tree [API CHANGES] - The `Id` field was added to `Gnt.model.Assignment` - Resource assignment editors now makes UPDATE request instead of paired DELETE / CREATE requests [BUG FIXES] - fixed a bug when using a buffered task store and removing a task from task context menu - all tasks were removed - Fixed bug with dependency view not updating after an update/reject of a single Dependency model 2.0.6 2011-11-28 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - none [API CHANGES] - 'beforedragcreate' event handler now has a parameter indicating the date of the click position. [BUG FIXES] - fixed a bug that prevented the calendar from being loaded remotely from server (was only accepting inline data) - fixed a bug - calendar picker was using a hard-coded date format - Removing unnecessary refreshes (and dependency redraws) due to cascade action that didn't affect any other tasks - fixed a "delete dependency" action of the task context menu - it was using a "indexOfId" method which has different semantic in 4.0.2 and 4.0.7 - Fixed #123: When adding a task above the current task and the one below it are marked as selected - Fixed #130: Baseline incorrectly positioned if (BaselineStartDate == StartDate and BaselineEndDate == EndDate) - Fixed bug with indenting tasks, parents were not correctly updated 2.0.5 2011-11-11 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - added experimental support for config option "enableAnimations" (on the gantt panel) - will animate expand/collapse actions also fixes #119 - added ExtJS 4.0.6 compatibility - added ExtJS 4.0.7 compatibility [API CHANGES] - none [BUG FIXES] - Fixed bug with missing start/end date and baseline enabled - Fixed #116: Baseline incorrectly rendered in Gantt 2.x in IE - Fixed issue where parent task duration was not updated after its children were updated. - Fixed #120: partialtaskresize event is not fired - Fixed bug with recalculateParent when indenting a task. 2.0.4 2011-10-20 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - none [API CHANGES] - none [BUG FIXES] - Fixed bug where dependencies would be removed as a result of a task indent/outdent - Fixed bug which freezes browser when using snapToIncrement:true and resizing a task - Fixed bug #108: Problem with % assigned in assigning resources example 2.0.3 2011-09-23 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - none [API CHANGES] - new argument for labelediting events. The editor for the label is now passed too, so you can find the label position via editor.labelPosition ('right' or 'left'). [BUG FIXES] - #93, Column header disappears and locked grid gets cut off - additional 4.0.6 compatibility fixes 2.0.2 2011-09-16 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - configure the editor fields for start/end date columns with the same date format as the column has (only if `field` config option is not provided) - added config option `constrain` for dependency editor (restrict the editor window to current document edges) [API CHANGES] [BUG FIXES] - Fixed bug with context menu not showing with triggerEvent : 'itemcontextmenu' - Fixed IE7 bug, when tree column had the editor, clicking on the expander icon was throwing exception - #73, Fixed bug, when the "field" config option of the end date column was being overwritten thus making not possible to customize the field - #76, Fixed the tree store re-loading in buffered view - #77, fixed bug, when tasks could be rendered above the load mask - #80: Not all tasks are rendered when using buffered mode. - #83: When using buffered mode and trying to insert a new record a error is thrown - #84, fixed: "labeledit_beforestartedit" event misses task parameter 2.0.1 2011-08-31 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - added 'Id' field to DependencyModel, and also set its idProperty to 'Id' - added basic support for Lag on dependencies, only works for whole days right now [API CHANGES] - tasks highlighting no longer uses selection model ie - highlighted tasks will not be selected the row with the highlighted task has the `sch-gantt-task-highlighted` CSS class for now it shares the styles with the `x-row-selected` class, but this may change later [BUG FIXES] - fixed sorting on the TaskStore (could be broken on certain datasets) - Cleaned up several global variable leaks - #45 fixed dynamic loading bug in AssignmentCellEditor - Improved the support for loading from inline-data #43 - Fixed bug where a dependencyStore couldn't be located after a node reload - Fixed bug after editing Name (or any other column) with end date column visible. - #54, wrong end date when editing milestone - #63, Dependencies lost after sorting on StartDate in advanced example - #65, problem with finish date in basic example - #56, Highlighting dependent tasks - #68, Dependency lines not displayed correctly in IE7 - many bug fixes in the buffered view (thanks to EmCy) 2.0.0 2011-08-08 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - Support for Ext JS 4, including support for dynamic class loading - Support for skipping weekends and holidays (defined through a new calendarStore) - A set of columns classes, allowing 0-configurable editing of common task properties, like StartDate/EndDate/Duration - Improved resource assignment with new assignment editor - New demo showcasing task reordering by using drag and drop - Task indent/outdent - Removed dependencies on all 3rd party components/stores. The underlying code base of Ext Gantt is now pure Ext JS supported by Sencha. - Improved baseline support - Basic HTML print support - New dependency editor demo - Possible to set start and end dates by clicking and dragging (similar to how you create events in Ext Scheduler) [API CHANGES] - review in progress [BUG FIXES] - Fixed bug with dependencies not being rendered if a task cut the visible date range - Fixed styling bug for tasks that cut the visible date range - Normalized event names - Fixed bug when resizing progressbar