#set ($urlRoot = $CommonFunctions.displayReady($urlRoot)) $email_title #if ($isDescriptionChanged)

#if ($demand.getDescription() != "") The description of the demand "$demand.getName()" has been set to:
"$demand.getDescription()" #else The description of the demand "$demand.getName()" has been erased.

#end #if($isCommentsAdded)

#foreach($comment in $comments) #end
Comment Added By Comment Added
$comment.getKey() $comment.getValue()

#end #if($isStatusChange)

The status of the demand "$demand.getName()" has been set to $status.
#if($statusId == "000000000000") This demand has been marked as duplicate of "$originalDemandName". #end

#end #if($isAssociationChange)

#foreach ($association in $associations) #if ($association && $association.getKey()) $association.getKey() has been set as the $association.getValue() for the demand "$demand.getName()".
#end #end


View the demand details here: $email_launchapp
