#set ($JS_WINDOW = "js_window.vm") #parse("common_js.vm") #if ($showJSComments) /*--------------------------------------------------------------\ | Returns a new window with the specified settings. | \--------------------------------------------------------------*/ #end function getWindow(page,title,width,height,scrolling,resizable,toolbar,menubar) { var left = (screen.availWidth / 2) - (width / 2); var top = (screen.availHeight / 2) - (height / 2); return createWindow(page,title,width,height,top,left,scrolling,resizable,toolbar,menubar); } #if ($showJSComments) /*--------------------------------------------------------------\ | Creates a new window with the specified settings. | \--------------------------------------------------------------*/ #end #if ($browserID.equals("IE")) function createWindow(page,arg,width,height,top,left,scrolling,resizable,toolbar,menubar) { var winModalWindow = null; if (window.showModalDialog) { var features = "dependent=yes,width=" + width + ",height=" + height + ",top=" + top + ",left=" + left ; if ((scrolling != null) && (scrolling == true)) { features += ",scrollbars" ; } if ((resizable == null) || (resizable == true)) { features += ",resizable" ; } if ((menubar != null) && (menubar == true)) { features += ",menubar=yes" ; } if ((toolbar != null) && (toolbar == true)) { features += ",toolbar=yes" ; } winModalWindow = window.open (page,arg,features) ; winModalWindow.focus() ; } return winModalWindow; } #else function createWindow(page,arg,width,height,top,left,scrolling,resizable,toolbar,menubar) { return null; } #end