/* PAGING CONTROL */ // Get the paging start index. var g_startIndex = "$startIndex"; // Get the paging size. var g_pageSize = "$pageSize"; function initPagingControl() { var index = getSelectedIndex(g_pageSize); document.all.pagingControl.selectedIndex = index; #if ($requiresPaging1) initSliderHeight() ; #end } #if ($requiresPaging1) currentPage = $activePage - 1; numberOfPages = $pageVector.size() ; #foreach ($page in $pageVector) labelRanges[$velocityCount - 1] = unescapeBT("$page") ; #end #end #if (!$overridePageHandler) function pagingHandler(start) { if (start == null) { alert('$CommonFunctions.getEncodedTermFromResourceBundle($currentUserId,"AdminDialogs","paging.startindexmessage")'); start = 0 ; } var pagingControl = document.all.pagingControl ; var pagingOptions = pagingControl.options ; var step = pagingOptions[pagingControl.selectedIndex].value ; start = start * step ; // Save the paging start index. setGlobalData($pcViewName + "_pageStart",start) ; contentRefresh("NoSortChange",$isAscending,start,step); } #end /* PAGING CONTROL END */