
  • Default Namespace
  • XML Schema File: ns0.xsd

The data in this namespace is divided into elements and types. Types define the structure of the data. Elements define specific instances of the types, and are therefore more relevant to REST endpoints, which generally consume and/or produce elements.

The following elements are members of this namespace:

The following types are members of this namespace:

Element role

Example XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <role> <id> <!--content of type 'string'--> ... </id> <name> <!--content of type 'string'--> ... </name> <description> <!--content of type 'string'--> ... </description> </role>

Example JSON

{ "id" : "...", "name" : "...", "description" : "..." }

Element userView

User View

Example XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <userView> <userId> <!--content of type 'string'--> ... </userId> <userName> <!--content of type 'string'--> ... </userName> <departmentId> <!--content of type 'string'--> ... </departmentId> <departmentName> <!--content of type 'string'--> ... </departmentName> <costCenterId> <!--content of type 'string'--> ... </costCenterId> <costCenterName> <!--content of type 'string'--> ... </costCenterName> <skillClassId> <!--content of type 'string'--> ... </skillClassId> <skillClassName> <!--content of type 'string'--> ... </skillClassName> <hoursPerDay> <!--content of type 'string'--> ... </hoursPerDay> <calendarName> <!--content of type 'string'--> ... </calendarName> <passWord> <!--content of type 'string'--> ... </passWord> <fullName> <!--content of type 'string'--> ... </fullName> <fullNameDepartment> <!--content of type 'string'--> ... </fullNameDepartment> <loggedOn> <!--content of type 'string'--> ... </loggedOn> <roleName> <!--content of type 'string'--> ... </roleName> <roleTypeId> <!--content of type 'string'--> ... </roleTypeId> <roleTypeName> <!--content of type 'string'--> ... </roleTypeName> <managerId> <!--content of type 'string'--> ... </managerId> <managerName> <!--content of type 'string'--> ... </managerName> <disabled> <!--content of type 'boolean'--> ... </disabled> </userView>

Example JSON

{ "userId" : "...", "userName" : "...", "departmentId" : "...", "departmentName" : "...", "costCenterId" : "...", "costCenterName" : "...", "skillClassId" : "...", "skillClassName" : "...", "hoursPerDay" : "...", "calendarName" : "...", "passWord" : "...", "fullName" : "...", "fullNameDepartment" : "...", "loggedOn" : "...", "roleName" : "...", "roleTypeId" : "...", "roleTypeName" : "...", "managerId" : "...", "managerName" : "...", "disabled" : false }

Type budgetClass

Child Elements

name (type) min/max
id (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
name (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
description (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)

Type capacity

Child Elements

name (type) min/max
id (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
name (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
startDate (dateTime) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
endDate (dateTime) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
dailyCapacity (double) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
dailyRate (double) 0/1 (no documentation provided)

Type categoryValue

Child Elements

name (type) min/max
id (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
valueId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)

Type costCenter

Child Elements

name (type) min/max
id (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
name (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
description (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)

Type costResource

Child Elements

name (type) min/max
id (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
name (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
comments (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
costCenterId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
budgetClassId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
plannedCost (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
spentCost (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
remainingCost (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)

Type customCategory

Child Elements

name (type) min/max
id (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
currency (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
properties (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
applicableIds (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
access (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
name (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
description (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
displayList (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)

Type customCategoryValue

Child Elements

name (type) min/max
id (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
parentId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
name (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
description (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)

Type department

Child Elements

name (type) min/max
id (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
name (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
description (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)

Type extTask

Child Elements

name (type) min/max
task (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
duration (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
user (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
leaf (boolean) 1/1 (no documentation provided)
cls (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
iconCls (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
uiProvider (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
cost (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
children (extTask) 0/unbounded (no documentation provided)

Type ganttDependency

Child Elements

name (type) min/max
fromId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
toId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
type (int) 1/1 (no documentation provided)

Type ganttTask

Child Elements

name (type) min/max
id (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
leaf (boolean) 1/1 (no documentation provided)
name (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
percentage (decimal) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
priority (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
responsible (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
startDate (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
endDate (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
parentId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)

Type manHourResource

Child Elements

name (type) min/max
id (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
name (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
comments (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
costCenterId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
userId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
statusId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
skillClassId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
plannedModel (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
remainingModel (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
spentModel (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
percentage (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
plannedManualDistribution (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
plannedHours (decimal) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
spentHours (decimal) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
remainingHours (decimal) 0/1 (no documentation provided)

Type project

A project class.

Child Elements

name (type) min/max
id (string) 0/1 The id of the project.
department (string) 0/1 The department id of the project.
group (string) 0/1 The group id of the project.
type (string) 0/1 The type id of the project.
status (string) 0/1 The status id of the project.
lastDiscussion (string) 0/1 The last discussion of the project.
requestorId (string) 0/1 The requestor id of the project.
requestDate (dateTime) 0/1 The request date of the project.
plannedCompletionDate (dateTime) 0/1 The planned completion date of the project.
startDate (dateTime) 0/1 The start date of the project.
plannedCost (decimal) 0/1 The planned cost of the project.
spentCost (decimal) 0/1 The spent cost of the project.
plannedManHours (decimal) 0/1 The planned man hours of the project.
spentManHours (decimal) 0/1 The spent man hours of the project.
timesheetModel (string) 0/1 The timesheet model of the project.
percentageModel (string) 0/1 The percentage model for the project.
percentage (decimal) 0/1 The percentage for the project.
timeStamp (string) 0/1 The time stamp of the project.
baseLineStartDate (dateTime) 0/1 The base line start date of the project.
baseLinePlannedCompletionDate (dateTime) 0/1 The base line planned completion date of the project.
baseLinePlannedCost (decimal) 0/1 The base line planned cost of the project.
currencyBLPC (string) 0/1 The currency of the project.
baseLinePlannedManHours (decimal) 0/1 The base line planned man hours of the project.
forcedHealth (string) 0/1 The forced health of the project.
PCOverride (string) 0/1 The project completion override of the project.
SCOverride (string) 0/1 The sc override of the project.
PMOverride (string) 0/1 The planned man hours override of the project.
SMOverride (string) 0/1 The sm override of the project.
CDOverride (string) 0/1 The cd override of the project.
SDOverride (string) 0/1 The start date override of the project.
externalId (string) 0/1 The external id of the project.
TDCalendar (string) 0/1 The td calendar of the project.
TSCalendar (string) 0/1 The ts calendar of the project.
currency (string) 0/1 The currency of the project.
resourceRollupStatuses (string) 0/unbounded The resource rollup status ids' of the project.
processId (string) 0/1 The process id of the project.
name (string) 0/1 The name of the project.
syncData (string) 0/1 The sync data of the project.
description (string) 0/1 The description of the project.
members (string) 0/unbounded The team member ids' of the project.
managers (string) 0/unbounded The manager ids' of the project.
sponsors (string) 0/unbounded The sponsor ids' of the project.
owners (string) 0/unbounded The owner ids' of the project.
submittedTos (string) 0/unbounded The submitted to ids' of the project.
notificationRecipients (string) 0/unbounded The notification recipient user ids' of the project.
categoryValues (categoryValue) 0/unbounded (no documentation provided)

Type projectNode

Child Elements

name (type) min/max
project (project) 0/1 (no documentation provided)

Type projectStatus

Child Elements

name (type) min/max
id (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
name (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
description (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
color (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
trackingEnforced (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)

Type projectType

Child Elements

name (type) min/max
id (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
name (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
description (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
templateList (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)

Type role

Child Elements

name (type) min/max
id (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
name (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
description (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)

Type skillClass

Child Elements

name (type) min/max
id (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
name (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
description (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
rate (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
currency (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)

Type task

Child Elements

name (type) min/max
id (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
name (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
description (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
notes (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
startDate (dateTime) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
startDateDependency (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
startDateDependencyAdjustment (int) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
targetDate (dateTime) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
targetDateDependency (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
targetDateDependencyAdjustment (int) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
advancedRule (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
advancedIds (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
statusId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
ownerId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
priorityId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
typeId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
percentage (decimal) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
percentageModel (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
lastUpdated (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
durationModel (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
workloadDistModel (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
externalId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
manHourResources (manHourResource) 0/unbounded (no documentation provided)
costResources (costResource) 0/unbounded (no documentation provided)

Type taskNode

Child Elements

name (type) min/max
task (task) 0/1 (no documentation provided)

Type taskStatus

Child Elements

name (type) min/max
id (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
name (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
description (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
equivalentStatusId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)

Type taskType

Child Elements

name (type) min/max
id (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
name (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
description (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)

Type userProfile

User Profile

Child Elements

name (type) min/max
userId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
userName (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
passWord (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
firstName (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
lastName (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
middleInitial (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
title (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
departmentName (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
departmentId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
departmentCode (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
field1 (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
field2 (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
field3 (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
field4 (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
field5 (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
field6 (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
emailAddress (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
skillClassId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
costCenterId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
hoursPerWeek (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
calendarId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
managerId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
laborRate (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
currencyLR (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
externalId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
locale (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
currencyMode (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
currencyCode (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
roleIds (string) 0/unbounded (no documentation provided)
skillClasses (userSkillClass) 0/unbounded (no documentation provided)
capacities (capacity) 0/unbounded (no documentation provided)

Type userSkillClass

Child Elements

name (type) min/max
id (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
percentage (int) 0/1 (no documentation provided)

Type userView

User View

Child Elements

name (type) min/max
userId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
userName (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
departmentId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
departmentName (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
costCenterId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
costCenterName (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
skillClassId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
skillClassName (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
hoursPerDay (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
calendarName (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
passWord (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
fullName (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
fullNameDepartment (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
loggedOn (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
roleName (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
roleTypeId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
roleTypeName (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
managerId (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
managerName (string) 0/1 (no documentation provided)
disabled (boolean) 0/1 (no documentation provided)


REST Endpoints

SOAP Services

XML Data Elements

XML Data Types