The task services is used to perform actions on the data associated with a user.
Endpoint Metadata
The following methods are available on this endpoint:
Creates a new man hour resource for the given task id.
Input Parameters
name |
description |
projectId |
project id
taskId |
task id where the new resource will be created
mhr |
the man hour resource data
name |
description |
DataNotFoundException |
If the task doesn't exist.
PermissionDeniedException |
If you don't have permission.
SystemException |
(no documentation provided)
Creates a default task.
Input Parameters
name |
description |
projectId |
project id
Return Value
The new task with all default values.
name |
description |
DataNotFoundException |
(no documentation provided)
PermissionDeniedException |
If you don't have permission.
SystemException |
(no documentation provided)
Creates a sub task below the given task id.
Input Parameters
name |
description |
projectId |
project id
taskId |
task id where the new task will be created below
task |
Optional task to be created.
Return Value
The created task.
name |
description |
DataNotFoundException |
(no documentation provided)
PermissionDeniedException |
If you don't have permission.
SystemException |
(no documentation provided)
Creates a task.
Input Parameters
name |
description |
projectId |
project id
task |
The task to be updated.
Return Value
The updated task.
name |
description |
DataNotFoundException |
(no documentation provided)
PermissionDeniedException |
If you don't have permission.
SystemException |
(no documentation provided)
Creates a task above the given task id.
Input Parameters
name |
description |
projectId |
project id
taskId |
task id where the new task will be created above
task |
Optional task to be created.
Return Value
The created task.
name |
description |
DataNotFoundException |
(no documentation provided)
PermissionDeniedException |
If you don't have permission.
SystemException |
(no documentation provided)
Creates a task below the given task id.
Input Parameters
name |
description |
projectId |
project id
taskId |
task id where the new task will be created below
task |
Optional task to be created.
Return Value
The created task.
name |
description |
DataNotFoundException |
(no documentation provided)
PermissionDeniedException |
If you don't have permission.
SystemException |
(no documentation provided)
Deletes a task.
Input Parameters
name |
description |
projectId |
project id
taskId |
task id
name |
description |
DataNotFoundException |
(no documentation provided)
PermissionDeniedException |
(no documentation provided)
Input Parameters
name |
description |
projectId |
(no documentation provided)
Return Value
(no documentation provided)
name |
description |
PermissionDeniedException |
(no documentation provided)
Input Parameters
name |
description |
projectId |
(no documentation provided)
Return Value
(no documentation provided)
name |
description |
PermissionDeniedException |
(no documentation provided)
Input Parameters
name |
description |
projectId |
(no documentation provided)
Return Value
(no documentation provided)
name |
description |
PermissionDeniedException |
(no documentation provided)
Get a task.
Input Parameters
name |
description |
projectId |
project id
taskId |
task id
Return Value
The task.
name |
description |
DataNotFoundException |
(no documentation provided)
PermissionDeniedException |
(no documentation provided)
Get the task hierarchy.
Input Parameters
name |
description |
projectId |
project id
Return Value
The project node.
name |
description |
PermissionDeniedException |
(no documentation provided)
Updates a task.
Input Parameters
name |
description |
projectId |
project id
task |
The task to be updated.
Return Value
The updated task.
name |
description |
DataNotFoundException |
(no documentation provided)
PermissionDeniedException |
If you don't have permission.
SystemException |
(no documentation provided)